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Yes, I thought of that didn't work either.
I may just try the RCA cables.

OK, easy test. Bring your Apple TV to a friend's house. Try another TV. Or bring it back to the store and ask them to test it on one of their display TVs.

That will tell you whether it's the Apple TV or your own television (or something in between) that's the source of the problem.

(And, sheesh, guys, way to kick a guy when he's down... C'mon, let's take the high road here and be helpful.)
I have a 40 GB ATV and know your frustration. First, are you streaming or did you install the movie on the ATV? Second, did you try a different movie or anything else to see if your able to watch anything? Personally, when I buy movies through iTunes (rarely), I buy it through my Mac, then stream it. This way I can have my backup in case of hard drive crash. Mine is hooked up to a 50 inch Sony with 1 HDMI port. Took me a bit to get the settings right. Check your tv settings. If your still having issues, come back here and let us help you figure it out. If you want, send me a pm and we can hook up over the phone or video chat to get this figured out. I think the 1st ATV is still great. Don't plan on upgrading anytime soon.
I think your AppleTV has been thru 3 software versions. I think in version 2 they started movie rentals.

Maybe you are still on software version 2 and need to update to software version 3 in order to playback the most recent rentals.

What version of iTunes are you using?
I am on iTunes 10 and have the latest firmware for the ATV.

All of the movies that I have purchased were bought from iTunes. I also have a David Gilmour concert and a home video of a space shuttle launch that I took.
None of these work. I have two HDMI ports on my Sony and have tried both.
I have not gone through all of the various handshake trials by unplugging and plugging with the second port yet. I will give that a try and see if I can get them to shake hands. (I have been shaking my middle finger at both the ATV and the Sony..grin).
instead of making fun of him for spending too much on an HDMI cable, you guys could be a little more constructive.

My suggestion is, and I don't care if this won't be the final setup, but to test with component out and see if that solves the problem.

+1, on both counts.

The troubleshooting for this is quite simple. If you can't pinpoint what might have changed to make it suddenly misbehave, then we have to try everything. I'm assuming you've played around with different HDMI ports and different jacks.

1. Use another cable to rule that out. Get a cheap one and see if that helps.
2. Try a component cable.
3. Try a different TV.

Are you saying that the home video doesn't work now, either? That's a problem.

Have you looked on Apple's support pages? You are not the first person to have HDCP issues, I assure you. Good luck.
Lol at spending 80 on a hdmi cable

Some ppl never learn

Thanks for the info, I do have the original ATV....but thought that it was a second version, (I had to take the first one that I bought to Best Buy because it totally stopped working and they gave me a newer one, later software I suppose).

The item worked fine until about a year ago. I bought an HD movie last night and could not ever get it to work. Very frustrating.

SO....I guess going with the ATV made me spend $20 on the movie, $80 on the HDMI cable and now I have to spend a couple of thousand to get where I wanted to be with this. Doesn't sound very good....

Thanks for your comments.
Don't be so quick to blame Apple and your ATV hardware here, HDCP problems exist with all kinds of hardware. I had a similar situation with my PS3 and LG TV, in the end I had to scrap the HDMI and just go component. I agree with what others have said and suggest you try this, it will likely solve your problems, or help you further diagnose. And if you're stuck using component instead of HDMI, don't worry about it too much. You're losing more quality over the downloaded video than you are over the type of cable.

Wishing you luck in this day and age where electronics behave more like voodoo magic than ever. Maybe place your ATV inside a pentacle, after lighting candles and doing Our Father backwards, although that's a last resort.

Let us know what happens.
if your homevideo is also not working then maybe you should try restoring your appletv...

I don't remember exactly how to do it, but, I know that under settings somewhere you will find the option to restore your apple tv to factory settings
First try the component cable. If that doesn't work, change out the TV. I suspect a problem with that $80 cable, not with Apple's or Sony's hardware. Next time buy the 20 dollar one from Apple (compared to other brick and mortar stores, it's actually a good deal) or buy one online and get one for $5.

Now you see why DRM is s***. It treats legit customers like pirates, and the pirates download stuff that doesn't have the DRM in it anyway. Palm, meet face. I gave up on buying media a long time ago. You bought the data, you should be able to use it how/when/where you see fit. Any other approach is robbery or a ripoff in my book. Okay, rant over.
Okay....I vow to never spend more than ten bucks on a HDMI cable ever again.

The problem still exists...I tried the various suggestions on getting the handshake correct, but nothing has worked. I may take the unit to Best Buy again and see if I can get the $99 version of ATV.

I guess that it is best to stay away from blogs, forums or the internet whenever you're fed up with a product.

Thanks for all of the suggestions....

I think I found your problem.(Best Buy):rolleyes: lol
BTW What does staying away from blogs, forums, etc. have to do with the issues you have? You sound like a 5 year old that can't get what he wants. Strangers take time away from their lives to help you and all you can do is throw a temper tantrum and say ***** it?
BTW What does staying away from blogs, forums, etc. have to do with the issues you have? You sound like a 5 year old that can't get what he wants. Strangers take time away from their lives to help you and all you can do is throw a temper tantrum and say ***** it?
I think that was the problem. He was regretting that he vented in public....
My HD home video plays just fine....that's what really strange. If the HD home video plays well and all of the purchased movies do not....what could the problem be? The cable and ports obviously work if the home video plays.

I didn't have a chance to fiddle with HDMI cables, handshaking attempts, etc. today...busy as heck. I will try to mess with it again in the morning and see if I can get it to work. I have about four different HDMI cables...I will give them all a try.
If your own movie plays and the store bought ones do not...make sure you are logged in with your apple id account. I'm almost willing to bet that is the exact problem.
My HD home video plays just fine....that's what really strange. If the HD home video plays well and all of the purchased movies do not....what could the problem be?

Authentication or some other issue with the DRM that Apple inserts into your purchased movies. Your home made movies obviously don't have this which is why they play fine. luck whatsoever. I tried logging in to iTunes with the ATV and was successful at logging in, but still get the HDCP message.

I am going to take the Apple TV to Best Buy and see if they will swap it out for another. I am just totally fed up with wasting time trying to get it to work.
I've had this message before with both the original ATV and the new one. How I solved it is to power off the ATV, close iTunes, restart ATV, restart iTunes, and verify that (for the original ATV) it's authorized. I've also seen where the old ATV gets stuck in a Sync cycle and won't do everything correctly.

Also, with the old ATV, make sure you enter your iTunes information in the settings screen. For your account. It will help. Then you can sync your movies to the device (if you want) and try playing directly.
I had a similar problem with my Roku box. Oddly, I found that turning the TV off and on, with the Roku box connected on powered on, solved it. Sounds silly, and it was a good frustrating 20 minutes before I thought to try it, but there you have it.
I've occasionally had the same problem too, with both versions of the appletv. Generally, a quick unplug/replug fixes it. It's the joy of having an older HDTV. Another solution might be an HDCP compliant hdmi switch. luck whatsoever. I tried logging in to iTunes with the ATV and was successful at logging in, but still get the HDCP message.

I am going to take the Apple TV to Best Buy and see if they will swap it out for another. I am just totally fed up with wasting time trying to get it to work.

Hi StxMacUser,

Sorry to hear about the issue at hand. Definitely frustrating.

Have you looked at any of the TV settings? Maybe there's something there about the TV security.

Someone also made a great suggestion about turning the TV and everything (ATV, other components) off.

I had to do this exact thing. It was frustrating as heck with my blu ray player and receiver, but the latter wouldn't acknowledge the 'handshake' with the BR player to say, 'Hey, let's work together.". I had to change a setting back to a default and it was only after turning the BR player ,stereo and TV off and back on again, that they finally spoke to each other.

I was in the audio/video store and chatted with our sales rep and he said handshaking is a major issue with HDMI these days - especially with older variations of HDMI. It's getting better, but essentially b/c our components are getting more 'computer' parts, we have to treat them like software installs and 'reboot' things to finalize the set up.

Good luck,
I had same issue with both Apple TV first and second gen.

I bought HDfury2 product and since that time no more HDCP issue and wonderful picture quality, it gave a new life to my 65inch RPTV !
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