How much do you think the cheaper iPhone will be? How much are you hoping it'll be? I'm just curious.
I wonder because apple still sells the iPhone 4S unlocked for $549.
They also still sell the iPhone 4 (a 2.5+ year old phone) for $450. And that's with only 8gb storage.
How much cheaper could the cheaper iPhone be? I see analysts predicting $300 or sub-$300. I find that very hard to believe. I'll predict it'll be in the $349-399 range. Maybe even $429-ish. And for 16gb. You can bet the specs will likely be lower too.
At those prices I would rather look at nexus options...
Maybe he is talking about contract prices, the 4 is .99 and 4s is 99 dollars. Usually when a sale happens the 4s will drop down to 49.99.