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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 13, 2005
Los Angeles
I might want to get this iMac to add to my collection because it's cool and I've never owned one...The speed is fast enough and I don't know if it is a good price..


iMac G4
700mhz, 256mb 40gb

SHOULD I Buy it?

(EDIT) Can anyone tell me the specs, such as video card and FSB.thanks


macrumors 68030
May 11, 2004
fig tree
i'm not sure i'd go for it. it's a 15" model, correct? that's not much screen space, and not much of a video card. it also uses regular ol' sdram which is harder to find nowadays, and much more expensive. add to that its optical drive is rather slow, and its hard drive may be 5400rpm, i'm not sure i'd go for it--maybe a mac mini for only $100 more, especially if you have a monitor sitting around. however, if it's for your collection, or if you just like the design, go for it! by the way, i'm sure ive mentioned this before but i love your profile pic!


macrumors 6502a
Sep 11, 2005
Chicago, IL
I actually don't know much about the specs, although this wikipedia article may help. My dad has this iMac and he loves it, it still works quickly and hasn't had any problems. If I could find one for that price, I'd definitely buy it as I think it's the best looking iMac that Apple has released.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 13, 2005
Los Angeles
Well I mean I have a lot of much faster computers, just I LOVE the design....and a discount electronics store here in town has a bunch of them for sell.

(edit) Mac Mini's have no screen,the graphics are the same,and I don't need it for my primary computer. Can I upgrade the combo drive to a super drive?


macrumors 68030
May 11, 2004
fig tree
iQuit said:
Well I mean I have a lot of much faster computers, just I LOVE the design....and a discount electronics store here in town has a bunch of them for sell.

(edit) Mac Mini's have no screen,the graphics are the same,and I don't need it for my primary computer. Can I upgrade the combo drive to a super drive?
yes, i'm fairly sure you'll be able to upgrade to a superdrive.
oh, and if you're in san antonio (saw your location as texas) what computer store was it? that's a pretty good deal considering what most people would charge.

katie ta achoo

Blogger emeritus
May 2, 2005
iQuit said:
(edit) Mac Mini's have no screen,the graphics are the same,and I don't need it for my primary computer. Can I upgrade the combo drive to a super drive?

Yeah, sure.

crack it open, have the correct kind of drive, and go nuts.

or order the Mini already super'd from Apple. :)


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
My friend just picked one up for $200 plus got tons of free software that only runs on 9. She has 9 and panther on's not tiger friendly. It's a beauty and she loves it.
I'd get it for $300 no more.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2005
iQuit said:
I might want to get this iMac to add to my collection because it's cool and I've never owned one...The speed is fast enough and I don't know if it is a good price..

iMac G4
700mhz, 256mb 40gb

SHOULD I Buy it?

(EDIT) Can anyone tell me the specs, such as video card and FSB.thanks

iMac Specs

Click the link above....hope it's the right one. You can always check Apple's Support pages for this kind of stuff. :)

As far as price goes, IMHO $350.00 Tops :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2005
iQuit said:
Where can I find it for any less?????

eBay :eek:

used computer store in your area, especially one that hates Macs! :D

Google it

Pissed off Mac owner..those are the best deals! :D

Use the forum here at MR :)

My brain just quit................ :eek:


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 13, 2005
Los Angeles
That price ($399) is from like the lowest priced electronics store here, eBay has it for WAYYY more, and I haven't seen it posted here on MR....should I just buy it?


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2005
iQuit said:
That price ($399) is from like the lowest priced electronics store here, eBay has it for WAYYY more, and I haven't seen it posted here on MR....should I just buy it?

Actually, the price seems fair and is probably the current suggested retail price for that machine in that configuration. :)
I would up the RAM a bit as soon as I could after playing with it for about a week.

Go ahead! :D

Is it from an on-line store?

Just checked're right! :D

Reread your last post, so ignore the question above.

I would walk in there and offer them $350 cash and see what they say. What have you got to loose? :)

If they won't go for it, well you want it any way so.....get it! :D


macrumors regular
Sep 24, 2005
I can't believe they go for that much now! I'm still not a big fan of the design, but to each their own...
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