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Chances are it will be about as successful as every other petition trying to get Apple to do something.
Gizmodo poo poos it today: (makes the whole thing sound pretty pathetic)

"Mac Pro Fans Launch Sad Facebook Campaign For Upgrade

There's been strong indication that Apple is contemplating killing off the Mac Pro. But a sad, small group of creative professionals is crying out for Cupertino to give them new machines. Problem is, their clamoring probably won't be heard, because their bleak little group—We Want a New Macpro—only has a paltry 54 likes.

By contrast, the campaign to Save All My Children has legs, with 5,466 likes—about 100 times more than care about a Mac Pro refresh. ABC cancelled the show months ago. And mullets, as in the "business in the front, party in the back" haircut, have a whopping 15,791 likes.

Even Get Sam Biddle Off Gizmodo has 25 likes, more than halfway to this depressing new computer lobbying campaign. But hey, a goal's a goal!

The Mac Pro group has submitted a letter to Apple making their grievances known. But to be honest, it's probably no use. These 54 souls might actually be the only ones who would buy it. It's difficult to justify the purchase of a $2,500 computer with a giant bulky tower when there are cheaper options packed with plenty of power. Sales have steadily slipped and Apple has focused its efforts into the MacBook line, which will probably be updated soon, possibly as soon as next month at WWDC. It might be time to mourn the death of the Mac Pro. At the world's smallest funeral. [Facebook]"
So post after post about "We're professionals and need professional computers! Apple doesn't care about the professional market! Rawdy rawdy rawdy!" on MacRumors and they [Mac Pro users] start an online petition on Facebook?
They make it seem like we are driving gen 1 hummers in a gas crisis.
"Mac Pro Fans Launch Sad Facebook Campaign For Upgrade.... Problem is, their clamoring probably won't be heard, because their bleak little group—We Want a New Macpro—only has a paltry 54 likes.

By contrast, the campaign to Save All My Children has legs, with 5,466 likes—about 100 times more than care about a Mac Pro refresh. ABC cancelled the show months ago. And mullets, as in the "business in the front, party in the back" haircut, have a whopping 15,791 likes.

Wow, that's pretty in depth analysis there. I mean, a group that is a few days old has only 54 likes!

Not that I really care to join some facebook group (in fact I'm increasing considering canceling my FB account in general, but that's a different topic), but I've looked at that link a few times in just the last hour or so, and its grown from about 400 likes to now ~650. Hitting refresh as I type this post is showing 10-20 likes every couple of minutes even. You have to give things time to catch on and word to spread. If things do eventually catch on, it grows logarithmically.

All that said, no this isn't going to change Apple's plans one iota.
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I would support this, but:

1. Facebook campaign groups are pointless
2. I don't use facebook
I agree with previous post. Facebook gathers personal information and then has problems keeping it safe.
I wish they would have spelled the name correctly. It's not "Macpro", it's "Mac Pro".

Little things like that matter when you want to build awareness. Still, I gave it my "Like", bringing the total to 775.

In the end, these things won't likely matter. The decision will be (and no-doubt already has been) made by Apple, one way or the other. But such activities give us an avenue for venting, and offer the illusion of power for those who need such things.

Personally, I'm inclined to agree with those who say Apple is waiting for Intel and one or two other technologies to fall into place. In addition, the pace of advances in workstations seems to have slowed, as the larger, more lucrative market has moved to mobile devices, so I wouldn't be surprised to see the length of time between updates lengthen to two or more years, which is about where we currently find ourselves.

Then again, I could be simply floating on gossamer dreams...
Personally, I'm inclined to agree with those who say Apple is waiting for Intel and one or two other technologies to fall into place.

My thinking has moved more towards they aren't waiting on anything except themselves. Clearly at best it is of low priority. It's becoming the joke of Apple in some circles.
Personally, I'm inclined to agree with those who say Apple is waiting for Intel and one or two other technologies to fall into place. In addition, the pace of advances in workstations seems to have slowed, as the larger, more lucrative market has moved to mobile devices, so I wouldn't be surprised to see the length of time between updates lengthen to two or more years, which is about where we currently find ourselves.

Then again, I could be simply floating on gossamer dreams...

It has certainly slowed, though the Ivy Bridge E5s may only be about a year away. So what we might see for the next cycle or two from intel is a 2 year tock, followed by a 1 year tick. Though this could just be a Sandy Bridge thing, since as far as I know, Haswell Xeons don't have a predicted delay yet. While Intel fessed up to the Westmere/Sandy Bridge delay times actually fairly early.
Gizmodo poo poos it today: (makes the whole thing sound pretty pathetic)

"Mac Pro Fans Launch Sad Facebook Campaign For Upgrade

There's been strong indication that Apple is contemplating killing off the Mac Pro. But a sad, small group of creative professionals is crying out for Cupertino to give them new machines. Problem is, their clamoring probably won't be heard, because their bleak little group—We Want a New Macpro—only has a paltry 54 likes.

By contrast, the campaign to Save All My Children has legs, with 5,466 likes—about 100 times more than care about a Mac Pro refresh. ABC cancelled the show months ago. And mullets, as in the "business in the front, party in the back" haircut, have a whopping 15,791 likes.

Even Get Sam Biddle Off Gizmodo has 25 likes, more than halfway to this depressing new computer lobbying campaign. But hey, a goal's a goal!

The Mac Pro group has submitted a letter to Apple making their grievances known. But to be honest, it's probably no use. These 54 souls might actually be the only ones who would buy it. It's difficult to justify the purchase of a $2,500 computer with a giant bulky tower when there are cheaper options packed with plenty of power. Sales have steadily slipped and Apple has focused its efforts into the MacBook line, which will probably be updated soon, possibly as soon as next month at WWDC. It might be time to mourn the death of the Mac Pro. At the world's smallest funeral. [Facebook]"

Gizmodo is a trash, why anyone reads what those idiots have to say is beyond me.
"Mac Pro fans launch a Facebook Campain for an upgrade"

Im not on Facebook so can't "like" but stand back and take a bow, we all need to beat this drum and make some noise together, they will listen, they are local, look how quick they respond to Greenpeace, and for the record, I have emailed Tim Cooke in the past 6 months over an iCards issue, and received a reply! Mind you I emailled him to ask are they still investing in the Mac Pro 3 weeks ago but got no reply :-(
Gizmodo is a trash, why anyone reads what those idiots have to say is beyond me.

I mostly agree but at least they get the news out... From 54 to more than 1000 in a matter of hours...
MacRumors is quite quiet about our countless plead to raise motion in favour of a new mac pro...
It has certainly slowed, though the Ivy Bridge E5s may only be about a year away. So what we might see for the next cycle or two from intel is a 2 year tock, followed by a 1 year tick. Though this could just be a Sandy Bridge thing, since as far as I know, Haswell Xeons don't have a predicted delay yet. While Intel fessed up to the Westmere/Sandy Bridge delay times actually fairly early.

Well Haswell Xeons would have been in the second half of 2013. Considering Ivy is hitting in Q2 2013, I wonder when they'll debut Haswell. I mean will they eat a short cycle on Ivy and release them the same year to try to catch up or let it slide?
Gizmodo can eat a turd sandwich. I wonder why they aren't so keen on Apple. It couldn't have anything to do with this old story LOL! Could it? I'm sure you all remember.

There is a reason sales of these machines have been on a steady decline. Everyone that was gonna buy one bought then between now and 2 years ago. People don't exactly like to buy old tech for top dollar. As soon as they are released people will be upgrading like crazy.
oh and 1387 and counting.
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The fun part about a Gizmodo article like that is that it draws attention to the issue. I'm wondering how many folks originally read the article who had not seen the Facebook group before. I also wonder how many of the readers decided to like the group after reading it. SO in a way Gizmodo might have added numbers to the group.
Apple might not monitor Facebook groups, but I am almost positive the monitor press. Maybe Gizmodo's article had unintended effects. I'm not saying that any of this will help. What I am saying is at least there is a good chance Apple has seen this now.

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