I don't have any hard numbers for how many sales the ad bolstered (or didn't for that matter). I'm guessing it was a way to reach out to those who would've never had that thought... that an iPad can be a suitable "computer" replacement.
At the end of the day, gather your needs for a computing device, and make sure that an iPad can indeed cover those. Overall, you'll want an ipad from the Air line, if not Pro (as opposed to the "regular" line). Those are hella expensive, rivaling actual laptops in price, but there are some things that an iPad Pro + accessories (e.g. Apple Pencil, smart keyboard cover). It is much more portable as well. OTOH, there are the usual woes, like doing something with an iPad will have extra hurdles that MacOS, Windows, and Linux can easily do "just like that".
For my use cases...
--I have a PC at work
--I have a desktop PC at home
For video games, internet, and productivity. I could probably get away with just a Chromebook, but internet is a superior experience on there. Speaking of which
--Chromebook for internet while on travel
If I'm settled at a hotel or family's house, this is what I use for internet
--Android phone
For the usual phone stuff, and "internet in my pocket"