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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
So after this weeks competition there seems to be a little (pun intended) for a Macro thread.
So thought I'd start it. It might run and run or it might just stay small!

So lets through in a few rules.


*One Photo per Day - Don't post more than one photo each day.

*Multi-Quote - To comment on several photos, click the "+ (Multi-Quote) button. This puts all your comments in one post. Multi-Quoting is required on all of the MacRumors forums.

*SFW (Safe for Work) only - This is a site - wide rule. If you wouldn't show it in a public place, then it's NSFW (not safe for work). Think before you post.

*Describe your photo - Tell what it is and where you took it. If you know the EXIF data of a photo, include it. The following EXIF fields are recommended: Camera, ISO, Focal Length, Shutter/Aperture and Lens.
Also include any PP work (Focus stacking etc).

*And to keep the GAS team happy let us know what you shot with. Macro lens, Tubes, flash etc.

So here's mine to kick off.
_DSC1176 by apple fanboy1, on Flickr

Shot on some white paper with a D750 and 105mm Macro lens after I found him dead in the garden. Lighting was from a Nikon R1C1 Macro speed light set.

Shutter 1/60th
Aperture F 45
ISO 500
Stamen with pollen.


Shot whilst on the plant, rather than bringing it inside to shoot it. Handheld with no image stabilisation on my macro lens. A speedlite was used to help freeze it and extension tubes were in place when this was taken.

This is something I want to revisit whilst trying focus stacking on it, which would definitely require bringing one inside.

LENS Tamron 90mm f/2.8
ISO 100
EXPOSURE TIME 0.008s (1/125)
Amazingly , it was quite alive , and cooperative . The flash didn't seem to bother it , and whenever it took off it came back to within a foot or two of where it started . Maybe it was just feeling photogenic , like Alex's fly in the last contest , but I was slowly able to get right on top of it . IIRC it was taken at 1:1 or real close . The crop sensor on the 7D2 helped a lot with the magnification , too . And sometimes you just get lucky .
Amazingly , it was quite alive , and cooperative . The flash didn't seem to bother it , and whenever it took off it came back to within a foot or two of where it started . Maybe it was just feeling photogenic , like Alex's fly in the last contest , but I was slowly able to get right on top of it . IIRC it was taken at 1:1 or real close . The crop sensor on the 7D2 helped a lot with the magnification , too . And sometimes you just get lucky .
Very impressive. It's nice to get lucky. Like finding a dead bee in the garden.
Some great shots on here (as I knew there would be).

Here's an older one of mine. I was on the edge of a field looking to photograph landscapes. Saw this little bug on the grass, and he was kind enough to wait for me to get my macro lens out set up a tripod and generally hang around for a good while.

_DSC1736 by apple fanboy1, on Flickr
105mm Macro lens

Natural lighting in this one and manual focus. I took a load of shots as I'm not the best at manual focusing and there was a light breeze.
So ..... there's these things that have decided to take up residence on some floating plants in one of my aquariums . Don't really want them there , but they don't seem to bother anything . Anyway , this morning I decided to try to get some pix of them and see what they really look like . Used my 5D2 and an MP-E set to between 1X and 2X to get the picture . Cropped a bit . Hand held at f8 , 1/90 , ISO 5000 . Some noise reduction via Dfine . The biggest bugs are MAYBE 1mm.

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So ..... there's these things that have decided to take up residence on some floating plants in one of my aquariums . Don't really want them there , but they don't seem to bother anything . Anyway , this morning I decided to try to get some pix of them and see what they really look like . Used my 5D2 and an MP-E set to between 1X and 2X to get the picture . Cropped a bit . Hand held at f8 , 1/90 , ISO 5000 . Some noise reduction via Dfine . The biggest bugs are MAYBE 1mm.

Greenfly aphids; you'll be getting holes in your plants soon:)

Cheers :)

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Thanks ... no holes yet , but a bit of yellowing . Can't really use any bug killer on them , so I'll try to wash them into oblivion this weekend .
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