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I agree that Aperture is not broken... it does work great with what it can do. It's what it can't do that's the problem. For example, How do you correct lens distortion? What about high-ISO noise reduction? These are just a couple of basic capabilities that a lot of photographers need that Aperture lacks. Of course, we have plugins to do these things in Aperture, but they are more time consuming and create extremely large TIFFs in the process.

I don't like Lightroom for a number of reasons, it's UI, the way it renders my 5D3 RAW files out of the box, and it's highlights and shadows sliders, which is why I won't switch to LR (although that hasn't stopped a lot of people).

Amen, brother! I find AP3.5 to be fine for my needs. Along with a few preset collections (Gavin Seim, for example), I can manipulate photos from my 5D3 or SL1 easily and get great results. That said, I do hope AP4 comes out soon with at least the features you mentioned.
New Aperture camera RAW profiles were just updated. It's no surprise that Fuji X-E2 STILL isn't supported as of January 20, 2014.

Feedback sent.
I tried Capture one for about 3 hours last night... not a fan of the UI so i'll be sticking with aperture. Would be nice to see an update but as and when it is ready :)
Been following the "No Aperture 4" threads for some time - and admit that I have also been bitten by the "I-wish-Apple-would-upgrade-Aperture bug". While I get that a new version doesn't guarantee anything but a new number, I personally can echo some of the wish list of lens correction and high ISO noise issues.

That being said, seeing Lightroom and such upgraded more frequently at least gives the IMPRESSION that Apple is allowing Aperture to languish a bit. I totally get that impression and reality are often entirely different.

But from at least a marketing point of view, Adobe and others could make the case that Apple cares very little for Aperture and it's users. Is it fair? Not necessarily. But again, people make choices based on impression as much as reality. Think about Steve's reality distortion field...

My $0.02 anyway...
It is really disappointing how Aperture is so far behind the competition. The only thing that keeps me using it is Photostream. Otherwise, I would have switched a long time ago.

I was expecting an update today, but that didn't happen. At this point, I am afraid Apple abandoned the development of an all-new version of Aperture. It is really sad.

WHY? What are you missing? What isn't working??
You want flashy colors? Buttons left instead of right?
Perfect products don't need updates. You want updates? Switch to windoose
WHY? What are you missing? What isn't working??
You want flashy colors? Buttons left instead of right?
Perfect products don't need updates. You want updates? Switch to windoose

I guess you will be switching to "windoose" given that OSX gets updates and we also see Apple hardware get updates.

Aperture is often falling behind the curve and you can base it on an absolute or relative basis (with respect to counterpart software running on OSX or "windoose").

Aperture is a nice piece of software that doesn't get the attention it deserves from Apple. I don't use Aperture for this reason. I live in a world of Capture One Pro and Photoshop CS6 (wont join Adobe's greedy subscription service).
I have retired a few software applications as they don't suit my needs at present including DXO and Lightroom I am only interested in what works for me AND is well supported by their makers.
Aperture is a nice piece of software that doesn't get the attention it deserves from Apple. I don't use Aperture for this reason. I live in a world of Capture One Pro and Photoshop CS6 (wont join Adobe's greedy subscription service).

I don't use it but I know it's still in development. They will release an optimized version (MacPro friendly). I don't know if the release number will stay the same.

When you buy something you should be happy with it's current state, not the release rate that comes after (unless it's buggy).

Lightroom and RawTherapee (free and frequent updates) are valid alternatives.
I don't use it but I know it's still in development. They will release an optimized version (MacPro friendly). I don't know if the release number will stay the same.

When you buy something you should be happy with it's current state, not the release rate that comes after (unless it's buggy).

Lightroom and RawTherapee (free and frequent updates) are valid alternatives.

We agree that a software purchase serves us best when it starts out with what we need and works well. For me, upgrades should only be needed when they are necessary or, when additional features are added. I use Photoshop CS6 and the new subscription version* has added some very nice features that Adobe will never give to us that hold on to CS6 that we purchased for major $$$. However, CS6 has exactly what I need to do the work I do (photo restoration). Lightroom is a nice software and like Aperture, has many fans. I find that because I also do photography with Fuji X cameras, Capture One Pro was a better fit than either Lightroom or Aperture in handling X RAF files. (The alternative may have been to use Photo Ninja for RAW/RAF, then either Lightroom or Aperture to continue into TIFF adjustments and catalog of files.
I'm still hoping Apple will update Aperture, but I love the design of it, over LightRoom. The way I work, I use multiple libraries, and its so much easier to manage one monolithic library then the catalog/file structure of Lightroom.

With iWork and iLife being updated, I'm a little more upbeat about seeing Aperture updated but to be honest I think much of the professional community has move on to Lightroom and thus Aperture is more of a Prosumer product that is mostly a niche at this stage - probably not worth the investment by apple to release a major upgrade
Still no Aperture 4!

I don't see a problem using the best raw processing software - capture one pro as main tool and aperture as DAM with the purpose of sharing pics (either via Aperture or built in iPhoto which is the only one now built into iWorks). Both used as reference meaning they access the same raw images stored in external drive. All what's stored in internal drive (if u have a large one) are capture one and aperture catalog files. Mine both are stored in another external drive. And I only use G Drives btw. That's it. U want plugins - aperture (but every pic from the set will look different). U want the best quality (maybe printing large later one) then u have capture one. Nothing else is worth using. Lightroom is 1/5 of what capture one is plus quality of processes images are horrible (same as aperture anyway).
WHY? What are you missing? What isn't working??
You want flashy colors? Buttons left instead of right?
Perfect products don't need updates.

Macworld had a pretty nice list of suggested features:
# Lens distortion correction
# Non-destructive plug-in functionality
# Built in watermarking
# Gradient filters
# Noise reduction controls
# Dust removal
# HDR processing
# Adjustment history
# Tilt shift options
# Web gallery tools

You want updates? Switch to windoose

That's just uncalled for, you have to be able to criticize products and software. How else will things improve? :)
Macworld had a pretty nice list of suggested features:
# Lens distortion correction
# Non-destructive plug-in functionality
# Built in watermarking
# Gradient filters
# Noise reduction controls
# Dust removal
# HDR processing
# Adjustment history
# Tilt shift options
# Web gallery tools

That's just uncalled for, you have to be able to criticize products and software. How else will things improve? :)

It's going to be interesting to see what Apple comes out with. The above is a wish list that says "I want Aperture to be like Lightroom" (at least to me). Hopefully it will be a mixture of the above and a different perspective. After all, if they were exactly the same, then we couldn't have endless threads on Aperture-vs-Lightroom :).
I don't see a problem using the best raw processing software - capture one pro as main tool and aperture as DAM with the purpose of sharing pics (either via Aperture or built in iPhoto which is the only one now built into iWorks). Both used as reference meaning they access the same raw images stored in external drive. All what's stored in internal drive (if u have a large one) are capture one and aperture catalog files. Mine both are stored in another external drive. And I only use G Drives btw. That's it. U want plugins - aperture (but every pic from the set will look different). U want the best quality (maybe printing large later one) then u have capture one. Nothing else is worth using. Lightroom is 1/5 of what capture one is plus quality of processes images are horrible (same as aperture anyway).

Post a comparison so we can see how crappy Lightroom is...:cool:
It's going to be interesting to see what Apple comes out with. The above is a wish list that says "I want Aperture to be like Lightroom" (at least to me). Hopefully it will be a mixture of the above and a different perspective. After all, if they were exactly the same, then we couldn't have endless threads on Aperture-vs-Lightroom :).
Even if all those features were added, there still be the library/catalog handling and UI to discuss.
Post a comparison so we can see how crappy Lightroom is...:cool:

I did a review of Aperture, C1, and LR a year ago and while all three programs can be "adjusted" to achieve the same image, Capture One, produced the nicest image out of the box. Aperture and LR could match C1 with adjustments, but to my taste at least, C1 produced the best image from my RAW files without any adjustments. That can be a huge time saver. Never the less, to this day, I'm still using Aperture (and perhaps more importantly... NIK).

Here's the thread...
I did a review of Aperture, C1, and LR a year ago and while all three programs can be "adjusted" to achieve the same image, Capture One, produced the nicest image out of the box. Aperture and LR could match C1 with adjustments, but to my taste at least, C1 produced the best image from my RAW files without any adjustments. That can be a huge time saver. Never the less, to this day, I'm still using Aperture (and perhaps more importantly... NIK).

Here's the thread...

Quite good comparison. I compares over 500 images in last few months on my both 27" equally calibrated iMacs standing next to each other. The amount of details without loss of quality in 100-200% zooms in processed images by Capture One compared to Lightroom or Aperture is incredible. Most of pics processed by LR or AP once zoomed a bite were useless (print for example) I agree for screen they could be more then fine but let's say u wanna print some images. U screwed...

I ain't fool and owning iMacs, rMBP and all Apple hardware I like Aperture and it's integration. Don't get me wrong. There is no hate or love. However I put pic quality first that's why I primarily use C1 though.
Quite good comparison. I compares over 500 images in last few months on my both 27" equally calibrated iMacs standing next to each other. The amount of details without loss of quality in 100-200% zooms in processed images by Capture One compared to Lightroom or Aperture is incredible. Most of pics processed by LR or AP once zoomed a bite were useless (print for example) I agree for screen they could be more then fine but let's say u wanna print some images. U screwed...

I ain't fool and owning iMacs, rMBP and all Apple hardware I like Aperture and it's integration. Don't get me wrong. There is no hate or love. However I put pic quality first that's why I primarily use C1 though.

Interesting. I suppose if all you ever do is convert your RAWs to JPEGs with a few minor adjustments, C1 is great.

However, I'm of the mind that there's rarely a photo which benefits from global adjustments. At the very least, the subject needs different adjustments than the background, the highlights need different adjustments from the shadows, and so on. And unfortunately, highlights/shadows sliders and even brushes are simply too crude for these kinds of adjustments. I'm curious how you address this with C1?
I've recently 'converted' to C1 and so far i love it! Still has a lot i dont know how to use but pretty intuitive

How do you have your images organized - in the catalog, or referenced?

I found the keywording process to be cumbersome, but the access to the meta data seems quite expansive.
I have them all organised in catalogue, set up a tiered serup with folders and projects inside them, i love it and hope that i can pull off the kind of imaging i want for my photography work going forward.
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