OP said:The Liar did a flawless presentation that day. He managed to generate worldwide attention on a simplistic device that had essentially been around in other forms for what, maybe ten years? Not sure when the first tablets came out, but folks, this concept is anything but "new and revolutionary" as pontificated by The Liar.
People placed their faith and their money in the very words The Liar stated during that press conference. He told them it was miraculous revolutionary reasonably priced device would transform the way the conducted their lives.
That it would come with "unlimited" service for $30.00. That's right folks $30.00, and you won't be tided into that plan, you can change it anytime you want, go up one month go down another. You won't be harnessed to contract, free to cancel anytime you want!
Shame on him and shame on us for believing his crap!
1312 words just to rant about the CEO of a company not even directly in charge of the cellular service that you're actually p*ssed about?
Some people have too much time on their hands.
Well I didn't read the whole thing but quite frankly I feel lied to as well.
Twice even!
The first time was when the iPhone 3G came out and Steve stood on the stage and gave the price at $199 only he forgot to mention that this price was ONLY for new subscribers! OKAY I learned my lesson. The devil is in the details. It's my obligation to check the details and not believe everything that is said. So okay, I moved on. Now again I ordered the Ipad 3G under the again stage presentation that one could turn off and on and unlimited plan at will. I haven't even taken possesion of the device and that plan is gone. I will be grandfathered in but I HAVE TO stay on that plan in order to keep it. So I feel lied to again. Only this time the details did infact state that you could turn it off and on!!! Now I understand that there was no contract and it was month to month and a comany has the right the change plans. HOWEVER the ethical problem I have with this is that is was done only 35 days after it was advertised!!! There has not been one single cycle where anyone who got a 3G on day one to be able to take advantage of the off and on cycle that was advertized and used to sell the device like a fool like me did. So sorry, go ahead and flame me. It is how I feel. I can't change that! I still love my iPhone and I have no problem with the tiered plan for it because like I said, they have the right the change plan rates. But changing the iPad plan in just 35 days is in my mind BEING LIED TOO!
No use trying to convince anyone around here, people like us are crazy if we think The Liar is anything but a God!
And for those people who can not understand, or choose to ignore the duplicity in this bait and switch scheme, probably concocted by both parities, well, you can go along your merry way, enjoy the Apple cocktail The Liar in chief will sell you tomorrow and runout and pre order your new, oh so cool device from the folks at cupertino!
Cheers fanboys!
btw they started working on the ipad first and once the OS was created steve decided to make a phone with it. which was pretty smart cause I don't think the iPad would of been a success if there wasnt already a huge preinstalled base of people who are familiar with how it works.
Because the tablets of ten years ago, the Kindle, and the iPad have much in common other than shape.
You deserve it. I am happy that this happened to you.
Happened to me?, my friend if you have an iPad purchased recently it happened to you too..
Persoanly, this is a lesson in what not to do in dealing with customers, that is of course unless my customers are lemmings and will buy anything i tell them to buy that is.
This change will never affect me, I don't use that much of the unlimited service ever!
I'll keep it just because who knows, right? I might want to use more one day but its doubtful.
It's the point, as another intelligent poster commented, 35 days into this they change the rules. Sure some can look at it the way ATT would like you to look at it, bottom line is, 35 days, after introduction they changed the rules and to me that's BS!
Sorry you all don't see it that way but it would be asking a lot to have a forum dedicated to someone who tells bold faced lies to sell a product to believe otherwise!
It seems to me that perhaps the OP should be more concerned about the CEO of AT&T since Apple doesn't control the cost of cellular service? And if you bought an iPad... weren't you just as fooled as the "rest" of us? And if you didn't buy an iPad well... why complain about it?
Additionally, how much data have you used on your unlimited 3G service anyway?