Hi there. I am new to this site but really wanted to participate in this thread.
I am a new Silver Status member at BB (mostly due to buying a new TV, etc). Anyway, I received in the mail advertisement for the 45 day return policy with no restocking fee. I went to BB to play with the iPad (I was waiting impatiently for the 3G). Anyway, I was unsure about it (which was disappointing because I was really excited about this). I was unsure whether it was too heavy (it hurt my hand in the store) and whether I would get bored with it (or was that because I couldn't really do my own thing with it). I talked with the BB employee and he talked me into trying it out with the 45 day policy. I felt a little weird about it but did purchase the 32 gb wifi.
So, I take it home and really like it. I now know that I really do want the 3G because I feel that will make it the ideal device for me.
So the question is, do I keep my preorder with apple or wait for it to come to BB? I know with Apple I will get it as soon as possible while at BB I may have to wait (longer). I really like BB return policy and feel that they would be really helpful if something was wrong with my iPad. (I haven't really gone to the Apple store, I dislike malls). But I really do like the idea of having it come to my house as soon as possible and not worrying about getting to the store before the model I want sells out (64 GB 3G).
What are you other BB Silver members doing?