I had the same problem on my MBA runing OS10.8 (and Lion)
I found this solution on another site
navigate to the Macintosh HD on your desk top open it go to libary and delete the Java folder then empty the trash can
You dont need the Java files and if you do visit a site requiring them you will be prompted to down load them and they will be the new ones.
Try it it works
Deleted the java file, and guess what...instant shut down. Great work! Was previously taking about 25-30 seconds to do so
Page 1 for the tip. .
Mac Mini late 2012, i7 2.6, 256GB SSD
I spent HOURS on this issue, unsintalling programs, dragging crap to my trash, etc, etc, etc... Then I uninstalled Google Chrome using app cleaner and my shutdown went from about 40 seconds to 1 second.
Just curious, how do u explain the 30 second shutdowns with a "fresh Mountain Lion" install?
Google Chrome isn't part of ML?
Just trying to find the problem myself...
has 10.8.3 changed anything???
Just tried shutting down, no visible improvement.
10.8.3 did not improve my shutdown time much but I do not give a damn. It's a non-issue to me. Also, I shut down infrequently.
10.8.3 installed and runs flawlessly (so far) and Safari runs faster.
These terminal commands should also fix the problem then and kill the services after 2 seconds:
Code:sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.coreservices.appleevents.plist sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.coreservices.appleevents ExitTimeOut -int 2 sudo launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.coreservices.appleevents.plist
Looks like people have a lot of success with this code. What does it actually do to speed up shutdown?