I have a 2009 Mac Pro 4,1
Looking to get SSD to replace my boot drive.
I know that my Mac Pro doesn't have SATA III 6G connectivity so my question is this: Does buying SATA III 6G SSD drive provide any benefits on Mac Pro 4,1 over SATA II 3G SSD drives?
I'm considering getting OWC SSD but not sure which model. 120GB size is what I'll be looking to get. So far I checked and i only use around 30GB on my boot drive. Its going to get a bit fuller since I'm going to move lightroom catalog and preview files there but still will be well below 120GB
Looking to get SSD to replace my boot drive.
I know that my Mac Pro doesn't have SATA III 6G connectivity so my question is this: Does buying SATA III 6G SSD drive provide any benefits on Mac Pro 4,1 over SATA II 3G SSD drives?
I'm considering getting OWC SSD but not sure which model. 120GB size is what I'll be looking to get. So far I checked and i only use around 30GB on my boot drive. Its going to get a bit fuller since I'm going to move lightroom catalog and preview files there but still will be well below 120GB