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Disk space i believe

I guess I'll just install it along with Cydia when I jailbreak my iPhone for the first time ... I can just leave it out if I don't like it as another software update comes along and I have to re-jailbreak, right?
I guess I'll just install it along with Cydia when I jailbreak my iPhone for the first time ... I can just leave it out if I don't like it as another software update comes along and I have to re-jailbreak, right?

As long as you don't select the option to install it when you jailbreak in the future you'll be fine, doesnt really do any harm when you install it tbh
Another thing I heard about that looks like I would use it a lot is 'Categories' ... any experiences with that?

If so, how have you set it up?

Springboard page 1: all your frequently used apps
Springboard page 2: all your categories
something like that?

And can you change the categories icons if I choose to use it? (because the categories screenshots I've seen are reaaally ugly)
Another thing I heard about that looks like I would use it a lot is 'Categories' ... any experiences with that?

If so, how have you set it up?

Springboard page 1: all your frequently used apps
Springboard page 2: all your categories
something like that?

And can you change the categories icons if I choose to use it? (because the categories screenshots I've seen are reaaally ugly)

You can set up the categories however you'd like. I just use 2 categories. One for games and one for rarely used apps. That way it cuts me down from 8 home screens down to 3 home screens. They give you quite a few icons to choose from when you create a category, but I'm not sure if you can make your own. I assume you could through SSH if you can find the right file.
You can set up the categories however you'd like. I just use 2 categories. One for games and one for rarely used apps. That way it cuts me down from 8 home screens down to 3 home screens. They give you quite a few icons to choose from when you create a category, but I'm not sure if you can make your own. I assume you could through SSH if you can find the right file.

I'll take that question to MacThemes then, thanks anyway!

Another question ... does a jailbreak allow you to use BluePhoneElite with the iPhone? Or any other similar software that allows you to send text messages from your Mac using bluetooth?
Alright, I'm jailbreaking it the moment I get it back from the Apple store (had a broken screen after performing the 3.0.1 update, probably some sort of heat problem ... but that's not the issue at hand here)

I was afraid I'd lose all my Rolando, Rolando 2, Edge, TapTap high scores etc ...

Good luck! You will love it afterwards. I often wonder why I didn't JB ages ago. :)
I'll take that question to MacThemes then, thanks anyway!

Another question ... does a jailbreak allow you to use BluePhoneElite with the iPhone? Or any other similar software that allows you to send text messages from your Mac using bluetooth?

I'm a PC user so I wouldn't really know. I did look on their site though and it said it is not able to send text messages through the iPhone. There may be a hack out there for it, just search on Google.
What are the problems that people generally get from jailbreaking without starting over with a clean phone?

If I can't keep my data after jailbreaking without any problems, I'm not sure I'm going through with it.
What are the problems that people generally get from jailbreaking without starting over with a clean phone?

If I can't keep my data after jailbreaking without any problems, I'm not sure I'm going through with it.

Why would you start over with a clean phone? The other threads about affecting battery life are when people who just bought a 3GS saying that they shouldn't restore from a 2G or 3G backup.

You don't need to do any type of restore. You just plug in your phone, let it sync, and then run the jailbreak and that's it. It doesn't take long. No need to do a restore.
Why would you start over with a clean phone? The other threads about affecting battery life are when people who just bought a 3GS saying that they shouldn't restore from a 2G or 3G backup.

You don't need to do any type of restore. You just plug in your phone, let it sync, and then run the jailbreak and that's it. It doesn't take long. No need to do a restore.

Oh, great.
I was under the impression that every time I do a jailbreak, I had to start over with a clean phone to avoid battery problems.

So I can just keep on jailbreaking after every update without ever having to start with a clean phone again?
(Because that would be ideal)
Alright, thanks a lot to everyone who has helped me out so far ...

If anyone has got anything to add to this thread, please do.
Don't you have to restore for every firmware update and rejailbreak?

even if you just update the phone, you will have to back up from restore and then re-jailbreak.

Putting it into DFU mode is different then a restore. When you restore, your entire device is cleared and you have to sit there and wait for iTunes to load up all your contacts, music, movies, etc. again (took me 2 hours last time I did it). This is not the case when you jailbreak or install new firmware. It just installs the new operating system, but keeps all your files and configurations in tact.
Sorry man, but that's the dumbest part of your post.

Don't JB if you don't want the things that JBing offers. We'll help you, but we're not going to make up your mind for you.

I don't see what's so dumb about it really.

I've read reports of people saying their iPhones got less responsive, battery life deteriorating dramatically and more software glitches/issues overall after jailbreaking their phones.

Just trying to weigh the pros and cons and make my decision based on that.
I don't see what's so dumb about it really.

I've read reports of people saying their iPhones got less responsive, battery life deteriorating dramatically and more software glitches/issues overall after jailbreaking their phones.

Just trying to weigh the pros and cons and make my decision based on that.

Well, if you read those threads why would we have to add that info?

Most of the whining is about slowdown, which you said you don't care about.

Yes battery life decreases, try it and if you don't like it just restore back to stock. Or if you do buy a battery pack.
Well, if you read those threads why would we have to add that info?

Most of the whining is about slowdown, which you said you don't care about.

Yes battery life decreases, try it and if you don't like it just restore back to stock. Or if you do buy a battery pack.

Because I wanted to know if those claims were valid and the majority of the jailbreakers were experiencing this as well.

Where did I say I don't care about slowdown?
With data, I meant saved games and app settings etc ... not music / photos etc ... you can't sync that back over, right?

There's a Cydia App called AppBackup (not AptBackup) which will archive that stuff. Run it, copy that backup off the phone. Restore and JB, copy that info back to the phone and restore from it.
There's a Cydia App called AppBackup (not AptBackup) which will archive that stuff. Run it, copy that backup off the phone. Restore and JB, copy that info back to the phone and restore from it.

Except it doesn't work if you have certain apps installed (don't know which ones). Any by doesnt work I mean it really messes up your phone and you have to do a full restore just to get the thing to turn back on. It took me over 3 hours total to do the full restore and then do the jailbreak and then manually add all my JB apps back. If I didn't use AptBackup, I could have just manually added all my JB apps and it would have taken 30 mins.
Except it doesn't work if you have certain apps installed (don't know which ones). Any by doesnt work I mean it really messes up your phone and you have to do a full restore just to get the thing to turn back on. It took me over 3 hours total to do the full restore and then do the jailbreak and then manually add all my JB apps back. If I didn't use AptBackup, I could have just manually added all my JB apps and it would have taken 30 mins.

I think you're confusing the two.

AppBackup just saves AppStore game and app settigns/info. AptBackup is the one that's supposed to download all your Cydia apps in one go.
There's a Cydia App called AppBackup (not AptBackup) which will archive that stuff. Run it, copy that backup off the phone. Restore and JB, copy that info back to the phone and restore from it.

Nice, didn't know that! Thanks!
Does this work for all apps ... games in particular?
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