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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Anyone playing? What do you think?
I purchased this on Steam on sale and jumping into the practice mode, the flight controls using keyboard mouse are pretty horrific. I found this link:

...and do have an xBox controller I can connect to my PC, which I'll try soon and see if it's any better.


Erehy Dobon

Feb 16, 2018
No service
I too bought it discounted during Steam's Autumn Sale. I've been busy so I haven't done much other than to fire it up to confirm my copy runs.

The game does display in my Oculus Rift S HMD -- I was compelled to buy this game after reading this game is pretty swank in VR. I wasn't having success getting the game to recognize the Rift controllers but I spent only a few minutes so that will be a project for another day.

Like racing sims, flight sims in VR can be really fun.

Late yesterday, Steam released a new version of their desktop client that supports the PS5 DualSense controller which I picked up a few weeks ago (even before the consoles started shipping).

I'll try Star Wars: Squadrons with the DualSense as well.
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
the flight controls using keyboard mouse are pretty horrific.
For me, these types of games are best played on consoles. I almost bought this for my PS4, but never really pulled the trigger. Maybe if it goes on sale again I will, but my kids have largely taken control over the tv that the PS4 is hooked up too anyways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I too bought it discounted during Steam's Autumn Sale. I've been busy so I haven't done much other than to fire it up to confirm my copy runs.

The game does display in my Oculus Rift S HMD -- I was compelled to buy this game after reading this game is pretty swank in VR. I wasn't having success getting the game to recognize the Rift controllers but I spent only a few minutes so that will be a project for another day.

Like racing sims, flight sims in VR can be really fun.

Late yesterday, Steam released a new version of their desktop client that supports the PS5 DualSense controller which I picked up a few weeks ago (even before the consoles started shipping).

I'll try Star Wars: Squadrons with the DualSense as well.
I’m hesitant to try it on my OR due to nausea.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
It's just me but I'm sick of the Star Wars franchise and will not be getting this.

Best of luck though on getting the controls worked out.
I wanted to do some flying in the Star Wars universe. I have a string of older StarWars games in my library but have not looked at them in years.

T'hain Esh Kelch

macrumors 603
Aug 5, 2001
It is one of the biggest 'I want to play that!' reactions I've had in several years, after watching the trailer. Alas, I don't think my 2011 Mac Mini will run it.. :p

It will be on the top of my to-play list when I finally get a new machine sometime in 2021/22.
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macrumors member
Oct 14, 2017
I spent a lot of time playing all the X-Wing games in the nineties, so Squadrons is like a dream come true. I play on a PS4 Pro with PSVR and the Playstation controller, which I'd like to replace with a HOTAS. I bought the PSVR specifically for this game, and I think it was worth every penny, especially considering how much I would have paid for this experience twenty years ago.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I was playing this on my PC. Based on the learning curve with the practice obstacle course I decided this game was not for me. I have a lot of experience with flight sims over the years, but the sloppy controls with keyboard mouse, turned me off and the obstacle course with sloppy controls was a nightmare so I've requested a refund through Steam. Yes, I could have tried it with my xbox controller, but just decided to stop while I could still get a refund.

Both of my last two space games, Elite Dangerous and X4 worked just fine with keyboard/mouse. I was doing some outstanding dogfighting with W/S A/D Q/E for roll. Plus I have a Nostromo that made inserting the yaw keys very easy. Having to control pitch by moving your mouse forward and back in SWS instead of using W/S was bull ****. :(


Aug 19, 2020
For me, these types of games are best played on consoles.

For me, no flight sim or space sim is ever better on a console. Squadrons is made to be played the way the original X-Wing was played, on a computer with a flight stick.. gamepads are for mario. thrustmasters are for Squadrons..


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
No flight sim or space sim is ever better on a console.
I disagree ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

on a computer with a flight stick..
I can probably go out on a limb and say the majority of those folks playing StarWars Squadrons are NOT playing the game with a flight stick. This is where imo, a console is a better as everything is setup for the controller, just my opinion


Aug 19, 2020
I can probably go out on a limb and say the majority of those folks playing StarWars Squadrons are NOT playing the game with a flight stick.

that doesn't make it better.. it just means the current generation of gamers do not know better. most have never seen an arcade and their idea of video gaming is first person murder games that all look the same. Ive heard that thrustmaster is ramping up production so the current shortage will be reduced soon. FS2020 and Squadrons are driving flight stick sales..

Erehy Dobon

Feb 16, 2018
No service
Some people here are seeing this as an either-or situation (PC with keyboard-mouse or flight stick OR console with gamepad).

That's simply not the case.

One can plug in a cheap gamepad (the Logitech Gamepad F310 is currently $19 at Amazon) into a Windows PC -- or Mac for that matter. Sometimes, a gamepad is the more appropriate input device for a given title.

Star Wars: Squadrons using an Oculus Rift S VR HMD requires something other than the Rift controllers. The game doesn't recognize this input device despite the fact that they have most of the same controls as a standard gamepad (A/B, X/Y buttons, two triggers on each hand, analog stick on each hand). The main thing the Rift controllers is missing is the d-pad.

The aforementioned Logitech cheapie gamepad works quite well with Star Wars: Squadrons.

Some games like Fall Guys really are better with a gamepad anyhow.
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Aug 19, 2020
Some people here are seeing this as an either-or situation (PC with keyboard-mouse or flight stick OR console with gamepad).

That's simply not the case.

One can plug in a cheap gamepad (the Logitech Gamepad F310 is currently $19 at Amazon) into a Windows PC -- or Mac for that matter. Sometimes, a gamepad is the more appropriate input device for a given title.

Star Wars: Squadrons using an Oculus Rift S VR HMD requires something other than the Rift controllers. The game doesn't recognize this input device despite the fact that they have most of the same controls as a standard gamepad (A/B, X/Y buttons, two triggers on each hand, analog stick on each hand). The main thing the Rift controllers is missing is the d-pad.

The aforementioned Logitech cheapie gamepad works quite well with Star Wars: Squadrons.

Some games like Fall Guys really are better with a gamepad anyhow.

nobody is advocating playing Squadrons with a keyboard and mouse. I refunded mine on steam until my thrustmaster arrived. if you don't have access to a flight stick, the controller is definitely better than a keyboard and mouse but that would be true of any "flight sim" since the 80s... his article seems to deal with fps and sports games only so it's irrelevant to Squadrons anyway.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Some people here are seeing this as an either-or situation (PC with keyboard-mouse or flight stick OR console with gamepad).

That's simply not the case.

One can plug in a cheap gamepad (the Logitech Gamepad F310 is currently $19 at Amazon) into a Windows PC -- or Mac for that matter. Sometimes, a gamepad is the more appropriate input device for a given title.

Star Wars: Squadrons using an Oculus Rift S VR HMD requires something other than the Rift controllers. The game doesn't recognize this input device despite the fact that they have most of the same controls as a standard gamepad (A/B, X/Y buttons, two triggers on each hand, analog stick on each hand). The main thing the Rift controllers is missing is the d-pad.

The aforementioned Logitech cheapie gamepad works quite well with Star Wars: Squadrons.

Some games like Fall Guys really are better with a gamepad anyhow.
Although I have joysticks, I don’t want to mess with them, and have played several space games just fine with keyboard mouse, so does Squadrons have an excuse? :)

Erehy Dobon

Feb 16, 2018
No service
Look, no one can please everyone all the time.

You bought Squadrons and were dissatisfied with the gameplay with keyboard & mouse. Understandable.

You also have an Xbox videogame controller that you were too lazy to plug in. A little head scratching since the cost to you is nothing and the gamepad analog stick's physical movement more closely replicates the pilot's stick in the game (and all the movies for that matter).

I have tried this game in VR with my Oculus Rift S and the keyboard/mouse combination is not a plausible interface because you can't see the keyboard. It works pretty well with that cheapo Logitech gamepad.

I thought you already returned this game for a refund. Why not move on with your life? It's not like the game devs are going to radically change the control interface.

Do you just want to pout and complain because you were too lazy to grab your Xbox controller and plug it into your computer? What a wonderful attitude heading into the long holiday weekend.
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