it's just that a lot of people don't see the point of having an ipad when so many folks already have most bases covered with smartphones, netbooks, PC's, Kindles, etc.
Dave1812dave has been making this claim for awhile. Yes if you have a desktop, smartphone, laptop/netbook, Kindles the iPad would seem to be redundant.
The thing is many people don't have a Kindle and don't want to lug a laptop around the house and find the smartphone great for on the go but hard on the eyes for longer work.
As with any computer you should have a use for it.
I got rid of my desktop a few year back and use a laptop connected to a second monitor and external drives. On road trips I have a the laptop.
My iPhone has been great as a smartphone but I wouldn't want to write a proposal on it and checking emails late night in bed was getting hard on the eyes.
I don't own a Kindle so the iPad filled a void in my computer needs.
I can leave my laptop hooked up and don't need to carry it upstairs to work in bed or around the home.
Dave1812dave doesn't think there is a spot for the iPad as they have all been filled and yes if you own the fore mentioned devices you more then likely have your bases covered but the iPad does seem to do the work of at least 2 of them, Kindle and a netbook and if you don't own those already I would recommend the iPad.
As a side note, my mother who is in her early 60's took to the iPad nicely. She mostly does email and web browsing and very little else. I might replace here desktop with an iPad and THAT is a whole new class of sales for the iPad to tap into.