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I still don't get it. Can I run iWork on it? Is it just like a laptop with a touch screen? It looks like a huge cell phone and the software is not OS X! What is it? What does it do? Just want to know is all. I can't run my apps on it but I can take it all over the place? What good is it for then? What are the "killer apps" that make the iPad useful?

I'm praying this post is a joke.
LOL I had to re-read that line myself... I was like, "Wait, what?" :D

lmao i meant between that and christmas.
so there is an equal 6 month wait for me between those 2 holidays.

for someone else who had a birthday in say january, they would have
to wait most year round and have them cramped together :)
Seriously another thread that makes you think !

decisions decisions decisions.....


followed by an almighty

I like gadgets and toys as much as anyone but there's something weird about this kind of question.

It seems like the OP doesn't have a clear need or even strong desire for the iPad but wants to be talked into buying it. I think he said that he could "imagine himself using it" in different situations.

Apple has done something interesting here. They've gotten a person (likely several) to start generating their own reasons for buying one instead of providing those reasons.

I definitely fall into the same trap too. I decided to buy myself a new watch a few months ago. I was perfectly happy before I made that decision, but once I started looking, it became easier to fixate over small things. I spent hours researching, comparison shopping, etc. It made me less happy to want something.

I think that the more we try to fill our lives with superficial things, the easier it becomes to do so and the harder it is to invest in things like close relationships, quiet or contemplative thought, or things that take longer to do. Life isn't a beer commercial. If you have to ask yourself if you need something, you probably don't.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

Oh please. There is sooo much information here on what the ipad can and can't do, where it can do it, where it can't, and on and on. All it takes is 5 minutes of browsing the first three pages of the forum. But as is the ever increasing behavior of today's self important and entitled people, they think THEIR question warrants immediate and personal attention, regardless of the existence of a wealth of information that answers many of their questions.

To spend 5 minutes researching before posting their emergency query is too much to ask of these people. And the board gets flooded with "my repeat question is important too!" posts, while legitimately unique posts get pushed out of front page view.

If this forum was a real place, you wouldn't go around asking everyone around you if anyone has asked a particular question, would you? Just replying to a thread and saying 'search' is not helpful in any way and does not contribute to the thread in any way.
If this forum was a real place, you wouldn't go around asking everyone around you if anyone has asked a particular question, would you? Just replying to a thread and saying 'search' is not helpful in any way and does not contribute to the thread in any way.

If this forum was a real place, it would be a room that said iPad Discussions on the door. Would you burst into the room and start blathering on with questions? Maybe you'd sit for a bit and observe, no?

This is a bad analogy anyhow because in a real world scenario, outside of a courtroom, everything everyone says is not documented and researchable.

It's not the people who ask long ago discussed or esoteric questions that annoy me. It's the people who waltz in, can't be bothered to scroll through 1 or 2 pages of the recent threads, and arrogantly (or moronically) assume they are the very first person who has ever asked such a clever or unique question. They are the internet equivalent of the person who cuts the front of a line, while pretending they didn't know there was a line.
If this forum was a real place, it would be a room that said iPad Discussions on the door. Would you burst into the room and start blathering on with questions? Maybe you'd sit for a bit and observe, no?

This is a bad analogy anyhow because in a real world scenario, outside of a courtroom, everything everyone says is not documented and researchable.

It's not the people who ask long ago discussed or esoteric questions that annoy me. It's the people who waltz in, can't be bothered to scroll through 1 or 2 pages of the recent threads, and arrogantly (or moronically) assume they are the very first person who has ever asked such a clever or unique question. They are the internet equivalent of the person who cuts the front of a line, while pretending they didn't know there was a line.

A forum is a venue for open discussion. That means you shouldn't have to research every single thread beforehand to make sure that your issue has never, ever, ever been mentioned in the history of the world.
A forum is a venue for open discussion. That means you shouldn't have to research every single thread beforehand to make sure that your issue has never, ever, ever been mentioned in the history of the world.

And as an ADULT you make your own decisions , you dont ask others to decide for you.

Does your mommy dress you too ? :rolleyes:
Yes, get an iPad if you aren't duplicating gadgets

I say get one. I just ordered mine (and I was sad that it won't ship for 7-10 business days). Why did I get one? Well, My wife and I have a desktop system in another room that we use for serious stuff, and I was looking to replace our 3 1/2 year old laptop (a 1.83 GHz C2D MacBook). All we really need is an internet device to use in the family room. The iPad fit the bill perfectly. Since we probably won't take it anywhere, I got the $499.00 16 GB wi-fi model (after selling the MacBook on Ebay. The wife won't let me buy one outright).
I was in the same situation before buying my iPad. Just buy it if you don't like it return it. I like my iPad, i do have to admit that sometimes I find my self trying to justify it. :D
I was in the same situation before buying my iPad. Just buy it if you don't like it return it. I like my iPad, i do have to admit that sometimes I find my self trying to justify it. :D

Yeah, I think this should be the stock answer to these "should I get an iPad"

If you aren't happy with it, just return the darn thing within 14 days, and pay the 10% restocking fee. Consider the $50-80 fee you have to pay as a "rental fee" I am sure there are those of us on these forums in their 20-30s who blow through $50-80 on a random Friday/Saturday night at the local bars....maybe a lot more at the local strip joint.

Or if you are that cheap, just play with the iPad at the local Apple store (and select best buys). You will have all the time in the world to test drive those demo units.
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