Update after the wedding.
It turns out that I was in the wedding party, and couldn't bring a camera at all. However, my sister's new husband's father runs a small wedding photography company. (I'd never met him before the wedding) He agreed to show me the ropes, and make me an employee! So I'm going to be taking pictures for a living! I'm feeling a little underqualified, so I'm studying up-- and I'm looking into the camera I'll need to buy. It's a "use your own equipment" kinda deal, so I need to invest in a nice camera and some accessories.
He said a Canon 30D would be the minimum camera. Need a big flash, lots of memory, a couple lenses, and a second-source flash on a stand thing. The entire description was pretty vague. I kinda let on that I know more than I do.
I have until August to learn to act the part.
Any advice?