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Here are all the messages received and sent... I just think the buyer wants a refund after a month of using it to buy a new iPhone. Its all too suspicious...

Hi there seems to be a problem I have is I have enabled find my iphone on the device and some how it seems to of locked its self  it should be easily unlocked by entering your apple ID but it just doesn’t seem to work after trying everything I gave apple a ring and the problem is that because it’s a second hand phone this phone is still on your icloud on find my iphone app. Could you kindly remove it for me?

here’s how – go to sign into your account then clock find my iphone, Then click on devices and click the iphone you have sold me, then click on devices again and next to the iphone you previously clicked on it should have a gray cross and by clicking this it will remove my iphone from your icloud. Without you doing this I can not get into this phone please could you do this for me ASAP and email me back so I know it’s done? Thanks for your time. Apart from these small issues the phone is perfectly mint.

Hi, try it now.

I couldnt find my old phone on the list but i have erased and removed my new iphone that was a back up of the old phone.

Please activate and set up as a new phone.

Can you let me know if it works or what email is it saying on the iphone screen.

Hi the phone will not let me restore or do anything to it, When I connect it to iTunes it says HP's iphone and when I click on restore it says there was a problem the software for the iphone HP's iphone The resourse was not found. I have tried everything and I just don't no what to do now its becoming very stressfull. When turning the phone on it's like its a brand new phone and you connect to wifi then it says it may take a few mins to activate your iphone then it says- your iphone coud not be activated due to server being unavailable. apple say that its the find the iphone app making the phone go into safe mode?

I have never heard of HP's iPhone. It has onlt ever been syncd with my itunes and i bought the phone from new at the apple store.

The computer you are syncing with... Is it a work, friends, family computer that has had someone sync their phone? HP's iPhone? It looks like the phone has been syncd, backed up or set up with an itunes account on the computers you have used as i have never heard of HP's iPhone.

Does the initials H P ring a bell?

How did the phone get to the way it is?

The phone is still under warranty until the 28th october.

I will have a search and try and work out what could be the problem.

The laptop I'm using is under a year old and only ever been backed up on iTunes with my old phone, Hp is random to me I just thought it was you, guess not.
The problem started when I linked my phone to find my iphone as I lost my last phone and never activated this. I have just been on the phone to apple and they said if this phone is not on your iclouds find my iphone and its not working now then it is faulty and they have just advised me to seek getting a refund.. The phone is useful to me at the min and I really don't no what to do. I'm working in Spain at the moment and have no time to take it to apple, May be if I could send it back to you and have a refund and if you can have the phone fixed or replaced by apple I would be happy to take it back off you?

Now the buyer has opened a ebay case as ' item doesnt match description'

Messages from the case...

"This phone from day one has seem to have a number of problems, The main problem is that its locked its self and it is unavailable to do anything with at this time. I have asked for a refund as the phone is faulty and the seller states its not his fault and its been a month since I’ve had the item. I have never contact the seller intil the phone locked its self a few days ago. I have spoke with apple and they have game me a few things to do and the phone does not seem to work so they advice me to get a refund as its faulty. I have tried everything with this phone and all though the seller has tried to help me I feel I cannot do anything more. Could I please have a full refund. The phone is in mint condition and has a technical fault that I cannot deal with. "

Your message to the buyer:
"The buyer has used the phone without any reported faults for over a month. The phone was originally purchased by myself from new from Apple and sold with the remaining Apple warranty (october 28th) and i have sent the seller the receipt as seen in the auction pictures. I have advised then to go to an Apple store as it is under warranty with receipt. I have helped the buyer as much as possible, but the buyer has tried to use their find my iphone icloud account of their perviously lost iphone which has caused this issue as mentioned that you can read in the ebay messages sent between us. The phone has been working fine for over 30 days with no reports to me or ebay of any of these, so i can not accept any returns as this will be the buyers user error for locking the phone with the icloud of their lost iphone. If an item was faulty from day one, the buyer would have escalated this asap. My auction was listed with a no returns policy to which they accepted by clicking buy it now."

Buyer's message:
"The has been problems with the phone but I did not message you as I though the problems could be easily fixed. Like I have stated in my messages I have spoke with apple and the phone is faulty I cannot go to an apple store as the nearest one if 3 hours drive and I do not have the time or money to deal with a faulty phone what I have received from the seller, this is not the only problem with the phone here more its slow some times it just goes on a frozen screen when unlocking it and the battery only lasts about 5 hours. The phone is clearly faulty and if you don't wish to give me a refund then I will have to ask ebay too. "

"The iphone was in perfect working and physical order when sold. If the item was slow/freezing/low battery then you would have contacted myself and ebay as soon as you received it. You did not mention those faults in your messages. You have used the phone for over a month without fault or contacting myself or ebay. That proves that the phone was in perfect working order when delivered and inspected. I listed the phone with an Apple warranty and original purchase receipt, so suggest the buyer goes to their nearest Apple store for repair. I am not responsible for them syncing the phone with their lost iphone account, so it is the buyers user error that has caused this or that i suspect that they are just wanting to return the item for no other reason than because they do not want it any more. As you stated in your messages it worked perfectly fine until you synced it with your icloud findmyiphone account of your previously lost iphone which has locked it. "

"The phone was sent to my place of work then sent over to spain to me this so I did not get the phone till way over a week after you sent it to me, I only had the phone up and running this time last week and it has now locked it self apple say its because of your icloud account still having that phone on your find my iphone app you say its not on there so apple say then the phones faulty as they and my self have tried everything!! I am not sending it back because I don't want it im sending it back because it does not work and its faulty. Your clearly saying its my fault when the iphone should unlock its self when I use my apple account to sign in but it doesn't again this is because you have sold me a iphone that does not work properly. lets let ebay money back team sort this as we are not getting no where like this."

"It has nothing to do with my icloud account. You have caused it to become locked as you have tried to link it to your previously lost iphone icloud account, this would cause it to be locked or you have synced it with someones itunes that has a phone called HP's iPhone. It has been with you for over a month now. If i received an item that was faulty from day one, i would of contacted on day one, not after it has been locked by your user error by linking it to a previously lost locked iphone account. it was auctioned with an apple warranty, where it can be taken to any EU country apple store for replacement. The auction was a UK only auction for UK only buyers, not to be shipped out to Spain."

"I have not caused anything my previously lost phone has nothing to do with it, This is just nonsense!! it has been with me for just over a week now not a month I have post recipts to prove this. Yes it was a uk only does this mean that after having sent it to a uk address it can not be forwarded on? no it does not. I think you clearly new the iphone was faulty and I hope ebay see this too. "

"You have caused it by locking it to your previously lost iphone account. not my fault, you caused it. Your times do not add up, you said it was forwarded from your company to you in spain and received it a week after and now you say you have only had it a week? Where are the other tho and a half weeks? It was sold on 10th September and it is now the 11th october. the iphone was in perfect working condition cosmetically and physically and i hope by ebay checking all your previous messages they can see that your comments do not add up."


This is a nightmare... The phone was mint and worked perfectly and sold with apple warranty. The buyer has had it for a month!

Sounds like they may have a stolen phone icloud locked claiming to be your 1. They could icloud lock the 1 u sold with their account and then unlock it themselves after they tried to receive a refund.
Sounds like they may have a stolen phone icloud locked claiming to be your 1. They could icloud lock the 1 u sold with their account and then unlock it themselves after they tried to receive a refund.
They've probably figured something out one way or another almost two years later at this point.
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