Tempo Pro Plus Bootable SSD Mac OS 10.9- my solution
My system: MacPro 5.1 12 core 96 GB RAM 4 internal 6TB HGST drives Mac OS 10.9 Tempo Pro Plus (firmware updated by me) with 2 Samsung EVO 1TB SSD
I called Sonnet Tech 1 week ago and explained that when I booted my MacPro 5.1 using MacOS 10.9 from an SSD on the Tempo that my four 6 TB drives on my internal SATA bus would not mount. When I restarted from my SATA drive only that single drive mounted as the start up drive then the two SSDs mounted but my other 3 SATA internal drives did not mount. You told me that you had not heard of this before. I appear to have solved the problem.
The next paragraph explains what I did to figure out the solution. You may skip to the third paragraph for the short answer.
I erased 10.9 from the SSD drive and placed it in an Icy Dock adapter and put it in bay 3 of my MacPro and removed the Tempo card. I then installed a fresh OS 10.9 on the SSD in the SATA bus. When I restarted from the SSD in the #3 bay I found that my #1 and #2 bay SATA drives mounted but not #4. I then moved the SSD to bay #4 and restarted from the SSD and all of my drives in bays 1,2,&3 mounted. It appears that the position of the SSD with a bootable copy of OS 10.9 prevents the subsequent SATA drives from mounting. I put the SSD drive back on the Tempo card in PCI slot #2 which is a 12X slot and restarted from the SSD drive and only the 2 SSDs mounted. I removed the card restarted from my SATA drive and all 4 internal SATA drives again mounted. I reinstalled the Tempo card and restarted from the same #1 SATA drive and only the #1 SATA Boot Drive mounted and the 2 SSDs but not SATA drives 2,3, or 4.
I realized that I had to delay the mounting of the SSD drive with a bootable OS 10.9 so I put the Tempo card in the 2X PCI slot.
Everything now works. I start up and I have the choice of booting from either the SSD or the Internal SATA (they have different start up icons and names) and then all four internal SATA 6TB drives mount, both SSDs mount and an external 2TB eSATA (with a bootable copy of OS 10.6 which is attached to the Tempo card) mounts.
Start up is not as fast as it was with the SSD in the #4 internal eSATA bay with the adapter but if I boot from the SSD all of the processes run faster such as installing large program files i.e. Final Cut Pro and Logic.
So that 's it. If you want to use the SSD on the Tempo Pro Plus card as a boot volume then:
1) Install OSX on to the SSD (to be used in the Tempo card) in an internal SATA bay using an adapter.
2) Mount the SSD on the Tempo card and install the card in a 2X PCI slot and NOT the 12X slot.