The issue isn't so much about copying itself (at least not anymore). The issue is the double-standard.
It's true the double-standard has begun to happen on both sides, but it's largely and far more fervently practiced by one particular side. Not to mention, it really started with Apple in the first place. Wasn't Steve Jobs famous for saying everything about Android is stolen? It's the Apple-side that started the crazy litigations, too, or at least brought it to the forefront of both tech and general news. And then the fans follow suit.
Really, only recently (past year or so) has fans of Samsung and other competitors begun to accuse Apple of copying. And they'd be right.
I know what I'm saying amounts to basically a "he started it first" argument. But that's precisely what I mean to say.
Having said that, it'd be nice if everyone just gave up the whole copying thing. I've always said before, if anything, I wish they'd copy each other more! I'd love to see LG's knock to wake/sleep feature in other handsets. I'd love to see Apple take more inspiration from Android's flexibility, notifications, etc. And so forth.