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macrumors 68000
Mar 19, 2015
Our immune system is created by exposure. If your body is never introduced to a bacterium you will never build an immunity to it.
I know the first thing I do when someone with a cold or flu comes into my area at work is put away all my hand sanitizer and Clorox disinfecting wipes and say to myself "Hey, I need to catch that of my immune system will never build!".


macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2008
I'm not sure what that has to do with keeping one's hands cleans -- not obsessively, but appropriately so. Every respected health provider and organization on the planet recommends hand washing as the #1 way to prevent illness and the spread of germs.

Soap is a perfectly fine way to wash your hands, you don't need an alcohol solution to do that... You just need to have your hands reasonably clean, not to eradicate any sign of life including your own cells...
Anyway, there is a no point in having your hands cleaner than your dishes or food - and there are more living stuff on a proper cheese than what is left on your hands after using soap...
It's like with baby bottles, some parents are obsessive about "sterilizing" them when you only need to clean then...
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macrumors 68020
Aug 11, 2006
Seattle, WA
I work as a nurse and can tell you that when I leave a patient with c-diff you will be happy I used that hand sanitizer.

I personally wouldn't be. C. diff isn't killed by alcohol based products effectively, need to wash hands with soap and water.

But I wear my white sport band at work mixed with my Hoco 3 band. Haven't seen any issues with either over the past month or so. Granted it doesn't get that much on it from entering/leaving a patients room using the purell and I obviously don't scrub with it on prior to the OR.


macrumors 68020
Jun 20, 2010
Perfect excuse to give up hand sanitizers. They are quietly destroying our immune systems.

First, not alcohol based sanitizer a and second, some people work in environments where they don't have a a medical fields.
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