Hi all,
Some updates on my endeavors.
After building DisableMonitor app I did some testing using other display
modes to see if it would affect display performance on non QE/CI machines.
What I found is that using 16bit color mode in my DLSD ( 1440x960 res )
makes very smooth almost all the user interface transitions like changing
between workspaces, going into exposé and the workspace grid.
I could not find a "detectable" loss of quality by changing this.
You must zoom in the image to notice it perfectly
But I did found two drawbacks:
1. Font smoothing seems to turn off on new windows
2. Banding/low quality window titlebars opened after changing color depth
Regarding the first issue I have not looked into it but maybe there is some way to reactivate it.
I say this because for example if you open Terminal before changing color depth and then
change it font smoothing is not removed on already opened windows.
Regarding the second issue if you change color depth after opening a window it
seems to keep the quality with some slight dithering effect so I think it's related to
the components inside the Sartfile.bin and Artfile.bin being 32bit color.
I want to try and edit them as it was done for Leopard Rebirth but I have not been
able to find the required tools that work in PPC Leopars/Snow Leopard.
Does anyone have some more info on this?
I also did some more tests on software built with Homebrew and was able to copy
the necessary binaries/libraries to have it working on SL_PPC
I'll post a zipfile later with all the binaries/libraries I have right now copied from a Leopard
install if you want to try them.
Best regards,