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Every spreadsheet I export to excel has a stupid coversheet to it that explains why the file might not work right. I would rather it just not work 100% right and have no cover sheet. Most of the people I work with aren't tech savvy enough to realize they just need to click another tab. So I am forced to open everything in office 365 to delete the cover sheet and re-save it. And I hate working on anything but my iPad or iMac. Work computers run SUSE Linux. Hopefully there is an easy solution to this.

I suspect this is a workflow issue as I have no issues editing excel files in excel on my iPad that I have stored on cloud storage (Dropbox or onedrive) and then opening them on PC or Mac. What are you using to work with spreadsheets on the iPad?
I don't have my own office subscription and I think unless my device has airwatch I can't use my work office 365. So I use numbers. I mean I wouldn't care if it wasn't 100% to excel, but that coversheet is annoying. I end up just saving things to pdf if they are meant to be "viewed only".
I suspect this is a workflow issue as I have no issues editing excel files in excel on my iPad that I have stored on cloud storage (Dropbox or onedrive) and then opening them on PC or Mac. What are you using to work with spreadsheets on the iPad?
Yeah, I don’t have any issues going from one to the other either. Maybe it’s a version thing?
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I don't have my own office subscription and I think unless my device has airwatch I can't use my work office 365. So I use numbers. I mean I wouldn't care if it wasn't 100% to excel, but that coversheet is annoying. I end up just saving things to pdf if they are meant to be "viewed only".
Yea if you depend on Excel and use it quite a bit I’d bite the bullet if you can and pay for Office 365 - their iPad apps are incredible
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Yea if you depend on Excel and use it quite a bit I’d bite the bullet if you can and pay for Office 365 - their iPad apps are incredible
I've had the luxury of my employer paying for my Office 365 subscription for the last several years and they let me use it on my personal iPad. I often wonder if I would pay for it out of pocket if I switched jobs and didn't have it anymore. I'm not sure that I would, but it sure is nice to have for free.
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If I really needed it I would be happy to pay for it. iWork does everything just fine for me. It mostly is just how incompatible everything is with ms office that is the problem. It’s passable but not good enough to rely on. Thankfully 99% of the documents I have to do are meant to be read only and PDF is universally well supported.
What I am missing with iPad? Since I am sort of biased it might be a good idea to mention what I don't like.

  • The files app is a great start, but it isn't intuitive to use. I feel like file management with touch could be awesome. Though it ends up being a bit of a struggle to organize things. I use the files app primarily for work. I store assets for artwork I do and scanned copies of documents. I can drag and drop files into apps like affinity photo.
  • There are a lot of bugs with rotating the iPad. Occasionally I get the dock stuck on the side and have to lock and unlock the screen to fix it.
  • No ability to download on safari that I know of. If I click a javascript link, it just "does nothing". If I drag and drop the link to the files app I just get a ".txt" file that is empty.
  • I worry a little that I will be in the middle of an edit on a document or note and I will get called away. When I come back it might refresh what I was doing and I will lose work. Most apps save to iCloud though so it's not a problem. I haven't had any problems in practice but it's in the back of my mind.
  • For me at least handwriting isn't very natural with the Apple Pencil. I don't want to palm the screen, and when I do it is kind of uncomfortable. I have the 10.5 inch though, which is probably not the optimal size to do so.
  • The office apps do not have good compatibility with the even the apple desktop versions. So I have trouble opening and saving files. Every spreadsheet I export to excel has a stupid coversheet to it that explains why the file might not work right. I would rather it just not work 100% right and have no cover sheet. Most of the people I work with aren't tech savvy enough to realize they just need to click another tab. So I am forced to open everything in office 365 to delete the cover sheet and re-save it. And I hate working on anything but my iPad or iMac. Work computers run SUSE Linux. Hopefully there is an easy solution to this.
  • PDFs exported by anything on iOS are huge files. I scan 15-20 pages of pretty much black text on white paper. I set it to black and white on the scan documents and it looks flawless. It should be a few kb jpeg at best. The PDF ends up being like 12mb. So I have to run it through a pdf optimizer to get it down to 2mb. I feel like there should be an optional "reduce size" toggle. I might actually put this as feedback for the notes app.

Probably more, but thats the basic day to day list. As for what I want to see in the new iPads, not much really. It is pretty damn near perfect for me.

  • I like stupid features like ProMotion and TrueTone. My screen adjusts to the lighting in the room to look natural. Awesome. My screen looks smooth as butter when I am scrolling so I don't get eye strain. Double awesome. I am not sure what more they could do here. I like the pixel density. I like the HDR color range. Brightness and reflectivity are good. Long story short more cool features like this.
  • Better Camera. I would drop a grand right now for an "Apple Camera" with a real 15-24mp sensor and all of the processing ability of the a10x/m10. Just give me a half decent optical zoom with OIS. Perfection. Since that probably won't happen keep the iPad using the latest gen camera. I want the 2x optical with OIS like the iPhone X. Please get rid of the smudgy anti-grain though. I can always tell when something is shot on an apple device because it looks slightly smudgy even in good lighting. I use my iPad for a lot of artistic shots and family/friend portraits. Not to mention when I am out on a job site and need to document issues. I hate using my phone because I can't spend a day taking photos or video with it and not have to hug every charger port I can.
  • Better GPU. I know this is coming. Apple designed gpus made it into the iPhone X so the next iPad will surely have them. Not that I can complain at all now. I just really feel like I am using the fastest aluminum slab in the galaxy when I use my iPad Pro. I want to keep feeling that way. Keep putting the surface to shame.
I'm an iPad nut and I am not ashamed. That comes when your first computer is a giant TV with two colors and now you have a 1 pound hd screen with essentially two cray supercomputers inside.
Thanks. That was an interesting read. I share your enthusiasm for tablets and the IPP 10.5 seems to me to be really a polished device. I also share some of your complaints with my biggest being the lack of a decent and touch friendly file management system.

But what I am having a bit of a problem understanding is related to your taking pics with the iPad. So, for example, I would ask when out in the field, how do you take pics? Is your iPad in a case (very likely). Does it have a front cover? When you take pics do you have to remove the case and/ or the cover? That could be cumbersome? If yes, how do you mitigate it? I am just interested in the process, if you know what I mean. Thanks in advance.
But what I am having a bit of a problem understanding is related to your taking pics with the iPad. So, for example, I would ask when out in the field, how do you take pics? Is your iPad in a case (very likely). Does it have a front cover? When you take pics do you have to remove the case and/ or the cover? That could be cumbersome? If yes, how do you mitigate it? I am just interested in the process, if you know what I mean. Thanks in advance.
Probably less cumbersome than blueprints and sheafs of paper on a clipboard. I've seen geotech engineers and land surveyors carrying around iPads in Otterbox cases (construction sites).
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Probably less cumbersome than blueprints and sheafs of paper on a clipboard. I've seen geotech engineers and land surveyors carrying around iPads in Otterbox cases (construction sites).
Ok. Thank you. Do these cases have a cover for the screen?
Ok. Thank you. Do these cases have a cover for the screen?

This is what it looks like. Case has a built-in clear screen protector. It has a stand that doubles as extra protection for the screen (useful when lugging it inside a bag or something). I expect most of them just leave that stand/cover in the car/home/office as I don't see those at job sites.
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But what I am having a bit of a problem understanding is related to your taking pics with the iPad. So, for example, I would ask when out in the field, how do you take pics? Is your iPad in a case (very likely). Does it have a front cover? When you take pics do you have to remove the case and/ or the cover? That could be cumbersome? If yes, how do you mitigate it? I am just interested in the process, if you know what I mean. Thanks in advance.

No problem.

I do work in construction. My iPad Pro replaces all of the paperwork for contracts, order forms, invoices, blueprints and designs. I also use it to organize and document ongoing jobs.

I imagine the 12.9 inch would be cumbersome but the 10.5 inch is actually nice taking photos with such a large view finder. My primary reason is that I have found iPhones die in half a day with how much heavy use I would put it through.

I have a solid case on the back. I only have it so I can set the iPad down on rough surfaces like stone with scratching the aluminum or the camera.

I also use it when I am on vacation. It tucks away into my bag and I pull it out when I want to get shots for vacation memories. I use affinity photo, and various other apps for editing photos. I’ve had excellent results with it.

Way nicer than shooting on a heavy tiny screen slr and moving all of that to my desktop to edit and reupload to my iCloud.

Let me know if you have any more questions or want specifics.

Ps: I never use the iPad in “laptop mode” with a stand or keyboard. I either hold it or set it flat.
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No problem.

I do work in construction. My iPad Pro replaces all of the paperwork for contracts, order forms, invoices, blueprints and designs. I also use it to organize and document ongoing jobs.

I imagine the 12.9 inch would be cumbersome but the 10.5 inch is actually nice taking photos with such a large view finder. My primary reason is that I have found iPhones die in half a day with how much heavy use I would put it through.

I have a solid case on the back. I only have it so I can set the iPad down on rough surfaces like stone with scratching the aluminum or the camera.

I also use it when I am on vacation. It tucks away into my bag and I pull it out when I want to get shots for vacation memories. I use affinity photo, and various other apps for editing photos. I’ve had excellent results with it.

Way nicer than shooting on a heavy tiny screen slr and moving all of that to my desktop to edit and reupload to my iCloud.

Let me know if you have any more questions or want specifics.

Ps: I never use the iPad in “laptop mode” with a stand or keyboard. I either hold it or set it flat.
I don't work in construction, but I definitely identify with your use cases. I used my iPad Pro for a lot of that kind of stuff when we were shopping for houses. I had a notebook going in Notability for various things we needed to take care of as well as all the properties we were looking at. I'd take pictures of the houses from the curb so I'd remember what was what, and then take handwritten notes with my Pencil while we were walking around looking at stuff. (I do use a keyboard, but I'd leave that at home while we were out and about.)

When we actually bought our new house and sold our old one, we were using the iPad to sign and send back documents. That proved to be so much better and faster than printing them, signing them, scanning them back in somewhere, and then sending them back again. And all parties involved really appreciated how prompt we could be.

Side note--I never understood why people are so critical of others using the iPad's camera. Like you said--it's a GREAT viewfinder and gets some really great results if that happens to be what you have in your hand when you need the picture. Also, it's there to add functionality, not be your every day all day camera. I use it more as a scanner and to flip the view if needed during FaceTime calls, and I would hate to not have it there. Of course I wouldn't want someone in front of me at a concert taking pictures with an iPad, and I see some people using them in really inappropriate situations, but that's not the iPad's fault. It's just lack of common sense.
I'd take pictures of the houses from the curb so I'd remember what was what, and then take handwritten notes with my Pencil while we were walking around looking at stuff.

Awesome post. This is exactly it. I take notes on the fly. Work of course, but also planning vacations or events. I drag and drop links to map locations, pictures, and can have handwritten or typed notes in between. When I attend lectures, I record the full audio of the lecture as I take notes. So I can sit through few hour long lectures, recording everything to review later, looking up relevant info to add with a drag and drop, and my battery isn’t even 1/4 gone.

When we actually bought our new house and sold our old one, we were using the iPad to sign and send back documents.

I do this for work all the time. Our carbon paper contracts (have to have hard copies, company policy) are simply scanned into pdf, uploaded to one drive, and emailed out to relevant parties. We went from the yellow/pink blurry blob our scanner would take to full resolution iPad scans automatically converted to black and white for legibility.

it's a GREAT viewfinder and gets some really great results if that happens to be what you have in your hand when you need the picture.

See attached. :) 10.5 inch iPad Pro and Afterlight.

Of course I wouldn't want someone in front of me at a concert taking pictures with an iPad

Agreed. It’s all about respecting other people. I don’t care if people see me taking pictures on an iPad, but I won’t disrupt anyone.


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No problem.

I do work in construction. My iPad Pro replaces all of the paperwork for contracts, order forms, invoices, blueprints and designs. I also use it to organize and document ongoing jobs.

I imagine the 12.9 inch would be cumbersome but the 10.5 inch is actually nice taking photos with such a large view finder. My primary reason is that I have found iPhones die in half a day with how much heavy use I would put it through.

I have a solid case on the back. I only have it so I can set the iPad down on rough surfaces like stone with scratching the aluminum or the camera.

I also use it when I am on vacation. It tucks away into my bag and I pull it out when I want to get shots for vacation memories. I use affinity photo, and various other apps for editing photos. I’ve had excellent results with it.

Way nicer than shooting on a heavy tiny screen slr and moving all of that to my desktop to edit and reupload to my iCloud.

Let me know if you have any more questions or want specifics.

Ps: I never use the iPad in “laptop mode” with a stand or keyboard. I either hold it or set it flat.
Thanks. One last question. Does the case you use have a cover for the screen?
I plan on getting a 6th gen tomorrow. I had a 3rd gen but sold it to my sister years ago.

I think iPads are great at appointments, waiting at an Apple event line...
Email, Safari, Document Management, FaceTime, iMessage, Server Management, Word, Excel, OneNote, Downloading Torrents, Smart Home Management, Netflix, PlayStation Vue, Hulu, Plex, Sports, Reddit, Twitter, News, Games, and Music. This is what I mostly use my iPad for, but new things always come up. I like the larger screen. It’s my only other computer besides my iPhone for work and personal use.
How do you download torrents from an iPad?
How do you download torrents from an iPad?

This is the one thing I had to figure out before I could go iOS only. It takes an investment but I have found it to be worth it. I bought a QNAP server and set up a Plex server on it. QNAP has an app to manage the server and it includes a download center that basically searches 5 popular torrent sites. I then download directly to the server. It’s been useful as my own personal cloud, a Plex server, and recently a Homebridge. Nice investment. I have the QNAP TS251+ I think. It was like $500.
This is the one thing I had to figure out before I could go iOS only. It takes an investment but I have found it to be worth it. I bought a QNAP server and set up a Plex server on it. QNAP has an app to manage the server and it includes a download center that basically searches 5 popular torrent sites. I then download directly to the server. It’s been useful as my own personal cloud, a Plex server, and recently a Homebridge. Nice investment. I have the QNAP TS251+ I think. It was like $500.
Now you’re on a new level there..
I’d like to rent or borrow a 12.9” IPP for a week to try it out. Trying it out in the store hasn’t really given me a good handle on how it would be in daily use. My sense is that it would be too large for me, but then again, I didn’t think I’d use an iPad before I bought mine. Plus I recently sold my 13” MBP, since I wasn’t using it, so I’m lugging around only one screen. Ok, two if you count my phone.

Spreadsheets would seem to be nicer on the larger model, as would some documents. Or websites. Photos. Hmmmm. Come to think of it, a larger screen is sounding better...
I’d like to rent or borrow a 12.9” IPP for a week to try it out. Trying it out in the store hasn’t really given me a good handle on how it would be in daily use. My sense is that it would be too large for me, but then again, I didn’t think I’d use an iPad before I bought mine. Plus I recently sold my 13” MBP, since I wasn’t using it, so I’m lugging around only one screen. Ok, two if you count my phone.

Spreadsheets would seem to be nicer on the larger model, as would some documents. Or websites. Photos. Hmmmm. Come to think of it, a larger screen is sounding better...

Buy from a vendor with a good return policy, such as Apple for example, and try the device during the return period. I guess at this stage you’re just waiting for the new models to be announced?
Buy from a vendor with a good return policy, such as Apple for example, and try the device during the return period. I guess at this stage you’re just waiting for the new models to be announced?

Yes, I’m guessing we’ll see something new from Apple this fall or winter.

I have considered purchasing it with the idea of returning it if it’s not all that, and going for the 10.5”.
It’s probably the only way I’ll be able to know which one I want, for sure.
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