If you have multiple HDMI devices on the TV, try unplugging other ones or swapping the ports.
Yes, I thought of that also...but...it didn't work either.
I may just try the RCA cables.
If you have multiple HDMI devices on the TV, try unplugging other ones or swapping the ports.
Yes, I thought of that also...but...it didn't work either.
I may just try the RCA cables.
instead of making fun of him for spending too much on an HDMI cable, you guys could be a little more constructive.
My suggestion is, and I don't care if this won't be the final setup, but to test with component out and see if that solves the problem.
Thanks for the info, I do have the original ATV....but thought that it was a second version, (I had to take the first one that I bought to Best Buy because it totally stopped working and they gave me a newer one, later software I suppose).
The item worked fine until about a year ago. I bought an HD movie last night and could not ever get it to work. Very frustrating.
SO....I guess going with the ATV made me spend $20 on the movie, $80 on the HDMI cable and now I have to spend a couple of thousand to get where I wanted to be with this. Doesn't sound very good....
Thanks for your comments.
Okay....I vow to never spend more than ten bucks on a HDMI cable ever again.
The problem still exists...I tried the various suggestions on getting the handshake correct, but nothing has worked. I may take the unit to Best Buy again and see if I can get the $99 version of ATV.
I guess that it is best to stay away from blogs, forums or the internet whenever you're fed up with a product.
Thanks for all of the suggestions....
I think that was the problem. He was regretting that he vented in public....BTW What does staying away from blogs, forums, etc. have to do with the issues you have? You sound like a 5 year old that can't get what he wants. Strangers take time away from their lives to help you and all you can do is throw a temper tantrum and say ***** it?
My HD home video plays just fine....that's what really strange. If the HD home video plays well and all of the purchased movies do not....what could the problem be?
No.....no luck whatsoever. I tried logging in to iTunes with the ATV and was successful at logging in, but still get the HDCP message.
I am going to take the Apple TV to Best Buy and see if they will swap it out for another. I am just totally fed up with wasting time trying to get it to work.