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In the spirit of the season, this is the only way Apple could scare me:

Please GTFO with these "I'm scared of Apple" threads..
Wow this thread must have struck a nerve with LTD, he's actually lashing out in what seems fear.

The OP is free to post this thread and just because it insults your sense of blind faithful worship of all things apple, it does not mean you should insult the OP.
I totally agree with this response ... Google is a bad Apple.

I run Little Snitch on my Mac ... everyday Google is trying to get my Mac to hook onto their servers. I always deny them as I have No use for Google.

Google can not be trusted nor can Facebook ... 2 very scary Spam machines looking to own your personal info.

+1, Google is a company to be scared of. It's everywhere, all default search engines (including Apple's), Email, Google Earth... They can collect a bunch of information from a lot of sources (people).

Apple sell hardware, if you don't like it or feel bad about it, don't buy and the problem is over.
+1, Google is a company to be scared of. It's everywhere, all default search engines (including Apple's), Email, Google Earth... They can collect a bunch of information from a lot of sources (people).

Apple sell hardware, if you don't like it or feel bad about it, don't buy and the problem is over.

I was scared of Google when I logged into my GMail and found out that they posted ads based on what my email content was. Thats just a little scary to me... in fact.. a little too close for comfort.

There are also some things that can be a little scary with Apple as well. When I used the "Places" feature on my iPhone, it still remembered the locations of pictures that I took with my original iPhone from 2 years ago. Not that I really care, its just a little creepy that they still have that location data from however many years ago.

The fact is, as much as we want to get away from it, there really isn't a way to completely shut it all out. We just have to do our best.
Yeah, apple is the establishment.

With that said, I'm not "scared" of apple, if they have a product I don't like, then I'll not buy it. I'm not married to the corporation and to be honest, I'll not use them if there's a better product.

For the time being, they have great phones, great computers, a great OS and some decent apps.
Very well said!

As a multi-platformist and hard core mobile communications and computing specialist, I feel the exact same way. I've been a loyal Apple customer to a point. Buying what makes sense for my needs (price aside) and passing on that which has no appeal.

If anything from a pure enthusiast standpoint it's sad to see Apple headed in the direction they seem to be going. From a pure "spectator sport" as a businessman, it's an interesting movie to watch. Twists and turns abound. Just where they will end up is pure speculation despite their current fiscal success.


If there's any company I'm getting scared of, it's Google, and how they keep launching services that people flock to, giving Google access to more and more of their private data.
I understand how you feel and do not disagree, and I'm certainly _not_ advocating for Google.

But the fact is, they are not that much worse than the insurance industry, and the government when it comes to gathering personal data.

They just don't go to the great lengths those others do, to hide their nefarious activities.
Your lovely "open" Android phone exists in its current form today thanks to Apple's "iToys." Eric T. Mole made pretty good notes. And Monkey-Boy is finally giving users a phone that *might* be worth having (even if it *is* a poor iPhone copy.) So the next time you use "iToys" as a term of derision, just keep in mind how furiously the rest of the industry is trying to copy "crazy", "evil genius" Steve Jobs.

Monkey boy? Seriously kid, you sound like a 12 year old when you say that. It doesn't reflect well on you at all.
There are also some things that can be a little scary with Apple as well. When I used the "Places" feature on my iPhone, it still remembered the locations of pictures that I took with my original iPhone from 2 years ago. Not that I really care, its just a little creepy that they still have that location data from however many years ago.

Goes to show most people "scared" of companies are just ignorant of what is really going on. For that other poster, Google Analytics. It's linked on by every website that uses their advertising, hence all the requests going to their servers. I use NoScript to block it out.

As for you Natech. No duh it "remembers", the geolocation data is stored in the image file itself. No one "still has that data" but you.
The disliking of flash has it's reasons. Head over to any GNU/Linux or BSD-Forum and ask them about it. They told the same thing Steve tells years ago.

Flash is closed-source, you can't add features. As for the opensource community, it's just a pain in the arse. But if you revolutionize how people interact with the web (Multitouch vs. Point'n'Click/Drag'n'Drop), you are forced to abandon it. Besides, it's a resource monster. We are lucky that they replaced it with HTML5/CSS3 opensource-technology. If it were Microsoft, we had "ActiveX Touch" now, and all Safari/Firefox/Opera users would be screwed.

I'm rather pissed about the limited freedom at Apple in favor of some financial numbers. No white iPhone, OK - it may have technical reasons. But what about the black MacBook? Or aluminum Macs in the colors of the iPod? They show us that they can anodize it, but they don't. Using my iPhone on a different carrier? Tethering (instead of switching phones which you can do anyways)?

And now removing SIM-cards only to increase the possibility that you use the App Store because you can't switch phones. Didn't they make surveys to ask Sprint customers how they feel about the lack of SIMs? Bringing the worst feature of CDMA to GSM is not how it should be.

What about installing an SSD in my unibody MacMini? You loose the warranty. Even if they would offer that option as BTO, they could shove it. Paying twice for half the performance is not what I want, I want to put in there what ever I want. I guess they only made the RAM accessible because they had to. If they would have glued on the bottom door, Apple Care would see 95% of the RMA'd Minis with reattached doors.

Apples current model of acquiring parts doesn't work, because cheaper and better stuff hits the market while the stock in Shengzen is still full. Or have you seen the 750GB 2.5" hard drive yet? Available for at least 6 month to customers. Now we have some 2009 Toshiba SSDs in the MBA while SandForce SF-2000 (SATA-III, max. 500MBit/s read) will be sampled starting next week. SF-1200 are perfect for SATA-II, as they (barely) saturate the interface. Just stock up and and switch to SATA-III and SF-2000 in the future. What is Apple going to do with the SATA-III integrated in the next nVidia chipsets? Hook up 5400RPM notebook hard drives? Don't tell people that you build the best computers in the world then, rather concentrate on software.
While Apple still uses some 2009 Core2Duos because of Intel's chipset limitations, AMD provides the same instructions-per-watt, but per half the $ - and with no restrictions.

They have the same problems people in socialist Germany complained about, but being the heart of the American capitalism. Well, you had to wait for a car 18 years, now you wait for an iPhone 3 month. Let's hope it doesn't increase to 24 month of shipping time, by the date of arrival I'd have already switched to some inferior, but available phone.

As they don't wiretap me (yet) and throw me in jail for jailbreaking iOS devices, no, I'm not scared. But pissed for not allowing me to install non-approved aoftware on my $800 phone. Well, let's hope they don't come up with the Apple Party in the next elections. President Jobs would be pretty scary, though.
Goes to show most people "scared" of companies are just ignorant of what is really going on. For that other poster, Google Analytics. It's linked on by every website that uses their advertising, hence all the requests going to their servers. I use NoScript to block it out.

As for you Natech. No duh it "remembers", the geolocation data is stored in the image file itself. No one "still has that data" but you.

Just because somebody is scared of what is happening doesn't mean that they are ignorant to what is going on. To some people its just a little creepy. There isn't anything wrong with that. Obviously the technology has been around longer than the period of time that the public has noticed it, there is no doubt about that, but that doesn't mean people are ignorant.
Just because somebody is scared of what is happening doesn't mean that they are ignorant to what is going on. To some people its just a little creepy.

What exactly is "creepy" about Apple? What's "going on" that we have to watch out for?
GTFO with these "I'm scared of Apple" threads.
Actually, telling someone to stop speaking their truth is not your right. Free speech is something to be educated about.
Wow this thread must have struck a nerve with LTD, he's actually lashing out in what seems fear. The OP is free to post this thread and just because it insults your sense of blind faithful worship of all things apple, it does not mean you should insult the OP.
Very well said... I agree.
Goes to show most people "scared" of companies are just ignorant of what is really going on.
Quite the contrary, the word "scared" is used to make a point, and _they_ are the informed ones. A healthy fear of oppression is quite valid, and smart.
What exactly is "creepy" about Apple? What's "going on" that we have to watch out for?
Asking this question reveals a life behind the protected, dictatorial walls of Apples _Closed_ Garden, where the outside world is blocked from your view. (think China)

In the real, open, and free world, we have the ability to remain aware and educated about what is going on.

This provides us with a great advantage compared to the closed narrow minded, precisely programmed group of Apple worshipers, where Uncle Steve calls the shots and thinks for all.
Asking this question reveals a life behind the protected, dictatorial walls of Apples _Closed_ Garden, where the outside world is blocked from your view. (think China)

In the real, open, and free world, we have the ability to remain aware and educated about what is going on.

This provides us with a great advantage compared to the closed narrow minded, precisely programmed group of Apple worshipers, where Uncle Steve calls the shots and thinks for all.

No, asking this question means you're going waaay overboard with the dime-store philosophy. Apple is not the government, nor are they the oil cartels, nor are they dictators. You can walk into any brick-and-mortar store and take your pick of the lot when it comes to computers, laptops, what-have-you.

I walk into any Best Buy and I'm assailed by Windows boxes. Everyone knows what they offer. Everyone can read the descriptions right above the price-tag. Anyone can try one. We've got them at work. I used to use one at home, many of us did.

I just don't want any part of the Windows/MS platform, because frankly I think it's a ****** ecosystem with ****** software that provides a ****** User Experience. Still.

Nor would I want my elderly parents exposed to it. Hell, I often barely got along with it myself, so imagine the computer illiterate (or just barely literate.)

I and others CHOOSE Apple *despite* the presence of lower-cost Windows-based alternatives. I just happen to CHOOSE Apple gear each time because I want to extend the great User Experience I have with Macs to other devices. And it's a great feeling. And frankly, Apple's devices are regarded as the cream of the crop, the exemplars of the industry. It isn't exactly like we're making bad choices here, either. Apple gear is the Apple of the industry's eye. Not my fault the also-rans can't match the experience. Hence, Apple seem to sell *more* of their more expensive Macs every quarter.

Nothing creepy about it. "Free world", LOL. Dude, tech companies don't even factor into it.

I'd be a little more worried about the politics in the US than I'd ever be about a tech company. Racism, fascism, the deliberate (and often covert) limiting of human freedom doesn't come from Apple or even Microsoft or Google. It comes from fundamentally flawed, corrupt, and often dogmatic government. Not from some tech company. LOL then go buy a friggin Android phone or whatever. Certainly a lot easier than packing up and moving away from the good ole USA because the far-right is getting out of control, right?
I was scared of Google when I logged into my GMail and found out that they posted ads based on what my email content was. Thats just a little scary to me... in fact.. a little too close for comfort.

Likewise. Who needs the FBI and CIA and NSA when Google sees all and knows all?
With that said, I'm not "scared" of apple, if they have a product I don't like, then I'll not buy it. I'm not married to the corporation and to be honest, I'll not use them if there's a better product.

For the time being, they have great phones, great computers, a great OS and some decent apps.

I agree with this. But I don't want the products to become something I don't want, because then it turns into "which item do I least not want to buy" instead of "what item do I want to buy".

I thoroughly enjoy using Apple's products, and I would like it to stay that way.
Yeah, they're getting scary. One scary thing about them is that Steve Jobs' personal opinions and tastes in design and technology, which as a narcissist he always considered universal truths, are more and more being taken as genuine truths as Apple gets bigger. The result is growing pressure on other creative people in the industry to toe the line with the conventional wisdom he sets. When one person's creativity casts such a shadow, there is a stultifying effect on others. All he has to do is make one of his simple, bombastic pronouncements--no one wants to use a smartphone with a 4"+ screen, for instance, or a 7" tablet--and the shockwave goes around the community.

Another scary thing is that his attitude towards developers--you are here to service Apple's needs and vision--grows more pernicious as Apple's market share increases. We're lucky that Android exists as a counterweight, allowing people freedom to experiment with content, designs, UIs, and functions that are contrary to Steve's guidelines.
I'm also one of the sensible mac users, I really hate apple fanboys, because they back up the company regardless :p..

And yeah I agree with what you've said, Apple seems to be turning out like nvidia :p..

Ever since Apple made the decision to not support flash on iphones and ipod it has just annoyed me.. Although being a web designer I know that web standards are very important but at the same time dropping flash right away is a stupid decision, because it means we have compromised browsing experience on all the iOS devices, and not to mention millions of sites still rely on flash. Only the sites that have a lot of money like for example the big news sites can afford to go HTML5.. Also its not like everyone is using a browser that supports HTML5.. transitions don't happen that quickly.. its as simple as that.. It takes years, today there are more websites based on XHTML/CSS & Flash then HTML5..

What Apple should have done is have support for both.. Drop Flash when the time is right..
Just because somebody is scared of what is happening doesn't mean that they are ignorant to what is going on. To some people its just a little creepy. There isn't anything wrong with that. Obviously the technology has been around longer than the period of time that the public has noticed it, there is no doubt about that, but that doesn't mean people are ignorant.

So you're creeped out that geolocation data is saved in your image files ? How is that even creepy ? No, obviously you thought some server kept this information somewhere and that's what you were creeped out about.

Modern day witch hunting. :rolleyes:
+1 to everything LTD has said so far. (ducks)

Apple is not the one to fear. Possibly Google is. Definitely the Politicians are.

Apple "Fanboyism"? Not really. I interpret LTD's stance as Respect for a company that does things as well as they can, as they see it. In other words,

Apple pursues EXCELLENCE. LTD apparently respects that Philosophy. I certainly do.

Apple is the ONLY such company in the consumer computer market right now and deserves our respect even if we don't always like their decisions or their products.

Oddly, every single Apple Product I use is great. I'd expect that at least one of them would be bad in some way, but the only thing I can think of is getting dirt in the Mighty Mouse which is spectacular otherwise.

Look out for those Politicians! Right, Left or Whatever, they're DANGEROUS.

Have Fun,
DUCK! :eek:

PS. The Pumpkin Macs are Cute!
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