Tech is moving away from old fashion media, blue ray will come and go and soon everything will be on the net via downloads and streams.. The DVD/Blue Ray Disc's will go the same way as 33 and 1/38track
Im thinking of moving forward and jumping from DVD to HD downloads
So long as digital downloads and streams look as crappy as they currently do, there will be a market for hi-def physical media. I've seen what the overcompressed crap iTunes and DirecTV try to pass off as HD... it's awful. Barely above DVD quality. That may be adequate for some people... probably not a big deal or they can't tell the difference. But for some of us, we put a premium of picture quality and will pay for it. Paying a premium for a quality product is something no Apple user should find odd or unusual.
No doubt digital downloads will be able to provide the quality videophiles want eventually. But so long as most broadband in the US remains relatively slow (like DSL or low end cable speeds... <10Mbps-ish), that time is still years away.