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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
This is where going solo, really shines. There are some quests where.I have to have a companion (Sara, Sam, etc) but once that is done, I cut them loose
I like companions. They have saved me more than once and I enjoy company. With Sara, if I anticipate approaching a situation I don't she'll approve of, I tell her to wait. It's happened a couple of times, like I'm going to steal something or hack into a computer I don't own. That seems to bug her. :)


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Last night was exploring Grissom, moon of Bondar, came out of a facility formerly run by Ecliptic after I neutralized them. And there was this big juicy ship sitting in the distance. I was excited. I've learned that you don't want to waste time outside the ship, but get on it before it takes off. At some point any ship about to be boarded takes off. Hijacked Ecliptic Stiletto. Got on board and was asking myself where is all the storage? For being so big it had minimal storage. It did have more crew space... Report on line says it's a useless ship more or less. Later registered at the den for $10905 credits. Next play session will play around with it for a bit before most likely selling it. Unless anyone as another opinion you'd like to share?

Lifting off Grissom came face to face with a disabled Deimos Armored Transport, a really large ship. I'm not going to say much about this, but it is boardable, again excited until I understood what it was about... still fun, but I'm not the owner of a really big ship. 😜

Sarah Morgan- Starting at L9, she started talking to me on multiple occasions, which I welcome. However, she has a bad habit of in the middle of a fight, she wants to stop and spill her guts. I hate telling her "nows not a good time" as if she could not figure that out on her own. I blame the devs...;)


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Look at the freak'n stats (in the image) on that ship... There is a build guide at that link.
So I started playing with that build this morning. I had over 550,000 credits, and while I'm not at level 4 ship building nor is my character level 45+ (something the build guide mentions). I was able to get the basic shape of the ship. My credit balance is down to 300k :oops: The sad part is, I only have the basic shape, none of the cargo, weapons, engines or habits.

Given that I have a poor mans copy of that great ship, and now I am poor, I think I'll raise more credits, and/or figure out what works best - still a really nice ship, just that my player isn't ready for that yet
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
So I started playing with that build this morning. I had over 550,000 credits, and while I'm not at level 4 ship building nor is my character level 45+ (something the build guide mentions). I was able to get the basic shape of the ship. My credit balance is down to 300k :oops: The sad part is, I only have the basic shape, none of the cargo, weapons, engines or habits.

Given that I have a poor mans copy of that great ship, and now I am poor, I think I'll raise more credits, and/or figure out what works best - still a really nice ship, just that my player isn't ready for that yet
I would not call $300k poor, of course in the big picture... :) I finished the Old Neighborhood quest, and decided to get Mantis out of the way. I currently have about $120k. I wanted to pay my Dream House off, but while jumping over to Denebola I-b on one of my intermediate stops, over Paradiso, I was hailed by planet personnel, regarding a huge mysterious ship in orbit. Turns out, they are concerned about the resort’s bottom line. I’ll omit further details (see spoiler) , but unless there is a huge reward at the end of this, I maybe out $25k. Another argument for why AI in games, might offer better options: :D

First off, the Paradiso Corporation is too scared to address the problem themselves and ask a stranger in orbit to help them? Lol. I don’t want to sound overly critical, I’m loving this game, but this story line stretches credulity. First of all just flying to this ship and boarding it deserves a hefty reward without doing anything more than figuring out what is on this ship. Let them hammer out their differences. 🤨

Secondly I felt hamstrung by 1) help the Constance crew members become indentured servants, or 2) personally pay $40k for a Grav Drive and a star map so they can go find another place to live. If up to me I’d have refused to accept either one, and look for other options. And I think for the Paradiso corporation, $40k would be small potatoes for identifying what they had in orbit around their planet and me risking myself to board the vehicle, instead of expecting me to cough up $$. 🤔

At this point I’m level 12 and I’ve commandeered 2 ships an Ecliptic Steletto and a Ecliptic Bayonet.


Bayonet- definitely roughing it. Sleep on the floor, eat cold canned food,
unless there is a hidden part of this ship I have yet to find. 🤔​

If you find yourself on Grissom, moon of Bondar, the place is crawling with Ecliptic. This is where I commandeered both of these, would never buy either one, but I’m keeping them to see if there could be a building opportunities.

I’d actually fly the Stiletto except for the paltry 200 units of cargo space. It has better weapons. The Bayonet has 2 energy weapons which concerns me. It would be great if you could try out particular ships in the simulator to test weapon selections.

Anyway the Bayonet has more shielding and more cargo than the Frontier, so I’m taking it out for a spin, but as far as crew accommodations, this thing SUCKS, if there is a kitchen or a bunk, I have yet to find it.

At least the Stilleto has bunks and a kitchen area and with it’s weapons, I might just go to a ship tech and swap out sooner than later. Because of my unauthorized upgraded carry weight, I could manage with inadequate ship storage for the time being. The thing is so far, there has been very limited ship combat to evaluate these ships in real time. 🤔
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Spoilers…..Mantis Quest
I’ve got the Razerleaf ship. i enjoyed the quest and combat. The puzzle was beyond me, so I relied on my intergalactic database of knowledge. My question directed at the either, if it takes you 20 times to complete a puzzle, dying each time you fail, do you feel accomplished at the end of it? :) This is why I won’t honestly attempt such a puzzle. The ship is described as legendary. Is that in the big picture or as a starter ship? I don’t have enough experience to appreciate it’s qualities. 🤔 I will follow the recommendation to upgrade it. More lasers mean knocking down shield faster, but better ballistics/missiles are appreciated too.


As far as Razorleaf upgrades go, we'd suggest replacing the reactor and add additional lasers that can then be powered by the upgraded reactor. Even if you don't upgrade the Razorleaf you'll still have a fast, powerful ship that'll serve you well.Not only is the Razorleaf fast, equipped with great weapons, and worth over 120,000 credits, but it also comes with a shielded cargo hold if you're looking to smuggle contraband. Plus you'll get other great rewards with the ship.
As far as Razorleaf upgrades go, we'd suggest replacing the reactor and add additional lasers that can then be powered by the upgraded reactor. Even if you don't upgrade the Razorleaf you'll still have a fast, powerful ship that'll serve you well.

Lasers vs Ballistics/Missiles
As I look at ship weapons, I see some weapons damage both shields and hulls. I’m thinking shields protected the ship from ballistic weapons/missiles, so lasers are first required to knock down the shields and I proceed on that basis. A quote from online:
Lasers are better for taking out shields, ballistics for hull. In other sci-fi lore, ballistics generally are used to do structural damage, whereas energy weapons are reserved for degrading energy -based defenses.
However as pure trivia, in The Honor Harrington series, missiles were launched from a million clicks away and lasers were used close up, simply because they did not have the range. Granted Starfield has no such combat mechanism so I’m good to go with this :)

This is a case where I am seriously tempted to go creative mode on finances. It’s the only way you can have carte blanche to play with and learn about the possibilities of ship building without getting bogged down with raising funds. 🤔 It would be nice is if you could cannibalize and combine parts from multiple ships, break them down for parts…

Back to the Mantis quest, the Suit is legendary, but why does it have to be so ridiculous in appearance? Quite a price you pay for stats. :)

Sniper rifle- I really want an effective sniper rifle, of which I don’t have any. No merchants have carried them so far…


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
The puzzle was beyond me,
What puzzle?
if it takes you 20 times to complete a puzzle, dying each time you fail, do you feel accomplished at the end of it?
Time is money, and if I continually fail at a given puzzle, I'll use google to search out the solution.
The ship is described as legendary. Is that in the big picture or as a starter ship?
I consider it a really powerful starter ship that you can modify to keep you going for some time. I found the star eagle to be an upgrade over the mantis in many respects and truth be told, I like the look of the Star Eagle. Particularly the minor enhancements I made. I'll see about posting a picture later.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
What puzzle?

Time is money, and if I continually fail at a given puzzle, I'll use google to search out the solution.

I consider it a really powerful starter ship that you can modify to keep you going for some time. I found the star eagle to be an upgrade over the mantis in many respects and truth be told, I like the look of the Star Eagle. Particularly the minor enhancements I made. I'll see about posting a picture later.
Pictures alway appreciated! The Mantis quest puzzle, letters on the floor.
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I'm still working on the large ship that I mentioned. I started, stopped, scrapped it, but then I picked it back up

Its a work in progress, I don't have any weapons, I'm not at level 4 of ship building some components are underpowered and I'll eventually swap out them out (once I hit level 4) I'm really unhappy with the side entrance module (the name slipped my mind). Its actually a 2x1 taking up too much space. I want a 1x1 with a top door. I'd also like to upgrade the reactor/jump drive to put me at or over the 30LY range.

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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
So what do you guys/gals think about using glitches in starfield?

For instance, this ship is from a YT where the member is using glitching to build this ship.


Here's two examples where he uses tricks to get the front doctor, cockpit and landing bay to all snap, also uses tricks to get the reactor inside the grav drive, later on in the video he puts an engine in there as well.


Then there's a glitch to make money by duplicating ships and then selling them.

My take is that while you're not hurting anyone, its not something I generally do, and plus these things usually get patched up fairly quickly - especially the money making one


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I took some AMP and literally ran to the door at the end of the hallway :)
I actually thought about that… :)

Trying to figure out how Targeting works (ship to ship). I’ve looked at some articles, do you know if targeting works in the simulator? I almost died in a fight last night with multiple ships so I’d like to nail this down without jeopardy.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I'm still working on the large ship that I mentioned. I started, stopped, scrapped it, but then I picked it back up

Its a work in progress, I don't have any weapons, I'm not at level 4 of ship building some components are underpowered and I'll eventually swap out them out (once I hit level 4) I'm really unhappy with the side entrance module (the name slipped my mind). Its actually a 2x1 taking up too much space. I want a 1x1 with a top door. I'd also like to upgrade the reactor/jump drive to put me at or over the 30LY range.

View attachment 2289145
Does the ship you're copying have a side entrance? Did you look at the Discovery, which is an alteration of the original ship?


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I seemed to have run into a bug that is annoying. So my active mission does not show up on the scanner of where to go, but one of my inactive missions. Say I'm doing something on Cheyenne, but instead the game is telling me to talk to Sam Coe. That mission (and all missions) are showing inactive other then the one I have on Cheyenne, yet the marker is pointing me back to my ship

This seemed to have started around the time I wrapped up the Crimson tide stuff yesterday.
As part of Paid in Full quest, looking for dead beats, doing collection work for Galbank, one is looking for a ship in orbit around Porrima 2b and when I get there, nothing and the quest pointer is pointing back at the Sol system. I’ve read that there are 3 hostile ships, so I graved away, came back and there was 1 ship I destroyed, then another popped up and I killed it but was seriously damaged, and the quest was not complete. So I flew to Paradiso, nearby and repaired, called it a night, and will go back today and try to find the target ship, and I might end up graving to Sol to look for the quest marker there.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
So what do you guys/gals think about using glitches in starfield?

For instance, this ship is from a YT where the member is using glitching to build this ship.

View attachment 2289183

Here's two examples where he uses tricks to get the front doctor, cockpit and landing bay to all snap, also uses tricks to get the reactor inside the grav drive, later on in the video he puts an engine in there as well.

View attachment 2289188

Then there's a glitch to make money by duplicating ships and then selling them.

My take is that while you're not hurting anyone, its not something I generally do, and plus these things usually get patched up fairly quickly - especially the money making one
I’d be worried about using it. The fear is when they fix it, the ship I built might break.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I haven’t spent much time doing the main or big questlines yet, I’ve had a good time tooling around doing minor and side quests or just finding things out in the galaxy.
Great way to approach the game imo. I’m working the UC quest line with many detours.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Does the ship you're copying have a side entrance? Did you look at the Discovery, which is an alteration of the original ship?
I'm not sure, I ahve the reddit and build guide. I'm using it as a template as I may make different changes. It I may google what landing bays are available in general.
As part of Paid in Full quest, looking for dead beats
I'm not doing that quest (at least not yet), and I'm really not good at space combat to a degree where I may need tp disable a ship and board it. I'd just rather destroy it, so that quest may not be a good one for me
I’d be worried about using it. The fear is when they fix it, the ship I built might break.
No doubts, though in the past, when Bethesda fixed that sort of thing, what you built would remain, but you never know
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Not for nothing, I've been enjoying some ship designing - not complete builds but upgrading. I have the Star Eagle now and its a nice upgrade to the Mantis. I spent the past few hours this morning playing with the design, its a little wider then I wanted and since it has one of those double wide habitats I deleted that and made the ship narrower.

My next step is to redo things, so that I don't have to use a ladder to access the cockpit and made area of the ship.
So, you do need both Piloting 4 and Ship Design 4, to get the most bang for the buck..:D
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I'm not sure, I ahve the reddit and build guide. I'm using it as a template as I may make different changes. It I may google what landing bays are available in general.

I'm not doing that quest (at least not yet), and I'm really not good at space combat to a degree where I may need tp disable a ship and board it. I'd just rather destroy it, so that quest may not be a good one for me

No doubts, though in the past, when Bethesda fixed that sort of thing, what you built would remain, but you never know
The Paid in Full quest does not require disabling the ship in question. I mentioned it just because I just acquired the skill.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
So, you do need both Piloting 4 and Ship Design 4, to get the most bank for the Buck.:D
Piloting gives you access to Class B and C ships, so if you don't plan on using class B/C components in your ship building then no. The ship design offers more ship parts the higher the rank, so I guess it depends if you're happy or not with the selection
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Piloting gives you access to Class B and C ships, so if you don't plan on using class B/C components in your ship building then no. The ship design offers more ship parts the higher the rank, so I guess it depends if you're happy or not with the selection
And I’m operating from a position of ignorance… 🤔
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