Remember just one thing: there are very good SSDs, good SSDs and bad SSDs.
If you want to put an SSD in your iMac, my advice is the Intel x25-m.
As for me, I don't want to dismantle my late 2006 iMac 17" at the moment, so I'm going to try how the Intel SSD behaves as an external firewire400 boot disk. I already got the enclosure (2.5", fw400&fw800), I'll let you know when my ssd arrives.
I know, fw400 is a "bag of hurt" if compared to SATA, but since the most important boost of SSDs is in seek time and random write of small files, i think it will perform better than any HDD on SATA. Here's some figures:
Western Digital Velociraptor speed in "Random Write 4k" test --->
Intel x25-m speed in "Random Write 4k" test --->
40MB/s (yes....more than 30x the speed of the Velociraptor) (you find the chart
SATA300 max bandwidth ---> 375MB/s
Firewire800 max bandwidth ---> 100MB/s
Firewire400 max bandwidth --->
As you can see, I won't be "firewire limited" in the most important performance parameter.
I will be somehow limited in random read (60MB/s) and sequential write (80MB/s)
I will be very limited in sequential read, that at the moment is probably even SATA-limited. (see