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Doesn't sound like that big of an enterprise if your imaging solution isn't full proof and your HP contract isn't good enough to get the good stuff (I've had HP engineers agree to come in on Easter Sunday to install RAM upgrades in servers, and I have their personal cell numbers on hand any time I need them).

We're not that big of a shop and no computer on the network isn't imaged with our corporate image.

Sorry if you think this is a fight, it's not really, it's my own experience. The last time I encountered a PC with an OEM image in my work in the last 13 years was when I worked for a very small IT firm (very, very small, 12 person affair, small business support) and we sold some guy a laptop for his personal use out of our Dell contract.
Well I unfortunately work at such a large enterprise that decisions are made very far up and away from me. For instance. If a user wants the latest greatest laptop they have two choices, HP or Mac. Guess what, we only have images for 4420, 6930 and 8440 HP laptops. (Macs don't get a standard image!). If it isn't one of those then I am going in there and reinstalling everything from scratch, or if its a beater laptop for one of the field crews to take with them it will have one application installed and everything left alone.
I said I worked for a very large enterprise, not a very well managed one.
...What's your point?

Also, this thread doesn't make much sense. It's likely that those PCs are just running some custom software. Obviously the government isn't going to waste their time following Apple's application writing guidelines. Those machines probably aren't even running Windows.

You can write whatever software you want for the Mac FYI, not to mention every computer OS has suggestions on how to write your apps but you don't have to follow them.
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