Hi folks, I'm a newbie to the forums here, and have an untimely (unfortunately, it would seem) question.
Long story short: For the past many years, I've been using an iMac 20" "iLamp" G4 model that has performed flawlessly and that I have loved dearly. Just yesterday, it failed to start up, and when I got it diagnosed at the local mac repair shop, the message was that it needed a new power supply and logic board, which would come to about $600 + the diagnostic fee...you can see where this is going. For the price of the repair, I should just shop for a new iMac and get a newer faster machine. Which isn't a terrible thing in the end, as already the old one was having trouble running some of my larger programs (like Sibelius 5 & 6), and I hoped to also use it for Logic Express at some point.
So, I start looking around, only to find that the gorgeous new 27" iMacs are having all sorts of problems reported with them, and the other machines, while nice, are not that much bigger screenwise than the one I had. Everyone i know advises me to buy as powerful a machine as I can so it can last as long as possible with the new upgraded software coming out, which points me to a quadcore iMac... except for the problems being reported.
So, if you were shopping for a new iMac at the moment, what would you do?
1) Wait until the new 27" quadcores seem to have stabilized, then order one.
2) buy one anyway and hope for the best.
3) buy one of the dualcore 27" machines and live with the slower processor
4) Buy one of the smaller, more proven 21.5" machines with the slower processors
5) Say "to hell with it' and go buy a PC that I'll hate from the moment I open the box
A couple of specific questions along the way:
* Is it only the quadcore 27" machines that seem to be having problems?
* If so, are both the i5 and i7 chips reporting equal problems, or is it mostly the i7 equipped models?
* Since I don't do much in the way of video editing at all, am i worrying unnecessarily about processor speed?
Long story short: For the past many years, I've been using an iMac 20" "iLamp" G4 model that has performed flawlessly and that I have loved dearly. Just yesterday, it failed to start up, and when I got it diagnosed at the local mac repair shop, the message was that it needed a new power supply and logic board, which would come to about $600 + the diagnostic fee...you can see where this is going. For the price of the repair, I should just shop for a new iMac and get a newer faster machine. Which isn't a terrible thing in the end, as already the old one was having trouble running some of my larger programs (like Sibelius 5 & 6), and I hoped to also use it for Logic Express at some point.
So, I start looking around, only to find that the gorgeous new 27" iMacs are having all sorts of problems reported with them, and the other machines, while nice, are not that much bigger screenwise than the one I had. Everyone i know advises me to buy as powerful a machine as I can so it can last as long as possible with the new upgraded software coming out, which points me to a quadcore iMac... except for the problems being reported.
So, if you were shopping for a new iMac at the moment, what would you do?
1) Wait until the new 27" quadcores seem to have stabilized, then order one.
2) buy one anyway and hope for the best.
3) buy one of the dualcore 27" machines and live with the slower processor
4) Buy one of the smaller, more proven 21.5" machines with the slower processors
5) Say "to hell with it' and go buy a PC that I'll hate from the moment I open the box
A couple of specific questions along the way:
* Is it only the quadcore 27" machines that seem to be having problems?
* If so, are both the i5 and i7 chips reporting equal problems, or is it mostly the i7 equipped models?
* Since I don't do much in the way of video editing at all, am i worrying unnecessarily about processor speed?