Hi there. I am new to this site but really wanted to participate in this thread.
I am a new Silver Status member at BB (mostly due to buying a new TV, etc). Anyway, I received in the mail advertisement for the 45 day return policy with no restocking fee. I went to BB to play with the iPad (I was waiting impatiently for the 3G). Anyway, I was unsure about it (which was disappointing because I was really excited about this). I was unsure whether it was too heavy (it hurt my hand in the store) and whether I would get bored with it (or was that because I couldn't really do my own thing with it). I talked with the BB employee and he talked me into trying it out with the 45 day policy. I felt a little weird about it but did purchase the 32 gb wifi.
So, I take it home and really like it. I now know that I really do want the 3G because I feel that will make it the ideal device for me.
So the question is, do I keep my preorder with apple or wait for it to come to BB? I know with Apple I will get it as soon as possible while at BB I may have to wait (longer). I really like BB return policy and feel that they would be really helpful if something was wrong with my iPad. (I haven't really gone to the Apple store, I dislike malls). But I really do like the idea of having it come to my house as soon as possible and not worrying about getting to the store before the model I want sells out (64 GB 3G).
What are you other BB Silver members doing?
Given the fact that BB had iPads on launch day (albeit a small quantity), I would think that they will have 3G versions on the dame day or within just a couple of days as when the Apple stores do. It's certainly possible that the demand for the 3G version will be as high as the WiFi only, but I'm guessing that it won't be. It's possible that 3G pre-orders will be received in hand by customers before they are available at any store (Apple or BB), but again the difference will probably be a few days at most. You'll have your WiFi version to use in the interim so it's a case of how badly you'll need that 3G during what I am guessing will be a few days gap at most.