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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 14, 2007
As many may know, SNES is out for the iPhone. For the most part, it runs nice, and hey having an SNES on my phone....really cant complain. However, I am unable to save games. In the video on engadget and other sites, the ability to save is a big thing talked about, not to mention something that in videos is shown as able to do. Anyone know why mine wont save? Thanks!
As many may know, SNES is out for the iPhone. For the most part, it runs nice, and hey having an SNES on my phone....really cant complain. However, I am unable to save games. In the video on engadget and other sites, the ability to save is a big thing talked about, not to mention something that in videos is shown as able to do. Anyone know why mine wont save? Thanks!

i had the same problem. i am running 1.1.3 and it seems that many things dont seem to work until i change the permissions to 0755. and when i changed the permissions on the roms saving magically worked. so i would suggest changing the permissions on your roms to 0755. if that doesnt solve the problem try the same thing on the snes app. do you know how to do this? if not, are you on a mac or pc?
You have to run a command from the terminal in order for them to start saving. I found this info on another forum:

yeah actually i found a solution that worked for me... if you have 2.0.1 enter this command (exactly) in winSCP in in terminal... chown -hR mobile /var/root

and if you have 2.0.5 try this one... chown -hR mobile /var/mobile

(if one doesnt work then try the other just to make sure)

So run the appropriate command depending on where your roms are saved run
You have to run a command from the terminal in order for them to start saving. I found this info on another forum:

So run the appropriate command depending on where your roms are saved run

yea now that i see it, that was what i used for the emulators. changing permissions was used on everything else that didnt work.
i did what i u said, and now my NES doesnt save at all in addition, my SNES doesnt save either....can anyone help me reverse this problem? I am on a mac
yes, i did the chown command, my snes and nes do not save now, how can this be fixed? in finder, the permissions are currently at 493

dont worry about it, i got it to work. I was able to change the permissions for the rom folder in finder, it works perfect now. thanks for the help anyway, greatly appreciated.
You have to run a command from the terminal in order for them to start saving. I found this info on another forum:

So run the appropriate command depending on where your roms are saved run

when you say run this command in terminal, you mean the terminal app from installer, right? if so, can you give a source for this because the term-vt100 won't install on my iphone.
when you say run this command in terminal, you mean the terminal app from installer, right? if so, can you give a source for this because the term-vt100 won't install on my iphone.

no, he means to access your phone using ssh through terminal on your mac, and enter the command that way. use the terminal application on your mac, not on your phone. at least thats how i did it. if your are not using a mac, then your will have to research an ssh client to run on your OS, as i run a mac and do not know about any for Windows, etc. hope this helps.
no, he means to access your phone using ssh through terminal on your mac, and enter the command that way. use the terminal application on your mac, not on your phone. at least thats how i did it. if your are not using a mac, then your will have to research an ssh client to run on your OS, as i run a mac and do not know about any for Windows, etc. hope this helps.

what are the steps for using ssh through terminal? i have a mac and i use cyberduck to transfer ROMs onto my iphone.
what are the steps for using ssh through terminal? i have a mac and i use cyberduck to transfer ROMs onto my iphone.

open up terminal and type: ssh root@<YOUR_IP_ADDRESS> and hit enter. it will prompt you to type in your password, type it in and hit enter (it will appear as if you are not typing, this is normal). then navigate to your directory using the cd command and then once in the correct directory enter the correct command and your done.
This fixed my very annoying save game problem for fw 1.1.4 using NES and genesis4iphone save games. I can finally play games and expect to save them. Hope it fixes yours! :)

1) wake up your iphone on wifi
2) ssh to iphone (#ssh root@iphoneip), password alpine
3) chown -hR mobile /var/mobile

KitchenMac:$ ssh root@
root@'s password:
Last login: Mon Apr 28 09:28:33 2008 from
xxxPhone:# chown -hR mobile /var/mobile
xxxPhone:# exit
Connection to closed.
i had the same problem. i am running 1.1.3 and it seems that many things dont seem to work until i change the permissions to 0755. and when i changed the permissions on the roms saving magically worked. so i would suggest changing the permissions on your roms to 0755. if that doesnt solve the problem try the same thing on the snes app. do you know how to do this? if not, are you on a mac or pc?

So far, it HAS worked for me. Thanks.

My iPhone NES save experience

Hi, running a first generation unlocked/hacked iPhone here
with the newest NES emulator 2.3.4.

I'm running Version 2.2 on the phone.

I also ran into save problems with my NES RAMs which I
uploaded using Cyberduck. I'm doing most of my saves
with Final Fantasy 1, 2, and 3 for example.

First I changed my permissions on all of my RAMs sitting
on the phone to allow saving (777) using Cyberduck connection
and after highlighting the RAM file sitting on the phone using
cmd+I to Get Info on the file. Then changing the permissions
in the small little click boxes.

Second, I also used Terminal after creating my own network
through WiFi/Airport and connecting to the IP address of the
phone. After doing this I followed the explanation exactly
as described above by KitchenMac.

After doing both of these changes I am now able to save
my ongoing games which appear in the "Saved Games" list
in my NES emulator. :)

Thanks for taking the time to post the helps for us mobile gamers.

i had the same problem. i am running 1.1.3 and it seems that many things dont seem to work until i change the permissions to 0755. and when i changed the permissions on the roms saving magically worked. so i would suggest changing the permissions on your roms to 0755. if that doesnt solve the problem try the same thing on the snes app. do you know how to do this? if not, are you on a mac or pc?

How do you do this on a PC?
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