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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 13, 2005
Come on, I can dream can't I!

What do you think the chances are? I think very slim indeed. Do you think someone will make one without Apple's permission, with complicated instructions to install it? Apparently the OS is on the flash so it shouldn't be too hard to add your own apps, surely? They allow this on Mac OS X, why not on OS X Lite?


macrumors 65816
Jan 5, 2005
I would be surprised if you could add your own apps. No one wants a phone that crashes or has viruses. However, companies that want to write app.s for the phone can apply to Apple to do so. Cingular gets their monthly fee for service whether you use it or not, you can use wifi instead the phone network for browsing, so I don't see why Apple would prevent a Skype application unless it does not meet the standards of the other software on the phone (or violates an agreement they have with Cingular). We will see. It will be a few years before the price comes down enough for me to worry about it.


macrumors 65816
Jun 10, 2002
Planet Earth
I hope so!

I sure hope so - Skype via WiFi on the Widescreen Video iPod! No cellular, No Cingular, No service contracts! Just a sweet, un-shackled, liberated Skype/WiFi/Video iPod! I hope it comes soon!


macrumors 68000
Jan 6, 2005
iPhone with Skype would be a no brainer for me.

That was the first thing I was thinking about, when I saw the presentation of the iPhone.

I really hope for a lot of usefull 3rd party apps for the iPhone.


macrumors member
Aug 30, 2006
not that I wouldn't like skype on the iphone, it was written somewhere that voip apps would not be made (a demand from cingular as i recall). suck a bit



macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 13, 2005
not that I wouldn't like skype on the iphone, it was written somewhere that voip apps would not be made (a demand from cingular as i recall). suck a bit


its looking increasingly unlikely that the iphone will have any VoIP apps on it. Our only hope is that someone manages to circumvent apple's software and creates a hack to install a version of skype on the iphone.

no doubt every update of the iphone firmware would stop the hack from working, but it could then be updated to work again, you get the idea.

if they managed to make ipodlinux for a normal ipod, surely someone can come up with something for this iphone.


macrumors G3
Aug 6, 2006
I would be surprised if you could add your own apps. No one wants a phone that crashes or has viruses. However, companies that want to write app.s for the phone can apply to Apple to do so. Cingular gets their monthly fee for service whether you use it or not, you can use wifi instead the phone network for browsing, so I don't see why Apple would prevent a Skype application unless it does not meet the standards of the other software on the phone (or violates an agreement they have with Cingular). We will see. It will be a few years before the price comes down enough for me to worry about it.

oh, thats false, if Mac OSX is proud of virus free, why worry this time?

VoIP is in direct competition with cingular's position, there is no way iPhone would oficially support it. its not about if one customer will pay the monthly fee, its about the way ppl communicate, if more ppl getting used to VoIP, they might just cancel the phone service in the near future, AT&T won't like it for sure.


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Central MN
Seriously...I see about as much sense of having VOIP on a cellular phone as having text messaging on a cellular phone. Put simply, just call the ****ing person and get it over with. Of course, there are a very few instances where it makes sense but a very high percentage it doesn't.

I'm not trying to be a "party pooper" or anything but, to me, it feels if logic has gone bye-bye.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 13, 2005
Seriously...I see about as much sense of having VOIP on a cellular phone as having text messaging on a cellular phone. Put simply, just call the ****ing person and get it over with. Of course, there are a very few instances where it makes sense but a very high percentage it doesn't.

I'm not trying to be a "party pooper" or anything but, to me, it feels if logic has gone bye-bye.

i use txting much more than ringing because:
  1. its cheaper than ringing normaly
  2. you can tell them something even if they have no signal or are away from the phone
  3. it costs nothing to recieve (unlike answer phone)
  4. its often quicker than chatting for ages about pointless stuff
  5. you dont have to worry about bad signal going, can you hear me, what did you just say!
  6. if you forget what someone said, like where or when to meet, its still in your inbox
  7. if you are telling someone a postcode or website they are less likely to misspell things

as for VoIP, thats pretty much the same as ringing someone except its free, expecialy with skype out where its costs practically nothing to ring anywhere in the world.

I dont see how VoIP and txt are the same?!


macrumors 6502a
Apr 8, 2006
Sometimes here mostly there
Seriously...I see about as much sense of having VOIP on a cellular phone as having text messaging on a cellular phone. Put simply, just call the ****ing person and get it over with. Of course, there are a very few instances where it makes sense but a very high percentage it doesn't.

I'm not trying to be a "party pooper" or anything but, to me, it feels if logic has gone bye-bye.

Wow, Wow i strongly disagree with you. Of course it would work in case you are just using the phone in on the regular basis within the certain area. i work in science and generally live in three countries. 4-5 months in US, Sweden and poland on regular basis. I always used Nokia phones and exchanged them every 12 months. Im willing to buy an iPhone but Skype or other VOIP is crucial for me.
I use PAYG services cos has to (not gonna pay bills in 3 countries not using the servise). I NEED VOIP!!! Do you have any idea what is the price of international calls??


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Central MN
I did say a few fair reasons.

[*]its cheaper than ringing normaly
This I don't understand. Can you maybe give an example. From what I've seen, messaging service ( plans ) are actually quite expensive IMHO.

[*]you can tell them something even if they have no signal or are away from the phone
Voicemail? Even better with iPhone's visual voicemail feature.

[*]it costs nothing to recieve (unlike answer phone)
OK...But you do have to send and that costs quite a bit.

[*]its often quicker than chatting for ages about pointless stuff
I'd be willing to put money ( bet ) that most "texting" is about pointless stuff as well. This isn't an argument on how people use their phones, as dumb as it can be a lot of times. So, talking is slower than typing? Interesting...

[*]you dont have to worry about bad signal going, can you hear me, what did you just say!
A weak argument but I can accept it.

[*]if you forget what someone said, like where or when to meet, its still in your inbox
OK...But you could always ask them again or write it down or put it in notes, most phones have a notes section.

[*]if you are telling someone a postcode or website they are less likely to misspell things
This is one we can agree on.

as for VoIP, thats pretty much the same as ringing someone except its free, expecialy with skype out where its costs practically nothing to ring anywhere in the world.
But I pay $30 - 40 per month and I'm able to talk to whoever I want, nearly whenever I want, for however long I want. So, you want your mobile phone to be 'stuck' to Wi-Fi spots? You have fun with that. :)

I dont see how VoIP and txt are the same?!
They aren't the same but i feel the interest of having such services on a cellular phone are just as ridiculous as the other. VOIP on a computer makes much more sense but still can be argued.

My only other example is those who talk loud -- because the environment is loud -- about 'things' I don't care to hear. A more extreme example would be "It seems like I'm having another outbreak and so I don't think we should see each other tonight." I don't really care to hear about others' sexual mistakes / problems. Yeah...I can agree that one should probably text that. :D

Wow, Wow i strongly disagree with you. Of course it would work in case you are just using the phone in on the regular basis within the certain area. i work in science and generally live in three countries. 4-5 months in US, Sweden and poland on regular basis. I always used Nokia phones and exchanged them every 12 months. Im willing to buy an iPhone but Skype or other VOIP is crucial for me.
I use PAYG services cos has to (not gonna pay bills in 3 countries not using the servise). I NEED VOIP!!! Do you have any idea what is the price of international calls??
There are International plans. While international does make a bit more sense, just have VOIP ( Skype ) on your portable computer. Seems like a weaker argument to me.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 13, 2005
I pay £15 a month ($30) and get 500 txts and 50 mins, I chose this plan because I, and everyone I know tend to txt. It means I can send a message during a lecture, or recieve one. Even out of lectures, I am normally talking to someone, and only read the txt when im done.

im not saying have skype instead of normal calls, but aswell, so I can chat on it at home and whenever i am in signal. surely everyone would prefer it if it was included, i cant see how it could possibly be a bad thing to add.

and its annoying to have to take notes to remind yourself what they said, why not just keep the txt to refer back to?!!

and i don't send chatty texts, they tend to go along the lines of:

me: are you finished at uni yet? wanna walk home with me?
them: ok, i will be done in 5 mins, see u at reception

if you ring someone its:
them: oh hang on a sec, let me sort this out... go on, sorry, ready now
me: oh, just wondered, are you nearly finished
them: nearly, just got a bit more to do, why?
me: do you want to walk back with me?
them: sounds good, um... will probs be done in about 5 mins, is that ok?
me: thats fine, meet at reception?
them: sure see you there, oh and one other thing... actually i will tell you about it later.
me: ok, bye



macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Central MN
International plans on PAYG??? Who has them?? Yeah but you dont carry your laptop everywhere with you. Do you??
If I need it I do. Otherwise, you got me about the PAYG. Hypothetically...If you could swap SIMs ( unlocked ), wouldn't that be better to do that in another country ( something like PAYG ), rather than VOIP. I wouldn't care if the iPhone had VOIP but I would never use it.

I pay £15 a month ($30) and get 500 txts and 50 mins, I chose this plan because I, and everyone I know tend to txt. It means I can send a message during a lecture, or recieve one. Even out of lectures, I am normally talking to someone, and only read the txt when im done.

im not saying have skype instead of normal calls, but aswell, so I can chat on it at home and whenever i am in signal. surely everyone would prefer it if it was included, i cant see how it could possibly be a bad thing to add.

and its annoying to have to take notes to remind yourself what they said, why not just keep the txt to refer back to?!!

and i don't send chatty texts, they tend to go along the lines of:

me: are you finished at uni yet? wanna walk home with me?
them: ok, i will be done in 5 mins, see u at reception

if you ring someone its:
them: oh hang on a sec, let me sort this out... go on, sorry, ready now
me: oh, just wondered, are you nearly finished
them: nearly, just got a bit more to do, why?
me: do you want to walk back with me?
them: sounds good, um... will probs be done in about 5 mins, is that ok?
me: thats fine, meet at reception?
them: sure see you there, oh and one other thing... actually i will tell you about it later.
me: ok, bye

I'm not saying it would be a bad thing to have.

I will say that it is an interesting plan. :)

While you're pretty accurate with your example it still is a bit flawed. Outside of the "hello" response, the person(s) are confirming plans and you're texts are almost demanding certain actions. Neither is better, depends on the preference, but they are different. I don't respond with such a "hello." If I have something pressing I'm involved it, I don't answer. If it is important, they can leave a message or try back later. I'll talk to them when I'm good and ready.

Keeping a text can be arguably the same as keeping notes. Though, we won't go into that.

All of this is in fact opinion ( preference ) but I just don't see the logic. As I've said again and again, there are instances where it can seem 'better' to use other means but overall it just doesn't seem like a feature I'd give a 'real' complaint about lacking.


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Central MN
let me put it this way, if apple were to release a phone without txting, 99% of potential customers would turn away, enough said.
I wouldn't say nearly that high but i would say a great amount or most.

Nevertheless, that doesn't make it logical. That would mean Windows...

In closing, I feel we've got our points across. Good day.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2006
VOIP is great from home or work, but not so good on the move. Even when a mobile network does allow you to use data traffic for VOIP it isn't going to save you much over a normal mobile phone call when you've paid for the data involved.

Until mobile networks are faster and there is more available bandwidth, VOIP on a mobile just ain't gonna go mainstream. Probably not until we have widespread wifi mesh networks, or wimax or whatever - which are owned by the main mobile / telecomms companies.

I still think that is the main reason you won't get VOIP on the iPhone, it would cause too many problems for the small number of people that would really use it.

Not sure what wifi coverage is like in the USA but its getting a lot better in the UK. We should have mesh networks covering some major cities real soon, plus there is already a pretty big network (Cloud). It wouldn't be too surprising if there was VOIP on the UK iPhone, with Apple and the UK carrier doing a deal with Cloud.


macrumors newbie
Jan 15, 2007
iPhone without VOIP app not very useful. I DESPERATELY NEED VOIP!!!

Wow, Wow i strongly disagree with you. Of course it would work in case you are just using the phone in on the regular basis within the certain area. i work in science and generally live in three countries. 4-5 months in US, Sweden and poland on regular basis. I always used Nokia phones and exchanged them every 12 months. Im willing to buy an iPhone but Skype or other VOIP is crucial for me.
I use PAYG services cos has to (not gonna pay bills in 3 countries not using the servise). I NEED VOIP!!! Do you have any idea what is the price of international calls??

I am living in Europe and mobile phone rates are still sky high. Everytime I am traveling I am happy to find WiFi hotspots and the first thing I do is to log into Skype and then I do my calls/international calls in a very good voice quality. And so do many other people at train stations and airports and cafes which provide WiFi hot spots. European mobile phone carriers still keep prices very high. For small businesses and people on a small budget services like Skype and JAJAH are a god sent. What should be optimized is the smooth integration with Skype....:rolleyes:
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