Who mentioned CDs?
I'm not saying that the Powerbooks are bad machines (quite the opposite, really), or that Macbooks/Pros are perfect. I'm just saying that the heat should not come as a huge surprise like a number of people in this thread are making it out to be. It's like moving from New York to Arizona, and complaining that it was hotter than you thought it would be. Macbook and Macbook Pro users own some of the most powerful portable computers to date, and that comes at a price....FASTER CHIPS GENERATE MORE HEAT. Figure it out.
Good for Phill Schiller. You can put your computer on your lap, sure. But if it gets hot, like Apple, Dell, and every other major portable manufacturer warns you about, you shouldn't go complaining about the unfairness of life. If it bothers you that much, get a cooler (slower) Powerbook so you can use it comfortably on your lap. Otherwise, suck it up or put it on a desk- like Apple recommends.