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Yeah, a lot of chemicals in those old CRTs/motherboards...

LOL! The motherboard is not in the water, it's behind the tank on a perch I built for the purpose.

I imagined the person you quoted was more concerned about the big fat goldfish in the little 3 gallon Macquarium.

the mark of a seasoned fishkeeper: more plants than fish. all fish of the same kind.:)
So true! Or it ends up being all exotic plants :D!.

This thread is making me jealous. I've got two 3 footers, and a 2 foot amphibian tank (for tree frogs) that are just languishing in the garage. No where to set them up currently :(.
Hey guys, I'm 15 and have been taking care of aquariums for about 4 years now. My first couple fish were both bettas in those 2 gallon hexagon aquariums because my dad though I should practice on easier and more basic stuff before going into new stuff. After the bettas, I got a 10 gallon aquarium with the basic gravel and a basic lightbulb and fake plants. At first, it was headed towards disaster because I forgot to clean the aquarium one time for 4 weeks and the PH and ammonia level was extremely high, not to mention I put my aquarium right by the window which I didn't know you were supposed to do so there was a bunch of algae. That aquarium mostly consisted of guppies and neon tetras. So I gave my fish to my friends and started over. The second time around I had some sword tails and dwarf gouramis and I took care of them very well, I learned my lesson.

After those fish died, my dad thought I should step up to the next level so this summer he made me keep my 10 gallon aquarium, he bought me a very nice flourescent light hood, and let me put in real plants, still with the basic gravel but with added plant clay, and he let me put in whatever fish I wanted. I first put in some flying foxes because they are very very pretty fish and can eat some of the algae that grows on the plants, after that about a month later I added in 4 rasboras (sp?), which are very pretty tetras, and about a month later I added an albino plechastomas (sp?) and now I might add in a gourami or two. I've had the aquarium since this summer and it still looks brand new. After I show my dad I can take care of this aquarium, he is going to buy me a 55 gallon! :D :D :D :D

I will add some pictures tonight.
the mark of a seasoned fishkeeper: more plants than fish. all fish of the same kind.:)

kudos :)

haha yeah, this is my first planted tank, but have had fish forever.

the specs of the tank are:
20 gallon standard
aquaclear 50
diy c02
65w coralife cfl with diy lunar lights
4 harlequin rasboras
4 oto catfish

within the next month:
i will up the stock of the rasboras
ehiem 2215 canister filter
pressurized c02
Also my tank was new but had two weeks with nothing in it before I ever put any fish in it. I always thought that 2 weeks was enough time to introduce fish.

Did you cycle the tank for those two weeks (adding ammonia and checking the levels) or just leave it alone? There is no benefit to just leaving the water standing, no bacteria will grow and any you have will die without the source of ammonia.

Anyway, I have found this site and forum to be most useful if you need any more information on anything at all --
Getting new plants soon and waiting for the ones I have to grow out.
Disregard the water marks, I've been lazy about cleaning the outside recently.


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Here's the goldfish in the first tank. Some neon tetras and a couple of cats in the next two pictures of a second tank and finally a betta.


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Here's my little 12 gallon CADlights all-in-one.


It's cycling with live rock for a couple more weeks.
WOW....who knew? I never thought having a fish tank was so interesting! I may get one....after the required research has been done. This thread has been an eye-opener for me. :eek:
My tank is a cylinder. Has 2 fancy tail guppies and one GloFish (not gold fish). I have an LED mood light thing that has several different colors.



The redish one and one of the yellow guppies ate the other yellow one few weeks ago. Poor guy. He was my favorite. Had some redness and yellow in him.

There is also a sucker fish in there. The GloFish has surprisingly survived a while (since the middle of May). I had two others but they died in a few months.

I love my tank. <3
How is that ugly?

Look how big the poor fish is in that small tank with all those electronics and unhealthy chemical boards mixed into the water, that fish is not treated well at all.
Not to mention it does not have any water plants or sand.
72 gallon bow front, housing south american cichlids (1 severum, 2 heckelii and 2 bolivian rams)


Only other tank I'm running right now is for my betta, Herb. Had 4 tanks running about a year ago (the 72, a 29gallon with shell dwellers, a 10 gallon with shellies and the betta bowl) but cut down to just the big one.
Here's my tank, it has been set up for about 4 1/2 years. I almost wish that I didn't ever get it because it eats up about 10 hours of my time every week with maintenance. It is 75 gallons, heavily planted with a pressurized co2 system for the plants. The orange fish is a Blood Parrot Cichlid, it is a hybrid (not found in nature) his name is Terrance. If a fish ever had a personality this one sure does, when I get home from work he seems excited to see me kind of like a dog but not. I have a school of about 15 Cherry Barbs about 20 Ottos and about 15-20 Rummy Nose Tetras.


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72 gallon bow front, housing south american cichlids (1 severum, 2 heckelii and 2 bolivian rams)

I'd love to see some larger pictures!

As for mine, I'm venturing into the hobby with a CADlights 12G salt-water tank powered by some very bright LEDs. Recently added a few snails, hermits, and a shrimp (not pictured). Next up, fish!
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