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macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
Yes, 60's uniforms .. and make Spock all silly :D



macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2003
Yes, 60's uniforms .. and make Spock all silly :D

View attachment 916128

TBH, that scene was from the original series pilot that was later converted to The Menagerie, so Spock's character hadn't yet developed into what it eventually became.

That aside, I have mixed feelings about yet another ST series, especially from the pre-TOS days, like Enterprise was. For one thing, will they stay true to the design of the ship's interior and other tech, which were limited by 1960s budgets and capabilities?

It seems CBS sees the ST universe as a new cash cow for its streaming service. But I don't think we'll see this until 2022 at the earliest given the pandemic's effects on production.


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
TBH, that scene was from the original series pilot that was later converted to The Menagerie, so Spock's character hadn't yet developed into what it eventually became.

That aside, I have mixed feelings about yet another ST series, especially from the pre-TOS days, like Enterprise was. For one thing, will they stay true to the design of the ship's interior and other tech, which were limited by 1960s budgets and capabilities?

It seems CBS sees the ST universe as a new cash cow for its streaming service. But I don't think we'll see this until 2022 at the earliest given the pandemic's effects on production.

Hahaha, yeah, I know, I'm a pretty hardcore Trek fan, starting from the ol' school :) We'd seriously sit around and name all the EPs, in order, with the correct stardate (and guest star where applicable).

You know, with the right production design, they could do some really clever updated, but __slightly__ retro tech design, though I'm not sure how canonical the general show design is, since Discovery has established a few things, and take place prior.

Yeah, I have no clue when this would actually make it to release, given the current situation, I think you're right on with '22 being the soonest, and possibly it getting release at the matching stardate if we get enough delays ... o_O


macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2011
That aside, I have mixed feelings about yet another ST series, especially from the pre-TOS days, like Enterprise was. For one thing, will they stay true to the design of the ship's interior and other tech, which were limited by 1960s budgets and capabilities?
You know, with the right production design, they could do some really clever updated, but __slightly__ retro tech design, though I'm not sure how canonical the general show design is, since Discovery has established a few things, and take place prior.

Except Pike's Enterprise and crew played such a major role in S2 of Discovery that it's all pretty much established now. Since Discovery S2 finished with
Discovery getting shot into the future - presumably S3 will boldly recycle Andromeda and/or get tangled up with the big bad from Picard - and being redacted from history
while Pike, Spock and No. 1 flew off to new adventures (while a million fans yelled "why didn't you start the show with that!?") I'd assume that ST:SNW is going to follow on with only minor tweaks...

I suppose they could set it before Discovery since it's been established that, by then, The Cage had already happened so Pike and co. had plenty of adventures under their belt and the Enterprise had had at least one refit.
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macrumors 603
Aug 18, 2009
Upstate NY
Not sure how this is a 'spoiler' as not a single episode has aired. I'm glad another show has been approved, but at this point I only want to know WHEN!


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
Except Pike's Enterprise and crew played such a major role in S2 of Discovery that it's all pretty much established now.

Thanks for the spoiler tag :) Yeah, I haven't seen S2 yet, I was only aware the character was tightly integrated into the story. I saw S1, was trying to fit it in while we had CBSAE, but didn't make it. :rolleyes:


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Not sure how this is a 'spoiler' as not a single episode has aired. I'm glad another show has been approved, but at this point I only want to know WHEN!

I posted an (appropriately tagged) spoiler for the end of Discovery S2 - which is almost the pilot for this new show - apparently that gets the whole thread a big red “spoilers” warning.

Threads like this will inevitably include spoilers, so it’s just a check in the box, for anyone who might claim they were surprise spoiled. :)


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
Threads like this will inevitably include spoilers, so it’s just a check in the box, for anyone who might claim they were surprise spoiled. :)

Yeah, it is a big tricky to have an open discussion without them, but like I posted, I do appreciate the extra spoiler mitigation when it's a major plot point from a later/last season :cool:


Apr 23, 2010
I think people are just going to have to accept that television production and technology is more advanced now (as are people's expectations) and the tech in Strange New Worlds is just going to be better.
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macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Yeah, it is a big tricky to have an open discussion without them, but like I posted, I do appreciate the extra spoiler mitigation when it's a major plot point from a later/last season :cool:
Even with the Spoiler Tags on a thread, I still put a spoiler warning on my individual posts if I think it‘s pertinent, but many of the TV series with weekly episodes, I’d say a warning is covered by the big red spoiler tag. :)
I think people are jut going to have to accept that television production and technology is more advanced now (as are people's expectations) and the tech in Strange New Worlds is just going to be better.
Yes...but... that does not guarantee better writing. Look at freaking Star Wars, The studio has all the money in the world, yet the writers were bankrupt. :confused:


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
Yes...but... that does not guarantee better writing. Look at freaking Star Wars, The studio has all the money in the world, yet the writers were bankrupt. :confused:

I think they were speaking in an "in show" context, regarding the tech, like production allows for slicker tech implementation vs. what was available in TOS, even if they wanted to go retro, it's still going to have a lot of polish.
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macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2011
I think people are jut going to have to accept that television production and technology is more advanced now (as are people's expectations) and the tech in Strange New Worlds is just going to be better.

...and it will still look ridiculous in a few decade's time... :)

Even the USS Lensflare flying Apple store from the JJ Abrhams timeline is looking a bit late-noulghties now...

I think it's something they got right with TNG and Enterprise (with Voyager/DS9 being vaguely consistent with TNG). I'd look at it like this:

- Enterprise looks more utilitarian than TOS, even if it features computers and digital displays...

- TOS is actually quite prescient: the bridge is surrounded with flat-screen displays and some of the major crew stations seem to be using some sort of electronic viewers (that we, conveniently, cant see into - but Spock and Sulu are presumably getting the full VR experience). They're even passing documents around on some sort of electronic tablets - let alone Uhura's Bluetooth earpiece. It's a lot different to other 60s scifi. Tech has advanced to the point that it is starting to be dictated by form and fashion rather than function - it just happens that the current fashion was for 1960s retro... (they obviously defrosted Jony Ive's head sometime between Ent and TOS! - a 2002 iMac G4 would fit right in on the NCC1701 whereas a steampunk 2019 Mac Pro would look like a refugee from Lost in Space)

- TNG has gone even more for form over function and the bridge has obviously been done by a trendy interior designer based on post-neo-hierarchical social dynamics theory and unfettered by inflexible plumbing and mechanical linkages. Fashion has cycled through the decades a few time and, strangely, landed on the 1980s. They've forgotten the lesson learned between ENT and TOS that touchscreen controls are a bad idea on a massive starship travelling at warp 9 where a palm rejection error can turn an innocent planet into a rather pretty nebula...

- both DS9 and Enterprise both had flasback/forwards to the TOS era and kept the classic ship designs - so it is possible.

- At least Discovery kept references to things like the classic phaser and communicators... it's just the ships mysteriously got much bigger and the rest of the tech looked somewhat late-TNG-movies level.


macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
The last 2 prequels have been less than stellar, IMO. If the third prequel doesn't knock it outta the park, I hope they finally make a show about Enterprise-F, G, H, I or J.

I hated the retcon. It introduces all kinds of inconsistency into canon. Like the Spore Drive in STD. If the Federation had this tech 100 years ago, why didn't they use it to bring Voyager back from the Delta Quadrant?? Having one your warship exploration ship some 50,000,000 light years from home would merit special dispensation to use that technology.

I love the Klingons, the TOS version and the TNG versions. Hail, I like how they updated 3 TOS Klingons with TNG look (Kang, Koloth and Kor). But there is more to the Star Trek universe than Klingons.
The Ferengis, Trills and Cardassians were minor species in TNG but became major players in DS9. How about a new series that show cases the Bolians or Tellerites or Gorn.


macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2011
Yes...but... that does not guarantee better writing. Look at freaking Star Wars, The studio has all the money in the world, yet the writers were bankrupt.

...problem is with Star Wars (in particular) is that you have a classic movie that was loved, at the time, by kids and which owes 90% of its financial success to toy sales and the other 10% to being an escapist, swashbuckling and fairly undemanding fun-for-the-family romp at a time when cinema was disappearing up it's own navel. The movies had to satisfy three audiences:

1. Modern kids (because the studios want those sweet, sweet toy sales)
2. The 50-somethings who watched as kids, but have spent the intervening decades reading increasingly sophisticated "expanded universe" novels and really want something a bit deeper.
3. The inner 14-year-olds within those same 50-somethings who remember the original through misty rose-tinted viewscreens and basically want to be able to watch the original for the first time - again.

That's a recipe for failure. That's a recipe for pod races interspersed by trade talks and some obscure tragic historical allegory involving a comedy amphibian.
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macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
...problem is with Star Wars (in particular) is that you have a classic movie that was loved, at the time, by kids and which owes 90% of its financial success to toy sales and the other 10% to being an escapist, swashbuckling and fairly undemanding fun-for-the-family romp at a time when cinema was disappearing up it's own navel. The movies had to satisfy three audiences:

1. Modern kids (because the studios want those sweet, sweet toy sales)
2. The 50-somethings who watched as kids, but have spent the intervening decades reading increasingly sophisticated "expanded universe" novels and really want something a bit deeper.
3. The inner 14-year-olds within those same 50-somethings who remember the original through misty rose-tinted viewscreens and basically want to be able to watch the original for the first time - again.

That's a recipe for failure. That's a recipe for pod races interspersed by trade talks and some obscure tragic historical allegory involving a comedy amphibian.

Answered here:
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