The main adobe application I'm using is premiere and after effects...not sure how many cores they would use.
As it happens, these two applications within CS5.5 can use more than 4x cores.
Also in terms of external storage for my iMac I was considering the Fantom 2TB 3.0 usb external this a good option?
No, as it's horribly slow.
To edit, rip, or animate quickly, you need fast disk I/O (i.e. we have members running hardware RAID systems over 600MB/s in order to keep up with how they use their systems, and it's not cheap).
To give you an idea how crazy things can get...:
- New MP $6.2k (12 core beast @ 2.93GHz)
- Storage $4.5k
- Memory $1.5k (96GB)
- Monitor $5k
Obviously this is the insanity level, but you should be able to get an idea of what you could end up getting into if you have enough business to justify it.
I don't have all the money in the world for space (maybe 200 max). Whats the best way to partition it? Stuff I'm not using on the hard drive along with a time machine backup? Or should I just put all video, including projects I'm working on onto the HDD. I currently have 12gb/16gb of it worth 45 to max it out to 16gb?
Building a sufficient system is a balance of getting performance out of all areas sufficient for how you're using the equipment.
For example, you can have all the cores in the world, but if you don't have enough memory, or use a single disk to feed everything, then you're cores are starving most of the time. Any bottleneck in the system will cause you problems, so it's about balancing the memory capacity and disk I/O with the available cores.
In the case of your current system, your storage subsystem is your biggest bottleneck, followed by memory.
Unfortunately, $200 isn't going to get you much (USB or FW is all that would be feasible on that budget, and they're not fast interfaces these days). For performance, you'll need to use ThunderBolt for sufficient throughput, and those options aren't exactly inexpensive ATM. So it would be best to save up (still not seeing any eSATA to ThunderBolt adapters yet). BTW, the starting cost on a
Pegasus R4 is $1150.
I would assume it is since ive maxed out ram before whilst editing.
Pay attention to your memory usage to be sure.
The iMac has a limited memory capacity (32GB), so you've limits as to how much you can put in it (32GB is possible by buying 4x 8GB SODIMM's, but you have to replace all existing memory in order to fit that much in, and that would run you ~$350 using
2x of these).
And you'd still be short on storage I/O (still the slowest/weakest link in the chain).
Haha I know your not picking on me about making a living, but just wondering also do you have any suggestions on how I can make money with my given talents? I don't know anyone in my town who can edit and shoot as well as I can (including my award winning TV/vid production teacher). I earn maybe 115 a month off youtube which isn't bad, but if you by any chance had any ideas that would be great.
Talk to your teacher as they know the local area (personal contacts tend to generate the best results in my experience). Past that, see what you can do as per finding work online, and even knock on a few company's doors (in that profession/need someone that does it), and see if you can show them examples of your work.
might be better just to get a Pegasus or Lacie, or wait for other enclosures to come out, if IO is your primary concern.
Improvements in HDD I/O would do more than just buying more cores, as the disk I/O issue would exist for any new system as well.
Granted, additional cores would be faster with the applications he's using, but the costs start to climb past what's being considered, and given the budget of $200 for storage, more than can be handled ATM (new system + monitor suitable for color accuracy + enough memory + HDD's/SSD's for disk I/O sufficient enough to keep those cores fed).