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macrumors 65816
Dec 1, 2015
Suburb of Detroit
I watched Season 2, Episodes1&2 and a significant change of pace, much more like Star Treks that came before it and a higher feel good, levity quotient. Not saying it’s bad, just different. My first impression is that it will be good, but hard to beat Season 1.

I needed a Capt Pike refresher:

In STD, he reminds me of the Abbramsverse Pike (which is good), with a touch of Capt Kirk. It feels good to have a worthy ST TV show back.
Though it's kind of a letdown that we basically know what happens to Captain Pike, for anyone who has watched the original Star Trek series sees the end result. That is if Star Trek: Discovery stays true to form with the script. I think it also kind of proves that George Lucas was a little bit of a Trekkie with his character of Darth Vader.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 19, 2005
SF Bay Area, California
Though it's kind of a letdown that we basically know what happens to Captain Pike, for anyone who has watched the original Star Trek series sees the end result. That is if Star Trek: Discovery stays true to form with the script. I think it also kind of proves that George Lucas was a little bit of a Trekkie with his character of Darth Vader.
Hmm.. I never thought that about Lucas until you mentioned it.

For TOS, they did a 2nd pilot and axed all the characters expect Spock. Jeffrey Hunter (who played TOS Pike) died: but WAY after The Menagerie (below).,_Part_I_(episode) claims
According to James Doohan, Roddenberry originally wanted to sell the failed pilot as a theatrical film. However, it needed to be expanded with additional material to reach the feature length. Roddenberry planned to film the crash of the Columbia on Talos IV, because it didn't require Jeffrey Hunter, who was neither available or affordable to reprise his role as Captain Pike. However, plans for the feature release were soon abandoned. [5] Roddenberry's plans for a feature release are verified by Herb Solow and Robert Justman in Inside Star Trek: The Real Story (p. 251).


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Only 6 months past the air date, but I finally got around to starting season 2, and watching episode 1, with Capt Christoper Pike. I’m really liking Anson Mount as Pike, even though he is very Kirkish, which makes me realize William Shatner was not the only one who could have played Kirk.:)


This episode was fast and furious, almost too fast for my tastes. They seemed to speed through everything. where in past Star Trek show episodes, they might have spent an entire episode on that crashed ship, and they spent equal time with Michael and Spock’s relationship. I don’t want to sound like I’m unhappy, it was thrilling, the show and it’s actors have a presence, but maybe slow it down a little.

Spoiler wise I have only seen this first episode of Season 2, so please don’t spoil.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
If I did not already say it, Star Trek Discovery has brought the franchise back to a smart, intelligent, intriguing, entertaining, dare I say cutting edge place... and no more back lot away missions. ;)

S2E2 significantly interjects religion and faith into the framework of this season’s overall story about mysterious beacons appearing around the galaxy. An angel like vision has made several appearances. :)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
S2E4- Happy to see Rebecca Romijn, one of my X-Men crushes ( Mystique), making an appearance as the Enterprises’s No.1. The show’s writing runs circles around The Orville.
In this episode, I did not understand how the Universal translator going haywire, made crew members speak in foreign tongues, when they were face to face, or have I misinterpret this event?


macrumors 68030
Dec 10, 2002
This show is ghastly and is in no way Star Trek. Burnham, as the main character, is written as the most boring Mary Sue I have ever seen. Almost none of the characters are likable and the largely wooden acting does them no favors. The inconsistent plots, magical “technologies”, and giant plot holes are jarring and really do not belong in Star Trek. The blatant identity politics are the rotten cherry atop this three scoop heap of stinkery.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
S2E5- Saints of Imperfections Back at S2E1, I mentioned it was hot and heavy. My criticism after watching 5 episodes of Season 2, including this one, is that they spend way too much time keeping Discovery on the edge, Captain Pike seemed a little too eager to put the entire ship and crew at risk to save Tilly. We have crew members dieing, dead, not dieing, not dead, leaving, not leaving.

If the writers spend all of their time keeping Discovery on an emotional rollecoaster, it will diminish whatever the climax of the season is supposed to be. I’d call it overload and am concerned if this tempo is to be maintained throughout the season, because it diminishes the impact of the story telling and the Season climax.

That said, the writing is far superior than the previous Star Trek show, they just need to reign it in a bit.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Ok, I have a confession to make. I’ve stopped watching Season 2 of Discovery.:eek:

I came off a Season 1 high and still think that is most excellent. I like everything about it, the pacing, including the Klingon’s makeover. But I mentioned early on in S2 that this season was too fast paced, too many cliffhangers, too much surviving by a thread, people dieing and then not dead, leaving, but not leaving. This pace has cheapened the story, it’s the kind of thing (surviving by a thread) I expect to see once a season, maybe. Anyway, not happy and taking a break from it. :oops:


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Discovery Season 2, Round 2
Ok, after my Picard disappointment, giving Discovery Season 2 a second go. Seven mysterious immensely powerful signals appear, Star Fleet is on it, with a highly charismatic Capt Christopher Pike appearing to take charge of Discovery after the Enterprise breaks down... Spock, yes the Spock knows something and has disappeared!

S2 Episode 1- What a refreshing treat to be immersed back into a real no-**** Star Fleet bridge, with sharp, professional crew members. That said an impetuous Capt Pike decides to risk 4 of his crew‘s lives including is own, to navigate an extremely hazardous debris field (that will soon be blowing up) in pods to see if anyone is alive on a dead ship that crashed landed 10 months ago during the Klingon War. Yeah over the top roller coaster 1,

but I’ll take it at this point...​

S2 Episode 2- Anson Mount gives a great Captain Kirk-like portrayal. I like him! Said that the first time too. ;) The red angel! Both Spock and Burnham have both seen it. After being hit by dark matter, Tilly is haunted by a ghost. Good Klingon intrigue. Philippa Geogiou is back! Spock was in a mental hospital and accused of murder!


Let’s see if I can make it to the end. :D
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
S2E4- While chasing Spock, the alien ghost latches on to Tilly, the big sentient ball wants to tell it’s story before it goes poof, and Saru cheats death.

S2E5- Gigorgio lights up a scene. Tilly is kidnapped. Tyler/Volk leaves the Klingons and ends up in section 31. Pike puts Discovery in danger again for a crew member, Tilly. Stamets and Culber relocate lost love.

Actually I enjoying this so far, but I’m seriously questioning Capt Pike‘s judgement at this point along with tender scenes while Discovery is being gnawed on by spores. ?


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
S2E6- The Red Angel does a good deed on behalf of the Kelpians, Saru’s species. It appears the the Red Angel and it’s associated signals appearing around the galaxy, are the work of a good deed doer.

Saru is one of the best and complex characters in the Star Trek Universe, complex because his species relationship with the other dominant species on his planet, one predator and prey. One of the best episodes of the season. But then they leave this interesting story.

I like how they expressly reference the universal translators to explain how species around the galaxy all speak English.

My critique of this season so far is that the story telling feels a little too neat, tidy, and convenient at times.

S2E7- Once again Captain Pike jumps on a shuttle to go do Lieutenant’s job with an excuse he’s the best qualified shuttle pilot as they get pulled into a rift in space time. Really? ? ?


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
S2E8- Wow! I’m glad I came back. Season 2 has gotten back up to my Star Trek standards! :)
Talos 4, is it my imagination or is this the 3rd SciFy show (The Expanse, Lost In Space) to use Canadian shale mining fields as a filming location?
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
S2E12- It’s becoming clear, double Holy Crap, projections back to the beginnings of the original Star Trek. :)

You all probably know I can be picky about time travel scenarios as to what I can accept without whining. If you are projected ahead into a future where all is destroyed, and you can go back to effect the past with the primary outcome of preventing the destruction and most other things are secondary, this seems doable without worrying about all the other changes that would be triggered by such interventions. :D


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
Only 6 months past the air date, but I finally got around to starting season 2, and watching episode 1, with Capt Christoper Pike. I’m really liking Anson Mount as Pike, even though he is very Kirkish, which makes me realize William Shatner was not the only one who could have played Kirk.:)

This episode was fast and furious, almost too fast for my tastes. They seemed to speed through everything. where in past Star Trek show episodes, they might have spent an entire episode on that crashed ship, and they spent equal time with Michael and Spock’s relationship. I don’t want to sound like I’m unhappy, it was thrilling, the show and it’s actors have a presence, but maybe slow it down a little.

Spoiler wise I have only seen this first episode of Season 2, so please don’t spoil.

Anson Mount as Capt. Pike really made Season 2 for me, he did a great job with the script and character that was given him.

Not gonna bother with Season 1 - from what I'v seen heard/it doesn't interest me at all...

I got so confused with Picard at episode 5, I gave up on it...

I think a Pike Series with Anson Mount would be the show to really get Star Trek back on track, it would be Star Trek's "The Mandalorian".... ;)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Anson Mount as Capt. Pike really made Season 2 for me, he did a great job with the script and character that was given him.

Not gonna bother with Season 1 - from what I'v seen heard/it doesn't interest me at all...

I got so confused with Picard at episode 5, I gave up on it...

I think a Pike Series with Anson Mount would be the show to really get Star Trek back on track, it would be Star Trek's "The Mandalorian".... ;)
Agree 100 percent, this may be heretical, but Anson Mount in some ways is a better Kirk-like Captain than William Shatner. It’s a :confused:REAL SHAME:( they could not have seen fit to keep Pike around for 2 seasons. Hit it!

When Picard put on the eye patch and added a french accent for a ruse was where I lost Picard.
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macrumors 603
Aug 18, 2009
Upstate NY
I'm so behind. I had recently signed up to CBS All Access for Picard. I have watched all but 2 episodes of season 1.

Although I have no problem with the show, I'm just not a binging type of person. Never watch more tan 2 or 3 episodes at a time.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Season 2 Observations
Summary: Acceptable to pretty good. :)

Let’s talk time travel.
Dr Burnham, she’s not dead, she’s living in the future. One of the most perfect time travel scenarios- You are projected 950 years into the future in your time travel suit. For whatever reason, you realize that all sentient life has been destroyed, it was a roque AI that caused it, and not only that, you can look back see exactly what happened (by having a time stone?) so you jump in your time suit and fly back to warn Spock, and help your daughter, until the universe is saved, but you for some reason are stuck in the future and can only come back for short periods of time before the time travel wormhole yanks you back. No problem, I guess.

As far as time travel, if your only goal is to see that all sentient life is not destroyed by Control, you could go back and fiddle with the past until you get a good result. This is what Dr. Burnham, Michael’s mother did, almost a perfect time travel scenario.
  • But why was she stuck in the future?

Michael Burnham time travel brain twister- I guess that the time is fluid, explanation is a good enough excuse to explain the following. Seven signals appears around the galaxy simultaneously and disappear. Discovery flies to the one that appears after, and it leads them to a place where they save a person who they later discover is vital to winning the final conflict. Thinkers onboard Discovery decide these signals are sending them to places where they can help, but don’t realize until the end what the big picture is. This happens repeatedly.

And at the end, after the Discovery crew has made their own time suit that only Michael Burnham can use, when Michael reaches a point where it is time to lead the Discovery to the future (because of vital info it contains that they have to keep away from Control, the rogue AI), she can’t get her suit to work, until she makes jumps to the past. Remember those seven signals? She figures out that it was *her* that sent those many signals, but has no clue why, until at that moment.
  • And did she send the seven signals simultaneous before?

Confusing? It’s a time paradox. Just go with the flow... ?

Besides that, I enjoyed Season 2. The advantage of serial story telling is that the show has the time to explore character feelings which in episodic shows there is hardly any free time for such things.

  • A little too slick and convenient story elements.
  • When did the teleported system function across vast distances? Characters like Burnham’s adopted parents magically appear on Discovery. Tyler disappears and gets to the Klingon empire to bring help.
  • Who called the Kelpians, and when did the not too long ago, afraid of their shadow Kelpians learn to fly and get access to space fighters?
  • Way too much out of place levity even during life and death situations.
  • A blast door on the Enterprise protects the rest of the ship from an unexploded photon torpedo lodged in the saucer section? They are like freaking nukes.
  • Why would Control keep the core of it’s intelligence in one human body? Why not a hive mind, or backups such as the Borg? So why would the other ships go dead when Leland is defeated? Btw there is speculation that Control is the start of the Borg. :)
  • They are going to keep Discovery a secret? Yeah, Right. :)
I'm so behind. I had recently signed up to CBS All Access for Picard. I have watched all but 2 episodes of season 1.

Although I have no problem with the show, I'm just not a binging type of person. Never watch more tan 2 or 3 episodes at a time.
With these new short seasons you can easily watch 2 episodes at a time and have plenty of leeway to get’r done in a month.
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macrumors 68040
Jan 11, 2008
I've generally found season 3 to be enjoyable, given that they had cut the cord to all the corrupt Federation politics, however this week's 5th episode where they finally return to a decimated and cynical Federation shows that they just cannot bear to have any glimmer of a positive future. I blame producer Alex Kurtzmann (Cowboys & Aliens, Star Trek Into Darkness) who can't seem to bear any hint of an evolution towards utopia.
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macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
Season 3 doesn’t seem too bad. Probably because I have normalized myself with the series. Watching season 1, I was quite upset as it doesn’t feel like Star Trek. It’s basically Michael Burnham doing and capable of doing everything. Didn’t feel like Trek at all. But now with season 3, I have accepted it, and can enjoy the shows more.

It’s akin to Mission Impossible. I enjoyed the TV series in the 90s, and didn’t like what Tom Cruise did to the franchise at first (basically making the IMF a one man show, Ethan Hunt). But then after several movies, I have accepted it as it is, a bombastic action movie like Die Hard, starring Tom Cruise. Discovery is like that, but in space, and Ethan Hunt is Michael Burnham.

My favorite character remains Georgiou. :D She’s like Deadpool amongst the boyscout X-Men (Starfleet).
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