Which Bose Companions do you have the ones with the cloth grill or the older model?
I have the the older model with the hard grill covers.
Which Bose Companions do you have the ones with the cloth grill or the older model?
I have the the older model with the hard grill covers.
DO NOT BUY BOSE nuff said, for the price you can get much better sounding stuff. I threw out my Companion 3's, absolutely hideous sounding speakers. Klipsch, M-Audio, and others are FAR SUPERIOR than Bose, I strongly belief Bose stands for Buy Other Sound Equipment.
DO NOT BUY BOSE nuff said, for the price you can get much better sounding stuff. I threw out my Companion 3's, absolutely hideous sounding speakers. Klipsch, M-Audio, and others are FAR SUPERIOR than Bose, I strongly belief Bose stands for Buy Other Sound Equipment.
Are there particular models you recommend?
I was told those sound real bad, so I left them off my list.
Are there particular models you recommend?
Sure, Klipsch pro-media 2.1, Logitech (the ones you bought) are pretty good bang for the buck, there's always M-Audio Studiophiles AV-40's (quite awesome) Audioengine's A2's amongst others...
Newegg has them on for 63 dollars right now...http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836121130 Anyone have any experiences with them?
Has anyone tried these? Creative I-Trigue 2.1 3300