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well tuesday is almost here so we will see!:eek:

Apple did release the updated white MacBook on a Wednesday. Maybe Apple is changing their game up. Sounds like they are going to release anytime they please, and maybe/maybe not specifically on Tuesday's.
I'll mail you 100 pennies if you're right.
I hope that they don't do all that in the next three months, if they do then there's not much more to release at WWDC.

Not much more that you know of :p They'll release Snow Leopard by that time probably and maybe a secret project like a tablet or something, I don't know, iPhone nano, whatever the Apple hopefuls are talking about now, AppleTV update?

Apple did release the updated white MacBook on a Wednesday. Maybe Apple is changing their game up. Sounds like they are going to release anytime they please, and maybe/maybe not specifically on Tuesday's.

From Engadget
Apple quietly updates $999 white MacBook with unibody specs
by Thomas Ricker, posted Jan 21st 2009 at 5:27AM

I doubt it was updated sometime before 5:27AM so it was more than likeley updated the Tuesday before and engadget and MRs didn't notice till Wed morning.

From Engadget:
Why yes, yes it has... sometime in the last 3 days according to Google's cache.
Not much more that you know of :p They'll release Snow Leopard by that time probably and maybe a secret project like a tablet or something, I don't know, iPhone nano, whatever the Apple hopefuls are talking about now, AppleTV update?


I went many days without hearing the word "iPhone nano!"
You ruined that for me!
well lets think

imac and mac mini

all are in need of a refresh and that only
wouldnt they just use something big like wwdc for introducing redesigns? or bigger projects.

i honestly dont see the 3 in need of any redesigns what so ever.

snow leopard seems like it will be out julyish or either after wwdc.

how do we know there WILL be a wwdc :eek:
Yes I would say redesigns are not in order for the Mac Pro or iMac, the Mac Mini is a possible redesign, but then again maybe they want the under $1000 Macs to have the white casing (like the $999 MacBook) so the aluminum Macs are some kind of status symbol, almost like how they had the white MacBook and the black MacBook.
Yes I would say redesigns are not in order for the Mac Pro or iMac, the Mac Mini is a possible redesign, but then again maybe they want the under $1000 Macs to have the white casing (like the $999 MacBook) so the aluminum Macs are some kind of status symbol, almost like how they had the white MacBook and the black MacBook.

According to this posted in another thread, Mac Pro might be Silver and Black.

I loved one post a few days ago that GUARANTEED new computers on... well, TODAY. -_- Waiting. :cool:
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