Other than the very costly Bose speakers, which have the best sound for the buck? Please provide model numbers so that I amy compare the prices and the specifications.
Sorry I use Bose... they are so worth it.
Which set do you use? Chances are, they aren't worth what you paid.
Best speakers I have heard to date are the Audio Engine A2's a little pricey at $199 but no computer speaker comes close!
There not as bassy as the ones that come with a subwoofer but its worth the money!!!
Just do a google search on the Audioengine A2's NO REGRETS!
The A5's the big brother to the A2's were just featured in the new iPhone commercial
They might be the best sounding speakers around, but I don't plan on spending $200.00 on speakers.
Yeah they are a little pricey but I figure I wont be upgrading anytime soon and Ill be listening to them for a while. No regrets, You can pickup a used set of soundsticks for a good price usually on eBay.
I was really hesitant to anything less next to my beautiful mac.
Yes I looked at them, but they are so ugly, I want to puke when I look at them. I guess I am being petty, but I want something that will complement my new 24" iMac.
I agree with you on that 100%
I dont have pics of my Audio Engines which I got in black, But heres a white set that doesnt look half bad next to an iMac
I prefer the black ones but either or is a nice set.
Klipsch Promedia 2.1
I prefer the Klipsch over the Bose Companion 2's that I have, but most of the difference is the sub.
I prefer the Klipsch over the Bose Companion 2's that I have, but most of the difference is the sub.
Klipsch are also awesome, Im a bit bias to Klipsch as they are my speaker of choice when it comes to my Home Theater
( all mid level Klipsch - Soon REFERENCE )
I've been running the Logitech Z-5500s for about 3 years now. I love them. They can be had on the cheap, too. Grabbed mine for about 200 with free shipping.
That with a mini-toslink cable gives you some decent 5.1 from the imac.
Great bang for the buck, IMO.
When you go Reference, you will be so blown away. I moved from synergy II series up to Refs (RF-5's, RC-7, RS-7's and RSW-10) a few years back and the difference was just out of this world. You probably already know this with Klipsch's but it became even more important with the Reference series... mate them up with the warmest Amp you can pull off. I had run my Synergy series off a pretty nice Onkyo amp and when I upgraded to the Reference series it was so ... cold sounding... overly high pitched... just very disappointing. With some research I found that Denon's (at least at the time) were more mellow, warmer amps so I changed to a mid level Denon receiver and it made all the difference in the world.
BTW, the RSW-10 is ungodly... it actually dims my lights when it hits hard. 700 Watts RMS if I recall correctly...A friend of mine has an Adaire Audio Shiva (crazy dual voice coil 12") in a MONSTER size enclosure and my little RSW-10 owns it.
I am sure they are great, but a little rich for me at this time. I don't want to go more than $100.00 before tax and shipping.
But like me and possibly the OP: We're poor.View Post
When you go Reference, you will be so blown away.