Macbook air is very competitively priced at the entry level. Apple isn’t going to go cheaper than MacBook Air.I don’t think they should drop AIR, I just think they should use it appropriately.
The current iPad Air and MacBook Air aren’t the most “airlike”.
MacBook airs became popular solely for their size. They were popular when they were on slow intel chips with non retina displays, way past when they should’ve been.
Apple truly need to reevaluate using the Air moniker to embrace small and light. There’s obviously a market. All those people who bought the 2013-2017 MacBook air haven’t vanished and I’m sure are quite annoyed at the profile shape of the M2 air and how easily it doesn’t slide into their bag.
I also annoyed that there’s no “low power” option for people truly wanting a kids laptop. The white polycarbonate MacBook was a perfect computer and would shine with Apple silicon and the engineering advances they’ve made since 2006.
Ultimately if they came out with a MacBook that was less powerful, cheaper and slightly bulkier, they could absolutely charge more for the MacBook air
They should drop the 13 inch MacBook Pro and relaunch it as MacBook.