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Hey guys! I posted my WP and dock at MacThemes last night. They're on page 38 of the "DEEP by toffeenut" thread. ;)
Apple iTunes 8 & Jailbreak

Ok... so apparently the iPhone Dev-Team maintains that the iTunes 8 update will still sync/backup jailbroken phones flawlessly (I have confirmed this), but that the impending FW2.1 update cannot be pwnaged until the new Pwnage Tool is completed. This is all very clear to me.

My question concerns a recent notification through iTunes 8 of a carrier baseband update (as I am in Nagoya, presumably from Softbank).

Keeping both feet (knees and elbows too) on the side of caution, I refused it for now. Does anyone have any information on this? Should I wait for the Pwnage Tool for Apple FW2.1?

im From JApan AlsO.

hi GUys i Just waNt to knOW if Those Of You Who Are in JApan SuccEssFullY JAilBrokEn TheiR ipHone PlannIng To JAilBreAk miNE buT i kinDA Doubt CauSe iF i MEss Up,,i`ll End Up With an IpOd Touch With a MonThlY bill From SoftBAnk (LOL)..aNYwaY im uSing An IPHONE 16gb BlacK SOFTBANK,,And a Home CompuTEr (win XP)..caN soMEboDy HEre in JApan HElp ME pLEAse..tnKS and GOD BLESS..

my Email AdREss IS

TnKIu GUys.
hi GUys i Just waNt to knOW if Those Of You Who Are in JApan SuccEssFullY JAilBrokEn TheiR ipHone PlannIng To JAilBreAk miNE buT i kinDA Doubt CauSe iF i MEss Up,,i`ll End Up With an IpOd Touch With a MonThlY bill From SoftBAnk (LOL)..aNYwaY im uSing An IPHONE 16gb BlacK SOFTBANK,,And a Home CompuTEr (win XP)..caN soMEboDy HEre in JApan HElp ME pLEAse..tnKS and GOD BLESS..

my Email AdREss IS

TnKIu GUys.

You can use the Links given on the 1st page of this topic, follow the steps carefully and you ll get ur iPhone jailbroken. Dont even miss a single step else u ll get into trouble. Just follow the steps sanely and u ll be done.

Best of Luck
You can use the Links given on the 1st page of this topic, follow the steps carefully and you ll get ur iPhone jailbroken. Dont even miss a single step else u ll get into trouble. Just follow the steps sanely and u ll be done.

Best of Luck


Tnkiu For THE qUIck RepLY..Ur From JApan AlsO?Hmmm,,I juSt waNT To kNW iF i can BAck My PhoNe up FirsT bEfORe JAilBreakiNg It.So THat iF i RuN iNto TrouBle I can ResTore It..Is tHAt PosibLE?
aLso WhiCh JAilbreaKing Tool can You RecomEnd?can u Add mE on mY YaHoo MEssenGEr so That i CAn Ask u QuesTions DirecTly?PLEAse.....

my YM id is : devil_in_me13

Tnkiu CounTing On YouR HElp BRoTHEr.

hi i've jailbroke a japanese iphone but...

but...the story is it was a black 16 giga softbank, 3.01 firmware version,3g iphone.. unbloked by redsnow till here the operation was successfull...bat when i insert my sim card the phone did not see it.. at all!!!! same with the docomo one provided from my girl guys are you sure the japanese iphone is full compatible with foriner 3g sim cards???in addition if you check the sim holder you will see that is different (comparad in my case) the italian there any european that did effectively unbloked a japanese iphone softbank ???
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