I've read this entire article, my boy. I've done far more research on this subject and am far more informed on it than youHere's some reading for you: http://www.anandtech.com/show/6679/a-month-with-apples-fusion-drive
You should be very happy with the 512 flash, it provides a superb experience.Thank you! So what would you recommend I keep on my 512 GB Flash, and what would you recommend I keep on my say... "4TB Seagate Fast" portable hard drive? Would I keep all of my applications on my 512GB internal Flash, but then all of the produced files + my media files, on the external? I am not super familiar with time machine/time capsule.
I would recommend to keep your system files and all applications on the internal SSD, and any extra files such as media files, document library, etc on the external.
If there is one media file, or document you find yourself frequently using, you can always more it back to the internal for the length of time that you are using it.
The external HDD should be more or less for storage, and the internal SSD can house your OS and applications primarily, and anything else you find yourself using frequently.
Yet another advantage to pure SSD is you don't have two internal drives to worry about failing, if one drive on the fusion drive fails (somewhat likely with the HDD), the computer is no longer usable. Alternatively, if an external HDD fails you can still boot your machine, and you would likely have a back up of that HDD anyway.