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I run a small business using the regular 2018 iPad. I have a portable Bluetooth keyboard and the Pencil. I mainly use the pencil for note taking, signing documents and image editing. I have to post a lot of images on social media and I find the pencil really useful. The keyboard is mostly used for blogging.

I have an app for invoices and another for accounting. Everything syncs to my iPhone - ie I can do imaging/invoices/accounting on the go if necessary and everything will then sync with my iPad.

As for watching videos and casual web surfing. Unless I’m on holiday I rarely have time for that!

It’s basically my laptop replacement. Would an iPad Pro do a better job? Maybe. Would I ever get that extra money I spent on a Pro back in extra sales? Probably not. Would I buy one of the new iPad Pros? - maybe, they look kind of cool :)
What kinda business do you run?
I regret that I have only one Thumbs Up to give to this post.

You address the root issue. It is too easy to get caught up in the raw specs and lose sight of how those specs will impact (if they do) the use of the device. It requires a little more thought than, "the higher number the better".

For example, when the 1st gen iPad Pros were released, no one was complaining about the latency of the Pencil. But as soon as the 2nd gen was released with ProMotion, suddenly, people were claiming that the 1st gen Pros were laggy messes and the Pencil was unusable. Then ProMotion became a "must have" feature for people.

Of course Apple is going to tout that in their marketing, but it then gets parroted by customers, which in turn helps convince others that they too need ProMotion.
I’ll be honest and admit I get caught up in those spec games all the time, reading so many different threads and reviews with all the benchmarks, you convince yourself you can’t make it by with the lower cost models. It was hard to talk myself out of the pro, I even changed my mind in the store and tried to order the pro lol. Luckily they were sold out and I just took that as the sign after spending half the morning just to find the 6th gen in stock, just go through with it.

I have no regrets, I barley touch my phone when I’m on the couch at home or at work, the form factor of this is perfect and I feels just as fast as my 8 plus. I’m sure if I got the pro I would be just as happy obviously, but I would have second thoughts knowing I dropped several hundred dollars more just go get it and use it for YouTube and safari lol
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