Fine, I'll do it myself.
Yes, it works.
Can someone please post step by step on how the use VOIPover3g on a Mac? The are no instructions in the app. Thanks in advance!
Will this patch work on edge ,the older iphone before I pull the triger.
You gotta jailbreak your phone and install cydia.
Then search in cydia for Voipover3G.
Install that. Then SSH into your phones file system and follow the directions above posted on the link.
This hack should also work on Edge, I dont see why not.
Ok...I've followed the instructions, but I still get the "needs wi-fi" pop up.
- I jailbroke my iPhone 3G 2.21
- installed voipover3g
- added the com.slingmedia.SlingPlayer string to voipover3g.plist
- turned off wi-fi
Same thing here.
Some people can't get it working....can't figure it out.
I have a slingplayer av not a pro, maybe it has something to do with that. I dunno. Tried everything--no idea what the problem is.
I'm having the same problem - still getting the 'can only be used over wi-fi message.'
Any ideas??
And on a related note, when I try to run Skype over 3g, I also get the message 'calls are not permitted over 3g.' I have reinstalled voipover3g 2 times and have restarted the phone a few times...
Did you respring or reboot your iPhone after adding the string to the .plist file ?Ok...I've followed the instructions, but I still get the "needs wi-fi" pop up.
maybe we need to change some setting on voipover3g?
maybe it's the format of the file? did you also use Iphonebrowser? most of the folks who have gotten it working are using something else.
I have VOIPover3g installed already and I can see my iPhone in Finder. Do I go to Home or Mobile inside iPhone?
I read this in another post...will try when I get home but could explain the problems everyone is having
My issue was with 2.2.1 - if you are running 2.2 or greater, you must install "Backward Compatibility" for mobile substrate layer before installing VOIPOVER3G. If you forget, just uninstall, then reinstall after. (remember to re-mod your .plist if you uninstall/reinstall).