wow, it's getting worse. happening about every day now.
feels like my machine's infected. ClamXAV is clean, not sure what else to do.
oh. do you know the file name? i looked but nothing is jumping out at me.Your launch database is in your home directory.
[~/Library/Preferences] > ls *LaunchServices**
[~/Library/Preferences] >
here's my favorite part:Yeah, I don't think that's it. What do you think of this article?
i think that may explain a few things.Apple does not tell us which service maintains the Launch Services database, but I have a strong suspicion that it is lsd
do they mean Launch Services database. Even if someone were to tell you where to find the files, you cannot just trash them.
Not sure if this is the cause of your problem but I have been having similar issues. In my case it turns out they are being caused by Firefox Quantum (58.02).
This behavior did not happen with Firefox 56. It only happens on my iMac is running 10.10.05, the same behavior does not occur on my Macbook running 10.13, but I have read reports from other people of the problem also happening on 10.13 with Firefox Quantum.
The actual launchservices.plist is not changed, what appears to be changed is the temporary launch services csstore file - on my system it's: (stored in Private/Var/Folder/51/xxxxxx/C folder).
Now it might be that something underlying in OSX is actually causing the issue and it is just being triggered by my action of dragging a file to the desktop from Firefox, but then again it doesn't happen if I drag a jpg file from Safari.
OMG YES i have reproduced this. THANK YOU, this has been driving me crazy. at least i have a workaround now.Not sure if this is the cause of your problem but I have been having similar issues. In my case it turns out they are being caused by Firefox Quantum (58.02).
It occurs whenever I drag an image, for example a jpg, from the Firefox browser window to the desktop.
workaround #1 is to use the context menu in FF to save. workaround #2 is to not use FF.Thanks for confirming, zimv20. Tell me, what was your workaround? I don't drag images out of FF, I Ctrl + click on an image and use the Context menu to save it. That where I get the glitch.
workaround #1 is to use the context menu in FF to save. workaround #2 is to not use FF.
sorry, what is the glitch?
Not sure if this is the cause of your problem but I have been having similar issues. In my case it turns out they are being caused by Firefox Quantum (58.02).
If I didn't say so before, I did want to thank you for that lead. I stopped using FF for Chrome and Safari since Saturday and up to now, the associations are staying put at Photoshop. I hate to call the game early, but I don't think FF 58 would go this far. FF has been signing me out of a few websites in HS as well. I should have tried another browser, but I've been with FF for years and thought that glitch was on OSX. Now hoping a patch will settle that.
wow, great, my initial test worked. thanks a ton for following up with this.Some good news about a workaround I've been trying and it seems to be holding.
Courtesy of
"For a workaround, browsing to about:config and setting "security.sandbox.content.level" to 2 (instead of the current default value of 3) and then restarting your browser may work. This makes the security sandbox more permissive, but doesn't completely disable it."
thank YOU. i no longer cry myself to sleep.Appreciate all the good help I got here that I'm not sure I would elsewhere.
Same Problem I am facing with my software.I'm having a problem with Photoshop disappearing from the "Open with" list. Unfortunately this one is a bear.
This is one idea from "Ask different":
It should do no harm. Removing the plist that lists the default apps will mean it is regenerated.