if buying thru the education store. isn't it 3 years warranty anyway? thats what i remember from somewhere anyhow. may have my info wrong.
from their t&c
10. One (1) year Limited Warranty
10.1 All new Hardware carries a one-year limited warranty against defects in materials and workmanship.
The warranty terms and conditions, which form part of and are incorporated into this Contract by reference, are
available for you to see by clicking the appropriate hyperlink below. Such warranty terms and conditions are
also contained in your Apple Hardware box. You may review a copy of the limited warranty on Apple Hardware
products, including its limitations and exclusions, before your purchase, by clicking the appropriate link below.
Such a limited warranty covers all Apple Hardware except those explicitly mentioned below in clause 10.1.1
One-year limited warranty for new products except iPod
!One-year limited warranty for iPod
!!The one-year limited warranty does not cover Software, Services or any other Products. You should refer to the
relevant Software licences for warranties which may apply to your Software.!!
10.1.1 All Apple-branded desktop and portable computer products shall be subject to a 36 calendar month
warranty period commencing from the date of purchase (the date of your invoice).!!