My iPhone NES save experience
Hi, running a first generation unlocked/hacked iPhone here
with the newest NES emulator 2.3.4.
I'm running Version 2.2 on the phone.
I also ran into save problems with my NES RAMs which I
uploaded using Cyberduck. I'm doing most of my saves
with Final Fantasy 1, 2, and 3 for example.
First I changed my permissions on all of my RAMs sitting
on the phone to allow saving (777) using Cyberduck connection
and after highlighting the RAM file sitting on the phone using
cmd+I to Get Info on the file. Then changing the permissions
in the small little click boxes.
Second, I also used Terminal after creating my own network
through WiFi/Airport and connecting to the IP address of the
phone. After doing this I followed the explanation exactly
as described above by KitchenMac.
After doing both of these changes I am now able to save
my ongoing games which appear in the "Saved Games" list
in my NES emulator.
Thanks for taking the time to post the helps for us mobile gamers.