Not based on what @
SteveJobzniak said earlier in this thread, apparently...

I would dearly love to settle on both Apple's mail clients in both iOS and macOS, I really would, but: (a.) the whole p***ing contest with GMail push is a show-stopper for me; (b.) I don't plan to undo 12 years' worth of giving out my Gmail address to people and companies; and (c.) I'm not going through any of the methods I've seen regarding forwarding Gmail to my iCloud account or something like that.
I wish Apple would simply adopt the method used by Airmail, Edison Email, Spark, etc., and let its servers hold the mail and push it to its clients. (I have often heard it said Apple should just do like Microsoft did with Accompli, now Outlook for iOS, and buy one of the better third-party clients. Right now, that would be Edison Email
if it had threading for anything other than Gmail. As I said earlier in this thread, Edison says that's TBD when that'll happen.) After all, I trust Apple's servers to hold my iCloud files; so I'd trust Apple's servers to hold my Gmail for push purposes. I understand Apple's position on this re mail privacy and all that, but I don't grasp the difference between holding one's files and holding one's mail. Maybe somebody can "explain it like I'm five," as they say on Reddit.
EDIT: My mistake. The third-party mail apps store your credentials, not your mail.