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macrumors 603
Original poster
Aug 1, 2008
Vancouver, BC
This is getting a bit ridiculous. Both FCPX and Logic X got overhauled recently and some updates in the last couple of days to take advantage of the new Mac Pro hardware. But not a peep about Aperture. Perhaps it's still coming, but I'm really starting to lose faith. :(
This is getting a bit ridiculous. Both FCPX and Logic X got overhauled recently and some updates in the last couple of days to take advantage of the new Mac Pro hardware. But not a peep about Aperture. Perhaps it's still coming, but I'm really starting to lose faith. :(

LOL. Starting to lose faith? Why are you still waiting? I thought "Apple doesn't need to release Aperture 4". Aren't all of the iOS updates added to it enough? ;)

To be honest, I thought they'd have it out by now. But since they still haven't released RAW support for the Fuji X-E2, a camera that's been out for 2 months now, it only adds to my fury towards Aperture inferiority vs Lightroom.
LOL. Starting to lose faith? Why are you still waiting? I thought "Apple doesn't need to release Aperture 4". Aren't all of the iOS updates added to it enough? ;)

To be honest, I thought they'd have it out by now. But since they still haven't released RAW support for the Fuji X-E2, a camera that's been out for 2 months now, it only adds to my fury towards Aperture inferiority vs Lightroom.

Funny enough seeing you here so quickly. ;) I'm starting to wonder if I'm the last one using Aperture. :D

All kidding aside, if it wasn't for NIK, I probably would have switched by now, but probably not to Lightroom - Capture One seems like the next best choice.

For one of the richest companies in the world, Apple does seem to suffer from an strange inability to update some of it's products. It's confounding.

It is really disappointing how Aperture is so far behind the competition. The only thing that keeps me using it is Photostream. Otherwise, I would have switched a long time ago.

I was expecting an update today, but that didn't happen. At this point, I am afraid Apple abandoned the development of an all-new version of Aperture. It is really sad.
Funny enough seeing you here so quickly. ;) I'm starting to wonder if I'm the last one using Aperture. :D

All kidding aside, if it wasn't for NIK, I probably would have switched by now, but probably not to Lightroom - Capture One seems like the next best choice.

For one of the richest companies in the world, Apple does seem to suffer from an strange inability to update some of it's products. It's confounding.

This is why you can't rely on Apple, who's main concern is profits from iOS, to be your pro software platform. I rather have that by someone who's bread and butter depends on it, and that's Adobe. I've been using it since CS2 and LR2 and now I'm on their CC subscription. I've gone through various cameras over the years, and they are always the first with support. This is why I continue to support them.

I tried using Aperture a few times in the past whenever I got a new camera (fresh start type of thinking) but it never fails - new camera support is always a couple of months off with Aperture. Oh well, they always worked in Lightroom. And now with my X-E2, it seems to be the same scenerio with Apple.
Funny enough seeing you here so quickly. ;) I'm starting to wonder if I'm the last one using Aperture. :D

All kidding aside, if it wasn't for NIK, I probably would have switched by now, but probably not to Lightroom - Capture One seems like the next best choice.

For one of the richest companies in the world, Apple does seem to suffer from an strange inability to update some of it's products. It's confounding.

Nah, plenty of people still use it :D. To me I haven't seen a compelling reason to move to LR and like you, if I were going to switch, I'd likely move to C1. I don't have the Stacks-o-Cash that Razeus has :) so I don't have camera support I desperately need. Also, I'd still likely use PT Lens for any troublesome lenses, still Nik/Topaz/onOne and my grab bag of RAW processors, including ACR via Photoshop. I'd still use Nik/Topaz noise plugins because I like their results better than LR's and I still prefer Aperture's general flow much better too.
it really does stink not to have an updated Aperture.
Though perhaps there is something they are working on that will be a "really nice" feature that isn't quite there and they don't want to update until that piece is golden. (well, hoping to be the case)

And when you click on Pro Apps (on the website), 2 out of 3 are dark grey backgrounds and use the "X" moniker.

Aperture looks to be the oddball.
Another Aperture whine fest. Either continue to use it or move on to LR or other program.

Either way, stop whining, get out and take photos!
Apple might be working on Aperture for iOS then on OS X later. Be patience. If not, you can enjoy Adobe Lightroom on Windows computer for now. :apple:
just a note, I do use Aperture 3. I told my brother about it...he has some earlier version on an older Macbook. He is looking at getting a new computer and possibly a new version of Aperture...but I told him to hold off on Aperture for now. no sense in getting it now when Aperture 4/X is "surely" around the corner.
This is getting a bit ridiculous. Both FCPX and Logic X got overhauled recently and some updates in the last couple of days to take advantage of the new Mac Pro hardware. But not a peep about Aperture. Perhaps it's still coming, but I'm really starting to lose faith. :(

Take more picture and stop wining..
Ok, I took your advice, and took a bunch more pictures over the holidays, but I won't stop "wining". ;)

Now... where's that new version of Aperture to edit all these fine photos :confused:

Good news! I just checked, and if you launch Aperture 3.5.1, it still works! :D

In all seriousness of course, everyone gets the frustration, but Aperture today does work very, very well. You can process those holiday pictures to your heart's content!
I think I'm more amazed that there's still no support for the X-E2.

Have you found Adobe's xtrans processing to have improved much with latest release of ACR? I've been toying with getting an x100s for walking around and I know even a few months ago, ACR was still reportedly not up-to-par compared to, say C1, Iridient or Photo Ninja.
Have you found Adobe's xtrans processing to have improved much with latest release of ACR? I've been toying with getting an x100s for walking around and I know even a few months ago, ACR was still reportedly not up-to-par compared to, say C1, Iridient or Photo Ninja.

I have zero issues with Adobe and X-Trans. The whole issue is overblown, thanks to internet forums.
Yes, but for how long will it be $9.99? First you get people hooked, then you change it to $19.99

Then, $29.99, etc, etc. That's the exact reason that I haven't not signed up for CC. If they locked you in at $9.99/mo with no "deadline", I'd have signed up long ago. As it sits though, I'm doing just fine w/Aperture and CS6 so I'm not going the CC route since there is no indication of what future pricing looks like.
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