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macrumors regular
Apr 27, 2015
I gave my grandson the game Tri-ominos for his birthday. We asked Siri several times, "How do I play the game tri-ominos." She kept hearing "...try on my nose" and my grandson just howled.
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macrumors regular
Jun 12, 2013
I gave my grandson the game Tri-ominos for his birthday. We asked Siri several times, "How do I play the game tri-ominos." She kept hearing "...try on my nose" and my grandson just howled.

That's hilarious.

Did the version of the game you bought your grandson not come with instructions?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 19, 2014
Holland, MI
I asked the same question the OP did just now, and I was given correct information.

OP, check and see if George H. Ruth is in your family tree (Bambino curse). That could explain some things with the results.
Ha, in case you haven’t checked, that curse was broken 14 years ago ;)

Asking the exact same question tonight and it gives me the expected info about tonight’s game.

I’d like to think that this thread taught Siri how to answer it right ;)


macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2018
Siri is getting worse. Half the commands that used to work for me no longer work. It’s only does a half task at times. It’s terrible with accents.

“I’m going for a run” doesn’t start a run on the Watch anymore, it just opens the workout app. And half the time it says “There is no Ron in your contacts”. I said run not Ron. And “I’m going for a Ron” doesn’t make any bloody sense.

The worst bit about Siri is the inconsistency. Different people get different results and saying the same thing sometimes produces wildly different results. People say “you’re not specific enough”, but the whole point in these voice assistants is you talk to them like a person, not a computer. If you have to be super specific again, you might as well give up pretending these are AI assistants and it just becomes talking to the paper clip from Word 98.


macrumors 65816
Jul 21, 2004
I’ve been asking Siri for years how to get to Kelowna.
It has no idea what I am saying.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2017
I have turned her off. Life is better without her, for real.

In the beginning I found her lack of accuracy sometimes amusing.
If I just want silly answers I can read them on MR. I don’t need Siri for that ;)
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macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2018
Here's an example of how stupid Siri is.

I put the Siri watch face on my watch at 8pm last night. It told me the current weather on the main box, and the upcoming box afterwards it had "Start outdoor run". I was impressed, because at 5am every weekday I go for an outdoor run. So that's good, Siri is learning!

I wake up and the outdoor run is gone and has been replaced by reminders that are due at 7am. I don't use the reminders app, but these were created by the GoodTask app which I do use. But my run is at 5. So why are reminders at 7 now showing? Fine, I'll scroll down, the run will be there. I scroll to the bottom, no run. But do you know what's at the bottom below the reminders? A Stock update. I've literally never loaded the stock app, ever, on iOS12. So why is the stocks more important that the run?

FINE, whatever - I raise my watch and say "Hey Siri, start an outdoor run" (the exact words it had on the Siri suggestion) and it popped up "Install the Nike Run Plus app!". No, I own the Nike watch but the app is garbage! I want to use the standard workout app. But it's not letting me. FINE! I'll start it manually.

So I finish my run and then look at the screen again, and the top suggestion is "Start an outdoor run". I've just finished a run. Do you have the intelligence of a toddler? You see me doing a run and you say "Oh Akrapovic likes running! Why don't you do a run?" right as I finish a run? And then just as a test, I tap "Start outdoor run"...and it just opens the default workout app. It didn't actually start the run anyway.

Siri is just a toddler. It looks at something you once did, assumes you do it a lot, and then suggests it at random times. And when you do try and use it, it half arses the function anyway. Siri is so bad it's easier not to use Siri.
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macrumors regular
Sep 13, 2017
Siri just doesn't understand context like it used to in the beginning when they first released her in the iPhone 4S. You used to be able to say "I'm feeling horny" and it would tell that there are escort agencies nearby, show you a map and then offer to call them. Now it doesn't understand the word 'horny' and tries to do a web search.

Also previosly I could have a conversation based on her responses to my intial question, but now every question seems to generate a one off answer when it should be based on her previous resonse to the leading question.


macrumors 68000
Jul 26, 2012
Lanarkshire Scotland
I thought Siri was to be re built by Apple, not heard anything since.
Haven't yet used Siri via Xs
What I'd I do know is I had much more success getting a response via AirPods than 6 se or 8 mic's
[doublepost=1539006164][/doublepost]More positive results from Xs Siri
Managed to setup and test shortcuts to Notes+Beats 1
Tested both working as expected.
Didn't use AirPods at all.


macrumors 6502
Aug 21, 2007
I agree completely Siri is garbage... It's only good for extremely routine commands like set up an alarm for 2 pm .... There's no intelligence to it.


macrumors 6502
Jul 4, 2010
I own Siri and Alexa, they are both awful and both require you knowing the right way to phrase things. Once you figure that out they are useful.

I really don’t think Alexa is better than Siri, just different.


macrumors 65816
Jul 21, 2004
I tried this and had same result. But after editing the text (press tap to edit), it now recognizes the word Kelowna

Thanks for the tip!

But even after editing Siri reverts to searching for Kelona instead of Kelowna. I According to Siri, Kelona is the house next door to me.

I don’t agree that Siri is a Joke.
A joke is supposed to be something pleasing.
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macrumors regular
Jun 12, 2013
The competition is essentially spyware. Pick your poison.

So true. Apple and Amazon are probably the two companies I'm most embedded into, ecosystem-wise, but I tend not to use Amazon gadgets except an Oasis and Dash buttons. Otherwise, I've completely avoided Echo et al. and Alexa. I even have two dots (one was a gift) I'm still reluctant to actually plug in.

Apple, though? I would use HomePod if I weren't already happy with my Sonos set up.


macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2018
The competition is essentially spyware. Pick your poison.

But at least the competition works. For anyone who doesn't care about spyware, Google Home and Amazon Alexa are great. If you don't want this sort of intrusion in your life, then obviously they aren't. However, they are an option.

Siri isn't an option. It isn't spyware, but it isn't usable either. It doesn't work. So my position is "Spyware or nothing", then at least spyware has a use-case for people who don't care. If you want to stay within the Apple ecosystem, you do not have a proper AI assistant at the moment. Siri is so far behind it's embarrassing.


macrumors 68020
May 10, 2011
The competition is essentially spyware. Pick your poison.

I disagree, have you seen Apple's privacy notice lately? Apple gathers A MEGA TON of data. There is something fundamentally wrong with Siri's implementation that even more "spyware" would never fix it. I agree other companies abuse private date more that Apple, but this is not why Siri sucks vs the competition.


macrumors regular
Dec 6, 2016
Couldn’t agree with this thread.

Siri is great for turning on lights and running other HomeKit commands. Great for playing music on the HomePod and other simple commands.

But when it comes to anything beyond a simple do this or play that... complete waste of time. I just can’t believe after so many years it can still be so useless.

Siri on the HomePod is amazing, picks up everything I say even when the music is playing. It’s just too bad it is let down by being so stupid.


macrumors regular
Apr 27, 2015
That's hilarious.

Did the version of the game you bought your grandson not come with instructions?
Sure it did, But he had just opened the present and not the box, and loves seeing and hearing all the silly things Siri does. Even at 7, he's got Siri figured out, and uses it for laughs. :)
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