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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I'm currently working and, in game I'm not near any opportunities. To answer your questions, I'm using the keyboard. I don't recall using the K and M keys
  • Q- cycles though the 4 circle diagrams to the one you want to try, based on pin spacing that appears. The pins change depending on the diagram.
  • I use Left and Right arrow to rotate the pins. would that be K&M too?
  • E to apply.
I assume the higher the security, the more layers to navigate. What is interesting about this is that in previous titles there was a certain tactile touch to lock picking or it would break on you. Here you just line up pins. Is it that hard to do an expert lock, without the skill, or will the pins just not align for you? 🤔

I know I’m going to disappoint someone. :) Good to know this game uses basically the same consol as Skyrim and Fallout 4. I needed to lock pick my way though a door into an apartment and ran out of digitalpicks. I thought crap, now I have to go buy some. Nope. Despite the warning that I was boogering my achievements which I don’t give a hoot about, I pulled up the consol (tilde key) and typed “player.additem 0000000A 20” and was restocked with digitalpicks.

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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Post 1 Update:
  • 12Sep- Added Map Section; how to pick a lock; what time is it?, Check crew on Ship; Monster Rock Paper Scissors Tips List Link; 12 Builds from Rock Paper Scissors in Character Build with actual builds in them.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Post 1:
  • 13Sep- Massive Tip list added, some of those tips spread to appropriate area they will have a small "link" at the end of them, pointing back to the Rock Paper Scissor's article.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I'm not sure if tip is in the list
Fast traveling. You don't need to be in your ship to travel to different systems. Pull up the map, and select the system and either select navigate (if you never was there) or jump if you have. I usually select show on map from the quest menu and then navigate/fast travel. No need to get to the ship, lift off, select the navigation, etc.

Also with the pickpocket perk, you can easily raise a lot of cash. Vendors, people behind desks typically have 700 credits, and if you do a quick save before attempting, you can just keep trying if you're caught. Looking doesn't cause problems, its only when you try to take

I think if you have a companion, they may have issues with you stealing. I'm solo, so that's a non-issue
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I'm not sure if tip is in the list
Fast traveling. You don't need to be in your ship to travel to different systems. Pull up the map, and select the system and either select navigate (if you never was there) or jump if you have. I usually select show on map from the quest menu and then navigate/fast travel. No need to get to the ship, lift off, select the navigation, etc.

Also with the pickpocket perk, you can easily raise a lot of cash. Vendors, people behind desks typically have 700 credits, and if you do a quick save before attempting, you can just keep trying if you're caught. Looking doesn't cause problems, its only when you try to take

I think if you have a companion, they may have issues with you stealing. I'm solo, so that's a non-issue
I’ll be working on adding this stuff, good stuff to post 1. Currently visiting family with less time to play. :) I had read that and at this point in the game, I’m still preferring to run or secondly fast travel to the ship and board it, seating myself and taking off for the departure video, for immersions sake. Part of the running to the ship is getting more familiarized with the layout of the city considering the horrid map. One of the local quests took me to a bar (The Viewport, New Atlantis), where I met a person, potential crew member Gideon Aker, who has some good ballistic skills. He wanted $16.k to be hired, he was in debt, needed a job, and I was able to negotiate $8500. My impression Is that many of the possible crew choices will come along for free.

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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
A and D did not seem to do that fo me, just swing the nose of the ship left, right, no rolling. I’ll look a it again. Ok Duh. :) It’s like the Fallout 4 Pip-boy. Too bad the watch does not have both UT and Local time or did I miss something else? :oops: Thanks!
@Spaceboi Scaphandre You were right about A & D!

Update to Post 1:
  • 15Sep- Removed Map section, added it to the Navigatio/Exploration Section. Added Your Ship Section. Added Navigate Space in Navigation Section. Incorporated all of the Massive tips into the rest of the article.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I'm not sure if tip is in the list
Fast traveling. You don't need to be in your ship to travel to different systems. Pull up the map, and select the system and either select navigate (if you never was there) or jump if you have. I usually select show on map from the quest menu and then navigate/fast travel. No need to get to the ship, lift off, select the navigation, etc.

Also with the pickpocket perk, you can easily raise a lot of cash. Vendors, people behind desks typically have 700 credits, and if you do a quick save before attempting, you can just keep trying if you're caught. Looking doesn't cause problems, its only when you try to take

I think if you have a companion, they may have issues with you stealing. I'm solo, so that's a non-issue
It’s listed under the 25 Tips link, first one.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Updated Post 1:
  • 22Sep- Under Misc Links Added info about Using Photo Mode and where to find Starfield screenshots. They can be in 2 different places if the game's Photodiode (F,V) is used, or a Steam Screenshot (F12) is taken.
  • Added this screen to Post 1:
Starfield The Moon.jpg

Awed by the Moon (accompanied by Sara and Vasco)​


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Added to Post 1:
  • How to trade with your companion
    • Talk to Companion. Select the dialogue option, "Let's trade gear."
    • Opens the current items your companion has in their inventory. Their stock gear does not appear.
    • Cycle through using the “Inventory” button to see your own inventory, your ship’s inventory (if in or near your ship), and then your companion’s inventory.
    • Transfer items here between your inventory and your companion’s- Find item to give to your companion, press the “Trade” keybinding to put into their inventory. Cycle into their inventory, and you can select the appropriate items you want them to have equipped.
      • The "Equip" keybinding in your companion menu will likely be different from your normal "Equip" keybinding.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Brought from the other thread:

Yowza, that's some serious grinding, only to find out that it goes into the ether unless you assigned a skill point or there's a need to reach the next level. Don't worry I found the same thing out myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I looked at my steam stats, I'm at 40 hours, I've done the UC vanguard side quests.
Suggestion: You're instructed to choose one or the other - you can do both and imo the Crimson fleet one is a better questline. I've also done the Freestar collective questline - that was not really enjoyable for me - YMMV

I run hot and cold on this. I spent my Friday grinding the pilot skills and now I can fly a class c ship but I'm rather happy with the class A ships that I have.

I will say that this game mimics Fallout 4 very much. Choice/consequences matter little to the game. You can select the most evil choices and it really doesn't alter anything, and the lack of a karma system means you're basically free to do anything with little to no long term consequences. The only impact AFAIK, is if you have companions, they will like/dislike some choices but I think that's the extent of it.
I said, 40, but it was more like 30 hrs. I rolled my self back to 10 hrs just prior to accepting Sara’s invite to go artifact hunting. Besides flying to New Atlantis from the mining site started area, I limited myself to New Atlantis, doing local quests to get comfortable with game mechanics.

New Atlantis:
  • I become a part time UC Security Officer, so I picked up an item at a dead drop, and helped with a short investigation regarding a dispute and a diamond ring.
  • I helped a scientist investigating vibration coming from a tree (which is ongoing).
  • I visited The Well, the lower industrial area of New Atlantis to help Louisa Reyez find a power leak (Tapping The Grid) And my first exposure to the Trade Authority which seems perfectly suited to The Well. It’s the TA who you sell your contraband too. From a navigation standpoint , this quest is a bear, until you discover that scanner mode (F key) provides convenient pointers on the floor to your next destination, which makes up for a non-existent city map.
  • I helped a bartender get an ingredient she needed to create a new fantastic drink out of UC impound.
  • Ship crew members can be expensive $16k at this point is a bit much, however I was surprised that I was able to persuade Gideon Aker, (Ballistic Weapon Systems ★ ★, Missile Weapon Systems ★ ★) to hire on for half price. Find them in bars and around the spaceport, and word has it the ones with names are better choices, but are more expensive.

Skills- Every skill point is applied as soon as it was earned. And I’m cognizant of every skill, acting in a manner to raise skills. Some are easy as long as the skill has been acquired.
  • Persuasion quite a bit of that in the game, just use the persuasion dialog.
  • Sneak, have a sneak skill and perform attacks from stealth. Easier said than done. it seems more difficult to sneak up on someone than other Bethesda titles. Still looking for a pistol with a silencer, looking for anything that is silenced.
  • Pistol, shotgun, rifle, laser certifications- kill with them.
  • Fitness- it’s stupid, fighting, running, melee should be enough. But I’ve decided, I don’t like melee in space suits, in this game, at least with blades. To raise this skill, run until not only are you out of O2, but also max out your CO2.
Pilot skills talk- @maflynn you may have a point about the higher level ships, but I do want the best combat ship. I don’t yet have a feel for how fun cargo hauling might be.

Pilot skill is a must and for getting acclimated, the UC Simulator is amazing. The best, easiest way to level your skills without jeopardizing youself or ship. You have to join and swear allegiance to the UC. I have no issues with the United Colonies at this point.

Don’t skip the museum. This is really an inventive way to fill you in on the history of humanity without being made to talk to a bunch of people or read a bunch of history books. Just before swearing you in, Commander Tuala even notes how many of the museum displays you watched.

Pilot skills are so important to me, that I held off on the main quest with Sara (looking for artifacts) to join the UC, complete the simulator flight exam (repeatable) and go on my “routine“ probationary mission*. 😉😉 They expected me to use my own ship… 😐, well it’s not technically my ship. 🤔

This mission is an eye opener, tense, fun, but easily completed. My guess is this is just a taste of what’s to come.

One way to approach questing:
What I try to do is spread myself around. I never let urgency push me to do a particular thing first. In this environment, other than perishable cargo runs, the stories wait for you to get to them. Based on what I’ve read and IMO, the best way to approach this is:
  • Say hello at The Lodge and join Constellation. Tell Sarah Morgan you have some things to do before starting,
  • Do some some side quests at New Atlantis to get comfortable.
  • Get your Pilot skill.
  • Hustle over to The MAST and join the UC, complete your pilot exam, get sworn in, and take off on your probationary mission which is an eye opener.
  • Come back to New Atlantis report in to Commander Tuala, and revisit the the simulator which raises your pilot skills. But don’t continue this quest line yet.
  • Continue with and complete the main quest: The Old Neighborhood.

I run hot and cold on this. I spent my Friday grinding the pilot skills and now I can fly a class c ship but I'm rather happy with the class A ships that I have.
…until you start getting your butt kicked by other ships? 😛

Space Combat- Now I’m not sure of the best way to approach space combat. In the simulator, it seems like each level in the simulator, is upped by adding more enemy ships. And if you are in a 1v5 fight, I’m more likely to run away. :)

On the early stage of the main quest line (Venus orbit?) you have to sneak up on a satellite to collect data with 3 enemy ships nearby. I’ve made a save and plan on testing this scenario soon. :)

In the stimulator, flying straight at the enemy only takes you so far. You are shooting them and they are shooting you. For missiles, I have not found the flair/decoy button. What I’ve been doing is as soon as the enemy icons pop in, I hit boost and fly 90-180 degrees away from them, then hard turn. The best is when you end up on their tails, fairly close. A lot of asteroids may help. Be ready to hit boost, when they hit boost.

They have shields and I’m still trying to figure out if I should knock down their shields with ballistics or lasers, and then switch to the other and at what point to use missiles, after shields down… ?? Trying to remember what Honor Harrington did. :D

Karma/Consequences- Now regarding Karma, I think that would be a good feature. I do know that when I snuck up on a facility. after fighting a bunch of pirates and shot a civilian (based on assumption), Sarah Morgan, my follower went ballistic, “I’m not participating in the murder of civilians!!!” as she fled the scene. Now, I should have pursued this and see if she was still with and would forgive me, but I just said “oops” and reloaded a save. 🤔
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Added a Skill Section to Post 1
Character Skill List:
Figuring out what you want to be: See Post13- bottom of this page for more info including a list.
How Skills Work: Raising skills in Starfield may not work the same was as in other games, including previous Bethesda Titles. For example, In Fallout 4, Sneak is an Agility perk and once you get it, you can sneak (crouch) to your hearts content and raise your Sneak Skill continuously.

In Starfield, you have to choose the skill, and then there is a specific action required to raise each skill. For the sneak skill, attack from stealth. Actually I'm not exactly sure what that means other than I think it means attack from a position where you have not been discovered, not seen, and not sure if a death is required or not.

So every skill has a specific requirement. Some are easier than others. For Persuasion, you just have to persuade someone, this comes naturally when the situation arises. But look at fitness, this is the silliest one I've seen. You have to run continuous until you 02 meter depletes, and then a red bar starts to climb, once that maxes out you'll more or less be forced to stop and you will have raised your skill 1 point. The to reach level 2 would be to do this 20 times to compete Level 1.

Look at the Pilot skill, you can fly a ship without the Pilot Skill, but you can't raise your pilot skills without choosing this skill and killing enemy ships. And until you raise this skill, you'll be limited to flying Class A ships. As far as I know, you can't have a character fly you around, like in X4: Foundations.

Skills I want: The game does not have official character classes, you just assemble what you want. I think the trick is not to spread yourself too thinly. So not a build, more of a starting point. Although you could say all skills are valuable some or more important the stone you get them. I bolded my desired skills.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
2Oct- Split Ship combat from Combat adding new section:
Ship Combat
  • Lasers vs Ballistics/Missiles
    A quote from online:
    Lasers are better for taking out shields, ballistics for hull. In other sci-fi lore, ballistics generally are used to do structural damage, whereas energy weapons are reserved for degrading energy -based defenses.
    *As a general rule lasers first, missiles, then ballistics/missiles.
  • When upgrading ships look at weapon stats- Some weapons damage both shields and hulls.
  • Heal your ship in mid-combat using Ship Parts- They'll heal 40% of your hull HP over 10 seconds. But they're very heavy, so make sure they're kept in your ship cargo hold rather than your personal inventory. Link


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Food for thought on shipbuilding.

Building wide, does not increase the number of connection points you can attach items too, building long or tall does. I'm rethinking the ship I'm building because of that little factoid. It has a lot of heft, but it lacks connections points
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Food for thought on shipbuilding.

Building wide, does not increase the number of connection points you can attach items too, building long or tall does. I'm rethinking the ship I'm building because of that little factoid. It has a lot of heft, but it lacks connections points
Interesting, I’d think that wide would provide more mount points, but not arguing. I’d be interested in hearing what changes you decide on. In the realm of ship building I’ve done none. Can you by chance do a ship build in the status of a simulator? Where you can put it together and see the insides before committing yourself to the expense?

These ecliptic ships I commanderred, I‘d be interested to see what the possibilities are in a rebuild mode without spending the funds. If you remove part of a ship, does this produce a credit? I’m likely at this point to infuse my bank account so I can play with build mode…
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Ship Building
  • Can you start a build, leave it as unfinished, and will it remain as a project?
  • Can Ship parts be salvaged from other ships? I'll assume no...
  • For the Echo Build Ship link, it has requirements of approximately L45 player, plus Piloting 4, Starship Design 4 . This is for parts unlock.
Echolog Design:
  • If you look at that link, there is a "Discovery model" by Elrigh, linked to down in the comments, of which I prefer that design. Partial Link: //

  • The Wide Flight Deck, do you know what level pilot or ship designer that it takes? Until I can place that part, I won't start building it...
My tendency, if I can start a project and keep it saved, would be to start something, (currently Piloting B ships) and see how far I can get, then come back later to work on it some more. Will this work? Thanks! 🤔
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Interesting, I’d think that wide would provide more mount points
So in this example, I have 6 habs, 3 on the top, 3 on the bottom. I only have 8 access points available on the side. The long ship on the bottom as 16 access points (12 on the upper habs, 4 on the lower) on the side - granted this is an unrealistic example, but I wanted to highlight the logic. (I'm only counting side mounts as that is what is impacted with wide vs. long)


Can you start a build, leave it as unfinished, and will it remain as a project?
Sadly no, I think you need to live with a Frankenstein sort of ship, adding components you want but not deleting components that you don't want until you have access to all that you need
Can Ship parts be salvaged from other ships? I'll assume no...
No trading parts from different ships you have
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
So I see a lot of these videos, that if you go to this system, or that system, either on very hard or very easy then you'll see a crap ton of class C ships landing for you to commandeer. I have yet to see any of these, I did get one class C ship, but these tutorial videos are naming specific ships. I suspect I may need to be a higher level. I'm currently at level 40, and it seems some things open up after level 45. I may grind at my outpost to get to level 46 and see if that changes anything.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
So I see a lot of these videos, that if you go to this system, or that system, either on very hard or very easy then you'll see a crap ton of class C ships landing for you to commandeer. I have yet to see any of these, I did get one class C ship, but these tutorial videos are naming specific ships. I suspect I may need to be a higher level. I'm currently at level 40, and it seems some things open up after level 45. I may grind at my outpost to get to level 46 and see if that changes anything.
Regarding surveying and outposts.
Outposts, an opinion posted online: not worth it. The purpose of an outpost is to create more outposts… These are not like Fallout 4 settlements. Now if you can make an outpost and use it to generate something if value, raw material, finished products, and setup a trade network, I might be interested. Mist likely I will set up at least one outpost, just to see how it works.

What has been your experience?

Regarding surveys, I’ve been doing them, and when I start with a 90-95% surveyed planet, it does not seem to take too long. But at the first planet I visited that was about 30% surveyed, it’s taking way too long for my tastes. I’ve landed at 4 different places, on Denebola I-b and I will say that exploring can be interesting but it’s more of a relaxing, sprint across the landscape trying to finf the variety of minerals, flora, and fauna to complete the survey.

Randon surveys might be distinguished “survey missions” as far as value.
Survey missions are the most difficult and time-consuming missions in Starfield, but at the same time, they are the ones that yield the most rewards, like experience, Credits, and reputation.

It‘s been stated that for the time spent, there are other more interesting and lucrative activities the player can do, but that might be directed at outposts. The big question is how much $$ can you make doing surveys? Do you get paid for a partial survey? The articles I’ve read don’t say. However, if your commerce skills are not leveled, Ivan at The Eye only pays 25%.

As a side note, I’m not mistaken, I’ve also also started seeing repeat facilities Like “abandoned factory“. These are always good places to raise combat skills and gather loot/gear.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Outposts, an opinion posted online: not worth it.
I have a single outpost and its in the Besson system. I saw a YT where that moon or planet (I'm away from the game at the moment) has a bunch of ores in close proximity. Sleeping one hour there equates to like 60 system time, so sleeping that one hour fills up the storage units you built. You can then take them or better yet use them to craft stuff for XP. Basically I use that to grind XP and level up. Sleep an hour, craft the components.

Also with an outpost you can set a landing pad, and when you edit your craft there as opposed to jemison or what not is that you have access to a lot more ship parts. There's still unique parts only located at certain facilities but its easier to build your ship at your outpost
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I have a single outpost and its in the Besson system. I saw a YT where that moon or planet (I'm away from the game at the moment) has a bunch of ores in close proximity. Sleeping one hour there equates to like 60 system time, so sleeping that one hour fills up the storage units you built. You can then take them or better yet use them to craft stuff for XP. Basically I use that to grind XP and level up. Sleep an hour, craft the components.

Also with an outpost you can set a landing pad, and when you edit your craft there as opposed to jemison or what not is that you have access to a lot more ship parts. There's still unique parts only located at certain facilities but its easier to build your ship at your outpost
On your landing pad you have more access to ship parts? I have the impression when a situation exists that a certain piece of equipment is only available at a certain place, you have to fly your ship there to outfit it.

I’ve not yet paid for or visited my dream house, and wonder if it has landing pad…
So in this example, I have 6 habs, 3 on the top, 3 on the bottom. I only have 8 access points available on the side. The long ship on the bottom as 16 access points (12 on the upper habs, 4 on the lower) on the side - granted this is an unrealistic example, but I wanted to highlight the logic. (I'm only counting side mounts as that is what is impacted with wide vs. long)

View attachment 2287417

Sadly no, I think you need to live with a Frankenstein sort of ship, adding components you want but not deleting components that you don't want until you have access to all that you need

No trading parts from different ships you have
When you stack habitats side by side, have you created a large open space, or is each segment a seperate tube with walls and doorways between them?


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
On your landing pad you have more access to ship parts? I have the impression when a situation exists that a certain piece of equipment is only available at a certain place, you have to fly your ship there to outfit it.
Here's my understanding. The planet you visit, be it Jameison, akila city, or Hopetown. They each of ship parts that the others don't. Landing pads have all of those common parts available (for your level), there still some unique parts that various planets have that don't show up at your outpost, but your outpost has more selection then any one planet
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
When you stack habitats side by side, have you created a large open space, or is each segment a seperate tube with walls and doorways between them?
Each hab has a door, so if you stack three 3x1 habs width wise, that doesn't create a defactor 3x3, its 3, 3x1 with each habit having a door
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Each hab has a door, so if you stack three 3x1 habs width wise, that doesn't create a defactor 3x3, its 3, 3x1 with each habit having a door
Are the doors just on the ends or additionally on the sides?

I’m still mulling over if I should approach ship building in a “creative mode”. Does the economics of altering a ship, if a part is removed, is it stored or does it evaporate from further use, and do you get a credit for anything removed? If so, is that credit a % of the original cost?
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Are the doors just on the ends or additionally on the sides?
I think with each different habit type, the doors can be located in the front or rear of the habitat. I'm still playing around with it. There are habitat sections that strictly hallways and so no doors on them, I'm trying to see how best to incorporate them
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